二十五 | Seoul Forest

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Your POV

"What are you doing, Minari?" I was vacuuming the carpet in our living room while Mina came to me and gets on my feet with her arms put around my neck. "Can you please get off of me, jagi?" I chuckled as I looked at her pouting at me with her cheeks puffing cutely. I smiled at her attention-seeking behaviour while I continue to vacuum the carpet until it is done and then, setting aside.

"Defalt, can you please store this back?" I asked in which the floor where I set the vacuum on started to lower down until the vacuum cleaner is gone from the living room. "Now, what does this penguin want me to do this morning?" I pecked both of her cheeks which immediately made her smile and soft giggles coming from her mouth.

"How many times have you done this to me, Minari?" She giggled again and then; a hum started coming from her voice. "Almost every time I see you cleaning the house." I breathed a laugh at her answer which is true. "Is this your new hobby, Minari?" She gave my answer some quick nods with her lips pursing an adorable pout.

"Is your ankle better today, Kurogami?" She asked while I hummed in response. "Ma-ma, not too bad." My hands were set on her hips, "tomorrow we're going to back to Japan." Mina changed the topic. "Ne, I can't wait—" I softly kissed her forehead, and "but today, we're going to Seoul Forest." I added as the smile on her face turned into a subtle smirk.

"Does this mean I can just watch you two from the side of the field?" I can feel her toes touching my ankle. "What are you going to do if I say no, Minari?" She hummed while she put a finger on the side of her lips. "I want a present." I hummed in surprise.

"A present?" She nodded with a confirming hum. "Ne, a present." I breathed a chuckle at her request, and "what do you want?" I started to wrap arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. "Is this what you want?" I carefully leaned closer while she softly giggled, and she was biting her lower.

"Too-san, I suggest we go to the—" I heard Shion stopped at the middle of what she was saying while I slowly turning to look at her, looking back at us. "Uh- did I bother you two, kaa-san, too-san?" Shion awkwardly elaborating on the scene she just saw.

"Iindayo, Shion. Go on." Mina said after chuckling at Shion's shocked expression. "I... Suggest that we go to the park in the afternoon, after lunch." Shion continued what she was trying to say earlier, I think. "Around 3 PM is what I think it's best, too-san." Shion added, "ryoukai, Shion kaichou." I teased her by calling her the president of a company.

(A/N: kaichou is like busajang-nim in Japanese.)

"Too-san, please stop." Shion's face was flat and we started chuckling at her reaction. "Hai-hai, Shion. We'll leave at 2.30 then." Mina replied as then, Shion nodded at her mother's answer. "I'll go back to my room now." Shion thumb-pointing to her room as then she continues to start walking her way towards it, leaving the two of us.

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