Chapter 13

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I run back to Don's house to see a note on the door saying to meet Carlos at his place around four. As I finish reading the door opens and Don pulls me inside to show me something he seemed very excited about, "Alize I been thinking about fighting beside you and I choose to but don't need anyone hurting my family, so I have been making myself a costume that covers my face so Bricklee can't recognize me!" As i sit down and grin at him for being so creative at his age I watch him as he comes out of his room with a new costume on that is white and purple with a black torso and a big white T with a big purple S by it. I ask him, "And who are you suppose to be?" he replies, "The Synth." I get up and let my suit go over my body and take a selfie with him on his phone and carry him on my back as I run to Carlos's house. When we get there I am astonished by Carlos's mansion, "He didn't tell me he had a mansion!" I yell in excitement and put my clothes on before knocking on the door. A lady opened it and let us in to the basement where Carlos was at and went down the stairs to where he and the ice guy were standing, "Your early." he said as I walk up and see these big cylinder containers made of glass holding a black bird like costume made of matte metal and with a news page on his desk top computer. He opens up the cylinder and puts on the suit and says," I made this armor so if I fought a meta human like you I wouldn't die instantly. Plus I needed a design and I like hawks. Watch feel the chest plates!" I walk up and feel the metal and he tells me, " That my friend is made of hardened nanosecs, nano molecules." I admire his design as he walks to the file on the desk and tosses it to me. "These are the members that have been seen with Bricklee. The one in the red is the technically saying reverse you and the girl in white is Catalina Castello from west, and it seems that weebly guy has joined them. I stumble back in sadness as I realize that the girl that rejected me was a criminal.

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