五 | Bonne Fête

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Mina's POV

"ugh... Gosh, French is so hard." I heard Shion crying out her frustrations. I put my hand on her shoulder, going down to caressing her back. "I'm very sorry Shion but I don't know anything about French either." As I saw her hand fidgeting with her pen, stuck on one question.

"do you not get what it means?" I asked her and she turned her gaze upon me, "I don't know either, Mom. The grammar is really hard to understand." Shion chewing the tip of her pen. "Do you need help, Shion?" I heard Ren's voice as I moved my gaze upon him, walking towards the kitchen counter.

"I don't know, Dad. I don't think you can help me with it, either." As Ren arrived, he immediately tilted his head, looking to the problem Shion's having. "yeah, I think you're right, Shion." He hissed at his own inability to help Shion with her homework. "I think I'm going back to my room now to ask this question to Eddie." She tidied her pens and pencils back to her pencil case and immediately walked her way towards her room with Chiko following her trails.

"It's the first time I'm seeing Shion having a hard time with her school's subject." While he scratches his nape and his other hand on his hip. "Well, I can relate to that. I still remember the first time I'm learning Korean back years ago." He nodded while he folds his arms in. "Yeah, I do too." I walked closer to him as then my hands cupping his folding arms and him, turning his gaze to look at me. "Let's just hope Shion will do great in her new school," I said to him as he immediately nodded in response to my words.

"So what are we going to do now? We have so much free time in our hands." He joked and I giggled lightly in react. "Let's just watch one of your old movies, Ren. Ooh- wait, I know. Let's watch the drama with the scene where you accidentally kissed a boy in the story." I called out one of his old drama series. "What? That 'Change' one?" His tone of voice rolling a pitch and I nodded replying to his question.

"How did you know that? I thought you haven't watched it." His pitched voice asking, "Shion already did and she told me about it." I heard him hissing and then a breath of chuckles elicited from his mouth. "I guess if you still want to watch it." He gestures his arm and then holding out a hand for me to take.

We walked together towards the living room, setting ourselves on the couch facing a pane of glass as then he reaches to his pocket for his phone. He taps his phone's screen, turning on the TV and put up the drama series that we talked about before.


"Dad, do you mind helping me with something?" Shion asked for Ren's help and he immediately stood up from his tall chair, going towards Shion. They both walked towards Shion's room, leaving me in the kitchen cooking for Shion's breakfast, her recent favourite. A shakshuka.

I am currently sauteing some bell peppers, chopped onions and some garlic, in a saucepan with a tablespoon of butter. After all of it turns a little bit softer and the onions have turned slightly brown, I added 1 teaspoon of cumin and sweet paprika then half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper into the saucepan while adding a little bit of salt and pepper into it.

I continue to sauteing the herbs until it is fragrant and then I added a can of crushed tomatoes into the saucepan, letting it to a simmer and then cracked a few eggs into the saucepan. I put the saucepan inside an oven that has been preheated in 190 degrees Celsius, for 8 minutes.

I took it out of the oven, grabbing sourdough bread, slicing it and then light toasting on a cast-iron skillet after smearing butter on it. I plated the breakfast with the two slices of bread on and then the shakshuka on top of the bread. As I'm finished cooking Shion's breakfast, I saw both Ren and Shion coming from where I last saw them, going to the kitchen.

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