三十八 | Out of Luck (Part 2)

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Your POV

Wah, kuso. Peeking from the corner, I saw four helicopters and their spotlights were all aimed at me. Defalt scanned at four of them, highlighting white silhouettes around the helicopters and showed me the models of each helicopter.

"There are three of AH-64 Apache and one of Bell 206, Ren. Three of them are combat-ready with chain guns and rockets."

Damn, what do I do? This time I'm really in a tight position. Three copters were aiming their weapons at me. Ready to fire at any movement that I do. I kept my back hunched behind a wall as the helicopters' whirring engine filled the air.

"Stand down! Whoever you are, please stand down! Do not try to fight!"

The megaphone warned me, but if I don't get out of this. The media will start writing bad things about me and my family or worse. I would go to jail. Though they haven't taken a look at my face under the mask, I still have to be mindful of the moves I'm going to take.

A pattering of heavy footsteps started to fill my ears as I look around to find where the pattering sound coming from. I saw a squad of twelve SWAT personnel climbing up the stairs. And as they saw me, they promptly set their rifles ready to fire. "Hold your fire!" One of the men put their fist in the air. I assume it's the squad leader. They lowered their rifles and I thought why would they but then I quickly realized that my pistol was inside my holster around my waist.

"Are you a civilian?!" The squad leader approached me but as soon as he does that. I requested another blackout from Defalt and shortly the city went black. But the rooftop was brightly lit by the spotlights from the helicopters pointing at me. I grasped my phone from my pocket and tapped the screen causing an electrical breach to turn off their lights.

Sweeping the squad leader's feet, I put my gun out of the holster and shot a bullet piercing through his eyes. The rest of his personnel were in disarray while I picked the squad leader's body up as a meat shield. The other squad started to open fire while I step away from them as they push me to a corner. I looked back and down at the edge of the building to see traffics of Chicago and the building surrounded by police and SWAT teams with Humvees. "Shit. I couldn't possibly jump from here. Because it's either I'll die or survive and then got shot by those machine guns on those Humvees."

"Whoever you are, drop your weapon!" One the soldier shouted sternly, "do not resist! Whatever you do, do not resist!" Suddenly out of nowhere, the soldier who gave me a warning dropped dead. I saw a bullet piercing through his helmet and shortly the rest came falling down. Very quickly. "Defalt, can you identify where the shot is coming from?"

"I've got it, Renny. It's from the northwest of the building."

I looked over to where Defalt told me where the shot is coming from and I saw another spark along with the whistling bullet piercing the air. Another bullet pierced another soldiers head. "Defalt, who's taking all the shots?"

"Jordi. Jordi Chin is confirmed to have taken the shots, Ren."

I nodded to Defalt's cue, reached my phone inside the pocket of my coat, and tapped the display of my phone to breach the helicopter digital controls. Three helicopters started swaying in the air and two of them abruptly crashed into each other causing a loud explosion. One of the rotors detached off. The blades were spinning towards the concrete of the rooftop. Destroying the concrete making large holes on the floor. Jumping and rolling getting outside of my cover to evade the falling spinning death. I took a deep breath with a slight upturn of my head to see another catastrophe about to hit me again.


Jordi's POV

After taking my shots with Ren's rifle, I heard a loud explosion and in my scope, big flash of electricity sparkled the rooftop. Promptly adjusting my scope towards the sparkling coming from, I saw two helicopters went out of control and they crashed into each other. One of the helicopter's blades detached from its rotors. Crashing brutally against the concrete making a huge hole and rubbles flying off the scene. 

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