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Im feeling nice and this is easy to do SO here is my complete outline of this story since sorry but im never going to finish it, atleast I dont think so. If I do you wont be reading this ill edit it. But this is a load of nonsense im sorry but i hope itll make enough sense. Yes im sorry its long. Hope it helps ease some hearts to know how it ends (if i had an ending planned idr) the giant paragraph is mostly a rant theres more chapter specific info stuff but here please enjoy.

Um so in the last feew fanfics shiggs was awesome in so we don't wanna make him out to be bad so ignore one for all actually being captured rn-) so one for all actually uses a quirk to make hawks a c t u a l l y evil a few days in and ofc dabs is pissed at this, and because childhood friends- dabi knew from the start hawks was a spy because he knows he would never actually become a villain- so anyway hawks becomes a villain and wafter the two get together before dabi realize one for all used a quirk on hawks, cuz like he becomes more villiany over time ig- and once dabi realizes this hmm dabi actually ends up going to the pro heroes, revealing himself even (ooo that chapter will be fun i love writing stuff like that) so dabi basically joins the pros to stop villain hawks (which causes hawks to have them brek up when he notices dabi doing this which is after awhile) and so eventually hawks gets idk captured by the pros and a filler chapter here where they find someone who can stop quirks (They use aizawa at first but the quirks already in effect so even after he finds the one with that quirk they can't stop it so they have to find someone else who can cancel set quirk effects.) so they have to get hawks back to normal and then enter hearttouching scene where hawks comes back, then someone accidently calls dabi touya after (probably shoto ya lets have him help with this whole thing maybe hes in uh the internship with endeavor at the time- oh shiz i have to ake endeavor not fully evil to make this work awe oh well good ish enji it is) so uh hawks is accidentally showed dabi is touya, more heart wrenching crap, and at the end even the pros are okay with letting dabi be a villain cuz theyve worked together and offer him being a hero but he doesnt take the offer saying the league is his family and stuff instead and more heart warming crap there cuz aweee so by the end dabi is a villain again and hawks is a hero again- then um they are totally together again and even the pros and league are okay with it at this point. Cuz hawks became family with the league and they actually helped him become a hero and like helped with the capture (EEEEE) and the pros kinda bonded with dabi so really everyones happy just where they are by the end, villains and heroes still are enemies but really theyre connected now and eee i love it so much pff i mean imagine a more healthy “Challenges and fighting” between heros and villains like even friendly ish liiiike yes. Y e s. This is my life now. Pff

Chapter planning:

Meet the leauge

Piano scene

Hawks wakes up and slighly realizes how hot dabs is and dabi realizing hawks hasnt really changed lmao

hawks being told by ende how deku baku and todo were sent to spy on the leuge from a distance so they could learn twices patterns so he could latter be eliminated- The villians catching on to todo/deku/bakus spying (dabi regconizes shoto immediatly ofc lol and brings this up to the leuge)

 the leauge having a meeting and confronting hawks who acts innocent then dabs protecting him paragraph of hawks doing contemplating why dabi protecting him and brushing it off. cue dabs contemplating why himself but more so and realizing he likes him heh

Cue hawks teasing dabs later and dabs kissing him to shut him up then as red as a tomato before leaving and leaving hawks frozen and shocked. scene here of dabi gay panicing over kissing hawks and hawks also freaking out over it before deciding to go find dabii

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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