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Chapter 6

Hawks POV

If I wanted my answer, this was the way to get it, I supposed. After a moments hesitation, I knocked three times on the door. Tap… Tap…. Tap.

The cracked door opened slowly, and I saw the scarres man i was looking for face first on his ved. "Who is it." Dabi grumbled. 

I smirked slightly and stayed quiet, to which Hawks groaned as he sat up to face me. "Oh. You." I noted how he seemed more awake when he saw it was me. "Yes me, duh" Dabi rolled his eyes. "What do you want."

"Nothing much!" I responded, flopping down onto the bed next to him. "Todays meeting was weird, eh?" Dabi shrugged. "I had no idea those kids were spying on us! Probably what they were talking about at that meeting, but I slept through it." 

Dabi gave me a look saying 'Get to the point.' I grinned, knowing I was messing with him. Maybe I should mess with him a little more, while getting my answers too. 

"Speaking off, thanks for having my back over there!" Dabi sighed, "no problem." I couldnt let that be the end of it tho. "Say, why did you defend me anyway? 

 I watched as the villain moved his broad shoulders up and down slightly as he shrugged, how was he so…. fit? Honestly its not possible for one human to be this hot. Wait, did I say hot? I meaaaan….. 

Clearing my thoughts before I entered another gay panic, I continued on. "So, whyd youndefend me anyway? Its not lije Ive given you any reason to trust me. Is it because you want me to stick around or something?" Wait, is he blushing a little? ….nah, nah, Its just the lighting.

"Why would I want that…" he muttered, looking away. What, is he embarrassed? "Well I can't see any other reason, unless its sonyoubhave to do less work. But thats doubtful since you barely do anything to begin with- so what is it? Youve got me curious." 

"No reason. Your oveethinking it." Dabi replied, making me roll my eyes. "Oh come on scarface, spill. Unless, are you not telling me because it because you like mee? Is that it? Hmmmm?" Why am I talking like this? Fuck this tone i'm using… am I… flirting?! Fuck, abort abort abort-

"Why, birdbrain, you want me to?" Holy shit. Did he just. Flirt. Back. Holy fucking shit. Wait I can't stop now- shit have I gone too far tho? Naaah- its probably fine… he actually flirted back-

Dabi POV

This dumbass was actually flirting with me. Did he realize he was? No idea. And seems my flirting back caught him off gaurd. Well that was one wat to get rid of h-

"Well so what if I did? Hm? Are you gonna do something about it? I mean you have no reason to proctect me, do you? Unless theres something else you wa-"

Annoyed with his endless chatter,I gave in and pressed my lips firmly on hia. So what, I likes him? He was the one that started it. Tho I wouldnt be surprised if this ruined whatever friendship I thought we had.

What I didn't expect was for him to start kissing me back. Slowly but surely, he began to move his lips against mind, and I gasped softly before backing away in shock, removing my lips from his. 

I stared into his eyes, then broke my gaze away and ran out of the room.

Behind me Hawks stood frozen and shocked as to what just happened. 


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