Morning After

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Chapter 3

Hawks POV

Ugh… my head. It hurt like hell. I drank alot the night before, I had gotten soninto the night I lost myself. I vaugley remember helping carry Toga to bed, and spending the night dancing. I'm pretty sure there was a point where twice was uo singing on the counter, ….and i ended up joining him. 

Opening and rubbing my eyes, there was one thing for sure. This was NOT my room. I bolted upward, tIhen groaned and placed a hand to my head.  In hindsight, that was not a good idea. 

I gazed around the bedroom, wondering how I got here. Thinkng back to the previous nights events, I ended up remembering Dabis singing. He was…. Actually really good. He put something into the song no one else could.

I heard his husky voices singing in my head, echoing beautifully. The way he sang, as if the rest of the world wasn't there. His eyes half closed, reciting a song he had became familliar with.

His strong jawline moving softly, speaking those lines in a melodic way. The way his gaze was unfocused, and how he seemed far away. His scars contrasting against his unscarred skin beautifully, the drop of sweat on his brow as the drink in his glass swished softly. The light shining on him like a spotlight, and the way his voice seemed to mask over any other sounds as it mingled with the piano.

Suddenly, I snapped out of my thoughts. Wait, was I really thinking about h i m right now? I'm supposed to be figuring out how I got here and where here is. And hes supposed to be my enemy, right? I shouldn't be thinking of him like that…. I shouldn't be thinking about him at all! Lost in my thoughts of confusion of how I should feel, I didn't notice when another person entered the room.

Clearing their throat and making their preference known, I whipped around to see dabi in the doorway with a glass of water. Oh shit- did we? no no i wouldn't have… or would I? I was drunk and I am admittedly attracted to him. 

Dabi raised an eyebrow as he approached me, while I most likely had a face saying 'and thats when he knew, he fucked up' Dabi cleared his throat, "Uh, you okay? Sorry you waking up here probably confused you." Wait, so he knew I was drunk af and still decided to do t h a t with me? Consent, dude! Drunk consent isn't real consent! 

"I brought you here last night cuz you were about to pass out and I don't know where you live, so. Uh right this is my room. Someone trashed the quest room so I couldn't bring you there. Hop you don't mind." Wait, so we didn't…? I suddenly felt disappointed. Wait, why do I feel disappointed?! This should be a relief! 

Dabi walked forward and poked my forehead. "Hello?" I shook my head and focused. "Hello! Sorry, uh, was lost in thought." Dabi snorted, "I figured." He handed me the glass of water and opened his other hand to reveal two pills. "Aspirin. I was guessing you probably have a hell of a migrane." I nodded, "Uh, yeah, thanks." He nodded. "Anyway, I'll get you home when your ready. I'll have Kuro open a portal for us." I nodded again, still lost in thought. "Kay, thanks." With that, Dabi left.

Dabi POV 

As I walked down the hall, I thought of the exchange I just had with Hawks. He seemed completely out of it. I wonder what he was thinking about… What would I think if I woke up alone in someone else's room after being drunk and blacking out? Suddenly, it hit me. Oh. O h. Well its a good thing I cleared THAT up. Though I wonder how he would have reacted if I confirmed that we DID fuck… I shook my head roughly. No no no, theres no use thinking like that right now. 

Tho it wasn't exactly surprising how curious I was. Some of those feelings from when I had that massive crush on him might still be leftover. 

Speaking of the past, he hasn't really changed much. He was still a total lightweight, that was for sure. After two measly glasses he was mad drunk.  He obviously didn't remember a thing, and he immediately jumped to conclusions, too. Even after ten years, it seems Keigo has not changed one bit.

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