At The Bar

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Chapter 2

Hawks POV

That wasn't that bad, I thought to myself as I exited the room. Who wouldve thought villians were polite. 

I reentered the bar, hearing a light melody playing.

"And the piano, it sounds like a carnival.

And the microphone smells like a beer"

Through the dim light, I saw Dabi, Twice, Shigaraki, sitting at the bar, with Toga who had somehow fallen asleep. Behind the bar was a villain I knew to be called Kurogiri, who poured them another round.

The source of the music came from the piano,where a man wearing a tophat sat, clinking at the keys. Next to him sat a lizard-man with a harmonica, together playing a tune I had never before came across.

"And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar

And say, "Man, what are you doin' here?"

I turned back to the bar, and to my surprise I saw it was actually Dabi who was singing. Hes actually a really good singer… I thought to myself as I watched from the doorway.

"Oh, la, la-la, di-dee-da

La-la, di-dee-da, da-dum"

The light from a single window was hitting the bar at the perfect angle, and I could see particles dancing in its dim golden light.

Then all at once, everyone joined in, (except Toga of course,) for what I assumed to be the chorus, and it was like a scene straight from a movie.

"Sing us a song you're the piano man

Sing us a song tonight

Well we're all in the mood for a melody

And you've got us feelin' alright!"

As the song ended, they all clinked their glasses together with a cheer, and I heard myself clapping. 

Now noticing my presense, their heads turned to me, and I couldnt help but smile when Dabis eyes met mine.

"Well, that was truly a wonderful sight. I didn't know you could sing, Dabi."

I walked over to him and he smirked, "I have plenty of surprises up my sleeves, little bird."

"Oh really? I thought there was just more staples in there." I retorted, making the other villians laugh, while Dabi just rolled his eyes. 

Once the laughter ceased, I gazed down at toga. "What happened to her?" I asked. "She downed my glass when I wasn't looking, thinking she could handle it. But nope, shes unsurprisingly a lightweight. Thats what she gets for stealing my drink." 

I raised an eyebrow, "She didn't have her own drink?" I questioned, holding back an amused grin. Dabi just glared at me. "Shes 17. We may be villians, but we do have morals." I chuckled, "Who knew." I took my own seat at the bar, and Kurogiri kindly poured me my own glass. And so the night continued, with more easy laughter and music.

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