Chapter 11

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I was about a block down the house until I seen a man sized hole in the front and ran down there within seconds saving up my energy just in case. I walk in the hole and see Don sitting in a kitchen table chair looking at me as I see a figure on the couch. I look at it and it was a guy in a footy pajama outfit with a hood over his face, so I could only see his glowing eyes and creepy smiling mouth and he had a giant smiley face on his chest. He was laying on the couch watching a kid cartoon while eating a bag of chips that I was saving up for when I wanted a snack. I am so confused about what is happening so I ask, " Who are you and what are you doing here?" He looks at me like if he was processing what I just said and finally replies, " I seen your flier and wanted to see if I could join your little team, and I wanted to know if it came with a place to stay?" I look at Don too see what he thought about it as I hear a weird crackling sound coming from the outside and I turn around to see the ice guy slide in through the hole. I get tired of seeing the whole in the wall and make a new wall in a split second with my green goop. He walks up to me and scans the room and says, "I followed the guy outside here so I could be in your little team." I nod in agreement as that hooded guy says, "Oh yeah and you can call me Weebly." I raise a brow as I ask, "Isn't that a website maker or something?" He explains that he escaped from a science lab a few days ago and killed the scientists who worked on him, and he seen the URL on their laptops which said Weebly. I listen carefully as the front door opens and Carlos walks in with a box, he says his greetings and tells me that he brought a little machine that could explain what powers we have currently and pulls it out. He asks Weebly to touch the box, and as he does it glows yellow then shows multiple numbers and letters which Carlos nods in improvement and says, "It seems here that you have micro fabric fibers in you with some strong dark energy. In other words I think you could stretch your limbs like elastic rubber and have some type of dark magic stuff. Your turn ice guy!" As he touches the box it glows yellow again and gives off more code and he says, "It seems you have a dark energy in you too but you also have the abililty to manipulate water molecules so it can make ice or snow at will which is kinda like a stasis." He then points at Don and he touches the box which turns orange and Carlos says, "Wow it seems like you have an extra eye that could create a synthesizer and control other living things at will." Then he looks at me and I understand what I must do since I am so curious about what abilities I have and I touch the box which starts makings a clicking sound and rumbles in my palm as it turns green and gives off all these coding which leaves to Carlos gasping and stares at me as if something amazing just happened.

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