Chapter 19

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We take Blind Breeze blindfolded back to Carlos's basement or how I like to call it the hawk nest and wrap her in left over hardened nanosecs. "Where is Bricklee hiding?!" Carlos yells at her as everyone is sipping coffee by the wall,"I don't know, he never takes me there, I hate being his boyfriend!" She starts tearing as Carlos goes to his computer and looks at pictures from security cameras around Denver. I walk up to her in my suit and wipe her tears away with a plasma tissue and stroke her cheek as she looks up at me confused about who is making her feel better,"Who are you? You are so kind and gentle..." I smile inside my mask and tell her,"The name is Plasma Bullet. Don't get me confused with that reverse version of myself, I'm actually the good guy." She looks unsure with what I am telling her as her expressions brighten up as she asks me in a energetic way,"Can I join your superhero team!? Please I hate Bricklee just as much as the next guy just give me a chance!" I stroke my chin and look at the others as they sip their coffee and nod yes. "What makes me so sure that you wont betray us in any way?" She looks at me as if offended and says in a attitude,"Well I guess were gonna have to find out then huh?" I smile and nod my head quickly realizing that she is blind and say,"Yes, welcome to the team." We all smile as I loosen her chains and a cup for her and me to share some cocoa.

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