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After four years of intense training I am confronted by the man in black in the cabin and he gives me a box, "Why is there a green shard of crystal in here?" I say as he remains quiet but gives me a heartwarming hug to remember how we started to slowly bond with each other from the start. I didn't want to let go but my duty was calling me and I needed to hurry onto the flight. It was a couple hour flight but I was finally back in my original home town Denver, Colorado. As I walk down the streets I try to find the public library so I could get a clue on where Bricklee was but as I truned the corner I see a stream of fire shooting crazy in the sky and I quickly hurry there knowing that was my que. As I get there I see Bricklee but also a blue guy shooting ice at him, they are brawling each other by a unknown power plant that seemed recently built. As the ice guy throws Bricklee into the building he glances around and stops dead center on me, he stares at me for a long brief moment until Bricklee threw a fire ball at his head which turns his attention back to him. I drop my bag with the box inside so I can help the ice guy take down Bricklee but a red streak of light flashes right by me drawing my attention away wondering what just happened, And when I took another step forward a guy appeared behind me and tried to punch me but I quickly duck and hit him in his gut as he grabs me by the collar and throws me through the wall of the power plant. He appears out of thin air as I throw a kunai knife at his leg then grabbed his arm and flipped him over me, as blood drains out of his leg I reach over him pummeling his lights out until he glows red and throws me into a metal barrel that said highly radioactive plasma, DO NOT TOUCH! As the plasma glops all over me I feel a burning sensation until I see the red guy walk up to me and throw some extremely hard blows to my stomach and face, As once again I feel my life quickly draining from me with every one of his punches I see his finish blow coming but a high pitched sound pierced our ears and a green bolt of light shoots at my chest and explodes the powerplant causing blackness for me and a big explosion in the city.

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