A.E. -Hospital Visit-

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I went to the hospital to go visit Josh after school. Darren wasn't with me this time, he had a test to study for, but I really think he was just looking for an excuse not to come with me.

I walked back to the sterile room. Josh would look completely fine if it weren't for the tubes coming from his face and his arm wrapped up. Most of the scratches and bruises were well on their way to being healed up. I sat next to him and watched his peaceful breathing. I wasn't exactly sure what to do, so I just sat with my hands in my lap.

About 10 minutes in a older black lady entered. She had short black curls that had a few gray spots in it and was a little on the heavy side. I could tell from her scent she was a werewolf.

"Hi sugar." She greeted as she walked to the opposite side of his bed. "I'm nurse Joyce. I'm just here to turn Josh so he doesn't get any bed sores."

I nodded, "hi, nice to meet you."

She pulled on a blanket under Josh, turning him so that he faced me. "I saw you come in here a few days ago. Are you his sister?"

I shook my head, "no, I'm his mate." The words just fell out of my mouth.

She chuckled, "well you don't act like any mates I've seen, most can't keep their hands off each other."

I blushed. "We just met...right before he came here."

"Oh," A look of sadness washed over her face. "That's a harsh blow dealt by fate, but don't worry sugar, he's going to get better." She gave me a small reassuring smile.

I returned her smile with my own sad smile. "Thanks, I hope so too."

I turned to look at Josh, who was now facing me. His face looked so calm, so peaceful. His lips so soft and pleasant, wait no, what was I thinking. Past dreams flooded my mind of all the kisses we shared and I had to shake them from my head. I wasn't here to get distracted by feelings forced on me from the mate pull, I was here to make him get better.

"Um." I looked to Joyce who was studying a monitor hooked up to Josh. "Do-do you have any suggestions to help him recover faster?"

Her eyebrow peaked, "Well I know being in physical contact with one's mate usually helps. The more contact the faster the healing."

I felt my cheeks heating up, even though it really shouldn't have been news to me. I released a shaky ok and reached out to hold his hand in mine. Instantly warm tingles shot up my arm, much duller than normal, but still present. I closed my eyes and tried to focus my mind so not to get lost in the feelings. If I allowed them to overtake me I could easily foresee myself jumping into bed with him and snuggling up, but the thought of Darren reassured me I would not do such a thing.

"You ok sweety?" Joyce asked.

I stirred and looked up at her, "yeah." I said quietly. She looked at me disbelievingly. "Well I...I've been having dreams about him. I was just wondering if it is his spirit talking to mine or if I'm going crazy."

A look of realization came over her face. "I have actually heard of that happening before. It's somewhat of a common phenomenon when mates are separated from one another." She finished marking the clipboard and replaced it on the wall.

"He seems lost in the dream...and not all there either. I don't know what to do."

Joyce came over and rubbed my shoulder soothingly. "He'll come out of it when he's ready too. You just have to give him some time. Spend time with him here and in the dreams. Talking to loved ones is more powerful than you know. You've been the only one to visit." I looked up at her shocked. She shook her head. "It's hard on the soul when your family doesn't come to visit."

I looked at Josh again and gave his hand a gentle, but firm squeeze. He has no one in this world, and if I leave him after...after he wakes up, he will be completely alone. That's not fair to him. I felt tears pushing to escape. I closed my eyes and a tear escapes leaving a trail down my cheek.

"Oh sweety, it's ok. He has you." Joyce rubbed my back in a comforting manner, but I had no comfort from her words.

She stayed about 30 more seconds. "Sugar, I have to go now, but you let me know if you need anything else."

I nodded and watched her leave. I sat there, staring at Josh as I held his hand. What was I going to do?

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