After school was over I was about to tell Don about what really did happen during lunch, but when I was walking down the hallway I caught a glimpse of Catalina talking to her friend but was looking at a wall, so I walked over to her as she instantly cocked her head towards me when I was about ten feet away and stared at me for a solid minute as I slowley made my way to her, confused about how she could tell it was me out of all the people in the hallway, yet understanding when I realize that she too has superhuman powers. When I get to her, I turn her around towards me and say,"I may not be the best looking obviously, and may not be the most huggable person Catalina, but you know what? I at least deserve some form of decent respect from you. Especially how you love to tease me in front of your boyfriends and leave me feeling wrong on the inside." Next thing I know she kisses me and we walk out the front doors holding hands. Until I blink and realize that I was just staring at her blankly across the hallway hoping what would happen, but it turns out her friends took it the wrong way and told her that I was stalking her as she looked around my way worried of what I was doing. I sigh and sit on the bottom step on the stairs by the vending machines and cup my hands around my face, wishing that I could get what I want, I wanted a different hero path, like when I rescue the girl I get her, Boom! End of story, But nooooo, I have to keep my secrets away from my current girlfriend while getting cock teased by the one who gave me my first kiss. I then swipe my hair hanging in front of my face back into shape and get up, ready to teach anybody who gets in my way a lesson, and wouldn't my luck be at its best, the boy who kissed Catalina walks up to me with his seven friends and pokes my chest saying in a threatning tone,"Why are you stalking my girl huh freak? If you even lay a finger on her I will break you!" I smile as he turns away and grab his shoulder which leads to the action I was expecting from such an idiot, he swings his fist towards my face but I easily move away from it and let him miss and let the force of his punch lead him down the stairs injuring him badly. His friends do not know how to react to this so they stay at their location for a second letting it all sync in as the black one leaps towards me roaring in anger, I take a step to the left and let him pass by me but I want to have someone else feel my pain so I grab his foreleg as it passes by me and slam him on the floor knocking him out cold on impact. The others charge and I start fighting them at a regular speed kinda forgetting about my super strength and jabbing them in the faces leaving them in a bloddy mess with every punch and doing all these amazing flips and kicks that i didn't know my body was capable of. As I lay the final blow to the mexican kid whose hair looks like a used ear quetip, Don runs up to me and pulls me away from them hoping that I didn't kill them as I grab my bag and run out the front doors at a normal speed. I then make it into the alley where I banged my head earlier but full with business people and construction workers, I then just super sprint at a low enough speed to where there was a streak of color behind me but without the force to destroy every window I pass by and make it to Carlos's house and ring their doorbell. His dad answers the door and greets me, leading himself back into the living room as I make my way back downstairs. And see that he is already here but working with Icer Stasis with a experiment,"So what are you two doing?" I ask as I grab a can of pop from his fridge. Carlos smiles when he see's me and replies,"Well that block I gave you guys when I first met you didn't give me the most accurate info about everybody who touched it, so I have been testing how far Icer's powers will let him go and so far he exceeds every expectation I had." I just take a sip of the soda in understanding and remember the incident that happened in Clark's and yell,"Carlos! When I had to do the wall sits in Clarks a weird voice started talking to me, telling me that I was its puppet and that I will destroy everything I love and started oozing some black stuff!" Carlos stops the machine pressure pump that is pushing down against Icer Stasis and reads something on his laptop screen and tells him,"Wow I'm impressed Mr.Stasis, You managed to lift around the amount of weight a bus full of passangers would have matched up too, oh and Alize let me see if you can do that ooz thing so I could get some samples of what it might be." I am astonished of how Icer was lift up around to nine tons and then started to talk to that voice in my head,"Hey! Voice listen to me and release that power you wanted to give me earlier!" No reply. We all just sit in chairs watching tv, waiting until the voice would finally talk but no such luck happened. A bit later we all heard a knocking on the door and all stared at it until a guy that looked around our age came walking down the stairs, and before he could make it Carlos jumped over his chair and ran towards a button on his wall and slammed his palm on it, making everything have a weird tech looking buzz all around them instantly changing into normal looking furnature. The guy looked at all of us and smiled greeting himself to all of us,"Hi my name is Jesus Sanchez." He shook my hand and walked to Carlos asking,"Where did that other guy go?" I look around trying to find Icer until I realize that he teleported out of here to hide from Jesus. The thought of that brings back the memories I had with my best friend Jesus, like how we both enjoyed playing the classical guitar and would play video games together. This leads me into a old forgotten memory of the day before me and him were seperated by that fireball moron Bricklee. I was dropped off at Manny Martinez middle school and walked up to Jesus who was waiting for me at the stone benches,"Hey sir could I interest you in some of DEEZ NUTS?!" We both laugh as he says,"Sorry I don't like the small ones." We both keep on laughing until the bell rings for us too get to class. We sit in our usual spots by the window as Blanca walks in and hugs me,"Hi baby." She says to me and kisses my cheek leaving a glittery mess on it. "Hey beautiful." I say back smiling and continue my convorsation with Jesus, "So how do you plan to get that weird fire guy back buddy?" Jesus rubs his chin and thinks about it for a second and replies back,"I want to kill him. So I will need a gun along with my new fighting skills, but I can't do this alone Alize." I look at Blanca and sigh in relief that she is chatting with her blonde friend at the next table and didn't hear this. "Well I would prefer a fire estinguisher but of course, I'm here with you until the end." He smiles leaving that warm heroic feeling in my heart as class starts. After school My grandma picks me up and gets me a orange juice from a corner store and takes me home. When I open the front door my mom is cooking a cake for her boyfriend's cousins baby shower and says,"Hi son." As I run up with my little stubby legs and hug her. She pats my head as I leave to my room and start preparing myself for the fight with Bricklee, So I do as many push ups as I could and flop to the floor at thirty. I then start reading my issues of The Amazing Spider-Man, after I finish reading about five of them I lay down on my bed and start day dreaming about how much I wish I could become him and start flinging my arms in the air doing his web shooting symbol and make little phwoosh sounds. After falling asleep for a couple hours my sister Larissa wakes me up to eat dinner with them as I yawn and scratch my butt walking to the kitchen. We eat the homemade chicken soup as I walk to my room about to call Jesus to change his mind about the Bricklee idea and think of an other way to take him down, until I get shoved by my little brother Chris and push him back towards a wall making us start a fight. My mom hearas the noise and pulls us apart making me tear in the process because she tells me that I'm stupid for pushing him back and then slaps me. I slam the door shut to my room and lay on my bed in the dark thinking about what to do about Bricklee and how me and Jesus could get away with it. I then start blinking and realize that I was zoned out for a few minutes as Carlos and Jesus look in the shelves for a movie to watch tonight. I wipe the tears away from my eyes and feel guilty about how I could have prevented Jesus's death if I would have not pushed my idiot brother back. And then realize that my mom didn't say one last word to me before I left and disappeared for four years, And that I haven't even searched for her yet. So I get up but look at the clock and realize that it is too late to go searching for them now and go sit at the couch where the others are sitting at,watching Spider-man the movie with Tobey Maguire. After a marathon of watching all three movies I feel so heroic and more determined then ever to be the best superhero that has ever existed. I then leave in the morning after making a plasma energy drink and run around the city to find my old apartment, After hours of searching I find a path I remember and follow it to my old home. I step onto the porch and form a black leather jacket with a green T-shirt and blue jeans with red shoes, and when I get the guts to do it, I knock and wait. After a couple seconds I hear footsteps and freeze in fear of what would they do? Yet I was also excited to see my family once again and suck up all my fear hoping for the best. After the door opens I walk up, to see a blonde man in his late twenties watch me in confusement as I raise a eyebrow and ask,"Is Kim Maldonado here?" The man nods no as I ask,"Did a family live here a couple years ago?" He nods yes and tells me that they moved a couple months right after the oldest son got killed in a fire. I nod in understandment and thank him, and walk away in bountiful of tears knowing with all my heart that I will never find my family again. My phone rings as I see that Don is calling and answer without saying a word, but he doesn't seem to be in the moment too do quick talk so he just tells me that Wiggley guy was fighting him and Icer Stasis by Belmar. I hang up and run there as fast as I could making it withing seconds in my suit and stop before causing any damage. I see that guy that was stolen by reverse plasma bullet shooting grenades with a grenade launcher in both hands at cop cars and Don, Icer was sliding around him trying to shoot ice but would be instantly melted by a invisable aura around him. I hear Don yell,"Stop Wiggley! Why are you..." Before he could finish the guy yells in anger,"The name is WEEBLY you white and purple gay condom!" And then shoots incinidary ammo from his lmg at everything by him. I don't know how too get to him without causing any city damage until I see a poster hanging on a wall with a skateboarder who seems to be sliding down a pole that has nothing supporting it which gives me an idea. I run at a normal speed and jump, making a floating pole ahead of me in the air, sliding on it with the middle of my feet gaining momentum every second and having it disappear behind me. I ram right into Weebly and start punching him at a high speed, after about twenty of them he grabs my next jab which catches me by surprise as he kicks me into the destroyed cop cars and pulling out his fire blazing shotgun. He shoots a slug at me as I put my arms in front of me and squint, but as it hits my chest and forearms the rounds smash themselves and fall onto the ground leaving the fire soak up into my costume. He looks at me with his glowing eyes in confusement and tries again, This time I stand up and walk towards him as his slugs keep hitting me without effect but makes me stronger and more furious. Once I reach him I grab him by the neck and squeeze as hard as I could, breaking his neck in the process, he the falls to the ground limpless. But when everything seems over he gets up and says," Oh my god it's you guys! I am sorry!" Everyone shares my confusement as he hugs me and says,"Yeah Bricklee told me to kill the rebel group which was you guys. So yeah, sorry."

Heroes Row
ActionIn this alternate timeline, Alizé C.S. Maldonado is a silly yet supportive kid until a supernatural being named Bricklee changed his life. When his best friend dies and nearly experiencing death himself, he wakes up in a place where a unknown man te...