Theres A Spy

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Chapter 5

Hawks POV

"So, apparently the heros not only know our base but are also spying on us." Shigaraki said, staring down the members gathered. I gulped, knowing they were going to blame me. Wait, did he say the heros were spying on them? Did they figure it out already?! Its been three days! 

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Dabi? "Calm down, your figeting. Your not the spy they are thinking of." Immediatly I felt myself relaxed. "Sorry…" I mumbled. 

"Yeah! it was, uh, oh right these UA kids! Theyve been watching our base." Twice chimed in. Wait, so Bakugo, Midoriya and Todoroki? Since when? I gulped nervously as Shigarakis eyes landed on me.

"So, as a spy FOR the leuage, why didn't you tell us they were gonna spy on us? Your the number teo hero, sureley youd know? Unless…. Your spying on us, not the other way around." 

"I swear I had no idea. This mustve been what that meeting was about. I swear I have nothing to do with this!" Shigaraki laughed dryly. "Even so, we can't take any chances." 

Unexpectingly, Dabi then stepped forward. "Honestly, what use would that be? That meetinf was on monday, two years ago. Hawks was h e r e. Theres no way he couldve known. We need to figure out what to do with them, not get rid of a helpful source of information." Dabi then rolled his eyes. "Besides, theyre just students. They don't know what theyre doing, they arent expeirenced. Its nothing to realy worry about. Besides, we take portals when leaving for anything important. Them watching us aint gonna affect anything. Besides now we know they know where we are." 

Shigaraki sighed, "fine. Hawks, you know these kids, right?" I nodded. "Well then, you figure out how to get rid of them. They may not be much of a problem, but theyre still a hassle. This is your first mission then. We'll find out if your betraying us soon enough." I nodded. I could do that. Besides, since the leauge already knew of their presence their spying on them was useless anyway. "Understood." I agreed. 

Once everyone broke off I headed to the room now considered mine, the guest room, for while I was here atleast. It was much easier than flying home, tho I'll admit I preferred Dabis room still. It was much nicer, and it was comfy.

Now in the solitude of my room, I sighed in relief. Phew, they didn't catch on yet. If it wasn't for Dabi, I surely woukdve paniced and blown my cover before knowing they werent meaning I was the spy. 

Speaking of, why did dabi help me anyway? He had no reason too. Did he just trust I wasn't a spy already? I doubt it, he doesnt seem like the oblivious kind… so why? Well, whatever the reason was, I wasn't gonna figure it out without asking him, so.

Dabi POV

Once I made it to my room I fell onto my bed face first. I breathed in and sighed out contently. It still smelled like that birdbrain. 

Why did I help him anyway? I mean, I literally defended him not being a spy even tho I knew he was one. That much is obvious. And its not like I wanted the heros to win. Well not that it mattered much. The only one I was truly against was Endeavor, right? I want to watch as I crush him, either figuratively or physiclly.

So why did I defend him? Did I still have some aort of attachment on him? Or…. oh no. I like him again don't I. Shit. Fuck you, birdbrain. You somehow managed to squirm your way into my life and into my heart a second time, even after ten years.

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