A New Life

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I stared at my face in the mirror. I had three scratches across my face. They started just under my eye and went down to my chin. My cheek and eye were swollen and bruised. I could barely see out my eye. Darren amazingly only had a few bruises and scratches across his body, nothing too horrible, and it could all be hidden under clothing.

I sighed and let my head droop. No amount of makeup was going to cover this up. I didn't even have an explanation for this, how was I going to be able to go to school?

My only option was to tell as much of the truth as possible. Which is that Darren and I went camping and got attacked by a wolf and Darren saved me. Anything else and it'll be an after school special on how lies get out of hand.

I got through most of the school day without anyone really asking what happened. Just a lot of strange stares. My teachers, of course, asked what happened and I had to reassure them no abuse was going on and that Darren had actually saved me. There were also a few good samaritans who asked if I was alright, but mostly people staring, and then acting like they weren't looking at all.

I trudged back to my car, slightly exhausted from the day. I hadn't seen Josh all day and was honestly relieved. Right as I reached for my car's handle I was ambushed from behind.

The person grabbed me, putting their hand over my mouth, thwarting my screams. Quickly a syringe was inserted into my neck. After the medicine was inserted they held down my arms. As I struggled, I noticed it was getting harder to move and the world was slowly going dark. I tried to turn my head to see who was attacking me, but they wore a mask. Slowly, my body went numb and darkness edged the world until it all disappeared from view.

I woke up a hard bed with a thin sheet over me. It was dark and cold, I didn't know where I was. I looked around to get my bearings.

There was a single lightbulb hanging from the middle of the ceiling. It dimly lit the room. There weren't any decorations and no furniture apart from the bed I was on and a few boxes scattered around. It was obvious that I was in a basement. I slowly sat up, and instantly held my head. I was still slightly out of it from whatever they gave me.

I stood up and steadied myself by holding the bed post. I kept my hand against the wall for stability and walked over to the small window that was letting in a few beams of dim light. It was about a foot above me an too small for me to climb out of anyways. I turned around, slowly, looking for an entrance. My eyes fell upon a door that was just past the foot of the bed. I walked back across the room, skirting around the boxes.

The door was a heavy metal and locked. It was too thick for me to claw through even as a wolf. My mind started to clear a bit and I tried to think back. I had no idea who took me. I didn't know if I should just stay quiet or let them know I'm awake. I decided on the latter, I just want to find out what's happening and the easiest way to do that is to talk.

I slammed my open palm against the door. "Hello? Is anyone there? I just want to talk." I shouted. Then I laid my head on the door, "I just want to know why this is happening." I sobbed.

I heard slight movement on the other side. "Step back from the door." came a muffled voice.

I looked at the door and stumbled back a step. I was about to face my kidnapper.

The door opened just enough for a man to slip through. He was tall and had dark features. His black hair fell in front of his eyes, he looked familiar.

"So sleeping beauty awakes." he smirked at me.

My eyebrows scrunched together while I was still trying to figure out where I had seen him.

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