Chapter 28

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By one in the morning I start drifting off to sleep and notice that a kinda muffled voice which kinda sounds demonic is talking to me,"You are nothing but a premature puppet, you will fall beneath me as a slave while I destroy what you love..." I then get up sweaty and burning up so I turn on the light and see that I accidently made a giant black burnt mark on their corrinthion leather couch. I get a glass cup of water and sit down on the porch while the cool breeze of the night blows through my hair, thinking about what I have planned today,"So I have to go to the captitol abd recieve something from him and go on a date. Easy enou....wait, I have school too?! Of course you would forget you moron." As I sigh and take a sip of my water I remember that I have too be there around 11:30 or something, and that is during my lunch break. I smile aknowledging how much of a genius I am and take one last gulp of my water and spill the rest onto the grass and go to lay down on the couch. But then I realize I destroyed it so I touch it with my fingers and let the plasma do its work, and when it finishes I lay back down and fall back to sleep. I wake up to Don calling me to breakfast and check my phone too see that it was seven in the morning, I eat my eggs and bacon then get a ride from Don to school hoping that what I had in mind goes to plan. As he parks I go to my first class with Mr.Clark and sit down by Carlos,"Pss, Hey Alize! I got something for your date with that girlfriend of yours." Carlos then slides a little pill into my hand as I look at it confused, as I am about to ask what it is he tells me that since I care about that girl, I should think about keeping her safe, so when we are drinking whatever I would put it in hers and that it should erase her memory of kissing me as Plasma Bullet but then he tells me that I would have to make up a memory to her that is believable to how we met again. I ask,"Why would I want to let her forget my secret identity? I don't want to be like those cliche relationships that make the hero keep lying to his or her companion." He then tells me in a serious tone,"Well it is safer for her because she would be out of harms way from any rogue superhumans out there such as Bricklee or that reverse version of you. Alize, just trust me." I think about it for a bit and nod towards him and saying that I will. But then Clark comes up to me and says,"Yeah Alize go ahead and talk to your friends while i'm giving my lesson, what? Is it not as important as your little problem huh?!" Before I could give my answer he points towards the wall and tells me to do wall sits until my legs give in, then I'd be able to sit back down. As I sit on the wall thinking how stupid this was as a punishment until I start hearing that demonic muffled voice again like if it was speaking into my ear,"We shouldn't have to take this, get up and show them what we are truly made of! Make them rue the day they were born as we rip apart their rib cages and limbs!" I feel a strange surge of energy bursting through my veins and see that my nails are slowly oozing out black goop as I have my plasma pull it back in, but when the green touches the black it then turns into a lifeless grey and darkens into the ooz. I close my eyes trying to focus on keeping everything normal until I get a tap on my shoulder from Clark and look at my nails to see them free of any ooze at all. He then tells me,"Alize, you have been on that wall for a an hour and a half without even flinching once. Are you a runner? You know, someone who jogs everymorning and does track and such?" I raise an eyebrow in confusement of this conversation and what the heck just happened and nod no as he pops a grin and says,"Don't you lie to me boy, You have the obvious build of a track runner. Now I would like to make a deal with you." I look at my legs and realize that I was wearing the shorts from this morning and forgot to get my jeans on, and that my build on my legs were showing a whole lot of detail. He then tells me that if I run track for him during the school year, he will excuse me from his homework assignments and give me the proper equipement. I smile and give my nod of approval as he shakes my hand and sends me with a pass to my next class. After the day goes by super slow, it becomes lunch time and I am excited too go to the capitol, but before I could leave a certain person taps my shoulder and turns me around. "Hey Alize, would you mind if I sat next to you during lunch?" I recognize the voice before seeing her and reply," Sorry Catalina, I'm going out too lunch with another friend." She then looks at my chin and asks,"Why can't I come along?" I then put my finger under her chin and make her eyes have contact with mine as a guy comes by me and hugs her saying,"Surprise baby!" I pull my arm away and look at them both as they kiss right in front of me, making my heart feel like it is going to explode. I then walk away and lead my way into the nearest alley. I put my clothes into my back pack and wipe away my tears as my suit forms around my flesh and finally around my head. I lay on the way for a second catching my thoughts banging my head into the brick wall and straighten myself out. I stretch and throw my bag on the roof and run off to the conference leaving the smashed in wall alone. I make it after getting lost in Cherry Creek and getting directions from the gps on my phone, and walk up the stone stairs to where the news reporters are talking to a old looking man who looks to be in his forties. When he see's me coming everybody crowds around us both recording and taking pictures as he shakes my hand and gives me a plaque saying,"To the most truest and most trusted of heroes out there, I give this plaque to the hero known as Plasma Bullet and declare that he has the power of which our policemen and women share." I smile under my mask feeling so fresh and excited for getting so much positive attention from the people of Denver. The mayor asks me,"Mr.Bullet, would you be so kind and try not to cause damage to our city when fighting others and getting around? It would mean a lot to us all." I of course agree and get flooded by fans asking for my autograph and other things which are innopropriate. So I make a pen and sign everybodies pictures of me and sign the chest of some woman and a arm of a man, as I run off into the distance I realize that I forgot Blanca in the crowd and go get her. When I get there she is walking away with her whited purse and I go on top of the building with my clothes and change within miliseconds and land behind her after jumping off. She turns around and smiles while grabbing my arm leading to the nearest restraunt and picking our seat by the window as we got our menu's. She reaches for my hand over the table  and tells me about her day, I sit there and listen as it feels like hours are paswsing by but before she finishes the waiter asks our order and gives us each a glass of water which reminds me of the pill. I grab it out of my pocket and tell her to look at the kids across the room, and as she does I drop the pill in her water as it dissolves within seconds leaving nothing behind as she turns around and says,"I can't wait to have kids, especially with the right and responsable guy." She then takes a sip of her water as I  feel regret filling through my body, and seconds later she lays her head down on the table and raises it back up asking how we got here and who I was." Its me Blanca, Alize. We found each other at...the library and I told you about me being in a coma but with a unknown person who lead me back here. And we just finshed our lunch date so I'll see you around ok." I get up and kiss her cheek while jogging off into the distance leaving her sink in all the info.When I get back to school I realize that I am half an hour late to Don's class and hurry there, when I go in the class everyone looks at me and then looks at Don as he is giving a lesson about tangents or something and sit in my seat by Catalina making her scootch away from me a couple inches. I sigh and pay attention to Don as he comes to me and asks for a pass but quickly see's that I have a cut on my forhead and thinks that i just got done fighting some crime and nods at me. I hate myself for lying but I feel relieved for cutting the skin on my forehead and not letting it heal until now and continue on with class.

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