First Day of College

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Today was our first day at college. I smiled at Darren my boyfriend, or should I say mate as we walked, fingers entwined, to my first class. Honestly I had never really felt like going to college. This was more for him. Since he was the second son of the Alpha of our pack he decided he should major in Political Science. He wanted to help his brother lead the pack in such a modern world. I came along simply because I didn't want to be apart from him, but I figured I may as well experience what college is all about while I'm here, right?

Since college was all his idea I didn't have a major picked out. So I stuck with the basic Pre req's as they're called, or pre requirements, that everyone has to take for almost any major. My first class was BIO 101 and I opted not for any early classes, I like sleep, maybe a little too much.

I also hate being late, so even though the class didn't start until 10:30 I was here at 10. We got close to the building and Darren's grip tightened slightly before relaxing. Relaying to me he didn't want to let me go.

I smiled at him only glancing at him from the corner of my green eyes. "We still have a while before class starts." I stated.

He let out a breathy laugh and ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair messing it up. "Yeah I know. But my class is all the way on the other side of campus and I can't be late either you know."

"I know." I placed my head against his shoulder, "but you still have a few extra minutes with me." I pouted and looked up at his face.

A wide smile broke across his face, "And I will enjoy every minute of it." He pecked my lips with his, eliciting a smile from me.

"Are you nervous at all?" he asked.

I turned around to look straight at him, our hands still entwined. "Well a little, I mean we're in college now, but I have you here, so I know everything is going to be fine." I smiled and he returned my smile.

We talked for a few more minutes before it was time for him to leave as well. While still holding my hand, his other hand reached through my strawberry blonde hair and pressed my head to his for a kiss that made me forget to breathe. Panting for air after we parted he kept his forhead against mine, his hand still in my hair. "See you for lunch, Becca?" I nodded lightly.

He smiled again and kissed my forehead before turning to leave to his class. I watched him until he turned a corner and was out of sight. Then I turned around and headed up to the steps of my first class.

It was a large room, probably 200 seats. Not wanting to look like too much of a goody two shoes, but still wishing to remain up front, I walked up and sat in the 4th row toward the middle. There was maybe five more minutes until class started when the most intoxicating scent I have ever smelt entered the room.

Having only been a werewolf for the last 3 months, all of summer, I was still getting used to my enhanced senses. The smell was like all my favorite things wrapped up together. It was chocolate, and lilacs and even my mom's cooking. I have no idea how all these scents could possibly be coming from one source. But it was overpowering and with my nose in the air I felt the scent pass me and head to the back of the room. Which was probably best for me. Still it lingered and I could pick it up and it certainly did enough to keep me distracted from class. Luckily it was only the rubric of what we would be studying this year. The teacher did start part of the first lesson to finish up the rest of class time. By the end I was both happy and sad about having to leave. I didn't wish to leave that wonderful scent, but being able to see Darren is so much better. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I still had to wait for Darren though, since his class was all the way across campus. I pulled out my map thinking maybe I could find the food court, but all the little acronyms for the buildings just confused me. I looked up hoping maybe I could follow the crowd to the food, or maybe even smell it myself. As I was scanning the crowd my eyes met with a boy's. He had short sandy colored hair that was parted on the side and one swooping curl on the top. He was talking to a taller boy who had longer black hair, darker features, and an aura of power around him. The shorter boy's blue green eyes stared into mine. They felt as though they were drilling into my soul. I couldn't look away and it seemed as though the rest of the world faded from existance. I wasn't even sure I was breathing anymore, but I could tell my heartbeat had increased. A pleasant warmth started to emanate from my stomach and spread to the rest of my body as I was lost in this boy's gaze. Suddenly the warmth turned hot, almost burning as it reached the mark on my neck. The mark that binds me to Darren as his mate, the mark that changed me into a werewolf earlier this summer.

"Hey are you ok?"

Darren's voice broke me out of my trance as he came up beside me. I looked at him and smiled, the heat instantly dispersing. "Yeah I'm fine." I turned and glanced around looking for the boy again, but he was gone. I looked back at the map in my hand, "I just can't make heads or tails of this map."

He laughed, "I thought girls were supposed to be good with directions."

I put my hands on my hips, "Don't label me under a stereotype." I chided.

"I'm just messing with you." He leaned down and kissed me. My hands instantly fell into place around his shoulders and his found their place at my hips. He pulled back, "Let's go get some lunch."

"Ok." I smiled and I followed him to the food court.

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