A.E. -Whispers in the Woods-

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I got through the rest of that day as normal as possible, if not a little more quiet than usual. Darren noticed my strange behavior, but when he mentioned it I simply brushed it off.

I sat in bed with my back against the headboard. It was time to sleep and though I was tired last night's dream made me a bit on edge. If I could avoid sleeping I would.

Darren came into our room carrying a tray with two mugs of steaming tea on it. He gingerly sat and offered me the tray. "Here, it's chamomile, it will help you relax."

I smiled softly at him. He is so thoughtful, and I'm just a mess. I picked up one of the mugs, "Thank you." I cupped it in my other hand, my eyes shut, and let the warmth from it sooth my nerves.

He set the tray down on the night table and sat in bed next to me, holding his own glass of tea. "I know that you are really stressed out having your mate be in the hospital. Though my mate pull was short lived it still devastated me to have my best friend die and my mate pull be severed." He sipped his tea and stared blankly at the forward wall. "My friends and family were great support, but there were some days I thought I would never be happy again." He was silent for a moment, as if in deep thought. "But then I met you." He glanced over at me and a solemn smile just barely turned the edges of his lips up. "It's hard." His eyes became distant. "Death is hard to deal with. So is saying goodbye." He turned to look at me more. "I'm not telling you to be strong and you'll get through it. I'd rather you do whatever you need to feel better. If that is letting all you emotions free, then cry and shout. Please, do what you need to heal. Don't hold it in. It's tough, but it does get better. I promise." While his smile was still a more temperate I could tell it was sincere and his eyes shown brightly in love and sympathy.

I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt a tear fall off my chin. I shuttered and began wiping my tears away. I felt Darren wrap his arms around me and I couldn't hold back the flood gates anymore. I cried into his chest. I didn't even notice when he moved my tea to the night stand, but I instantly curled up in his lap and cried. "Wh-why'd he have to get hurt because of me? Why couldn't he-he have a nice mate and l-live happily ever after like everyone else?" I said between sobs.

Darren rocked me gently, his head resting on mine. "I don't know baby. It's not your fault though. If anything it was his alpha that caused this."

My body shuddered as I took a big stuttering breath. "I just...just..." I agreed with Darren. If his alpha hadn't interfered Josh and I wouldn't be mates and Josh could live a normal life. "I just want him to get better." I totally relaxed into Darren and my crying began to get softer and quieter.

"Shh. I know you do." He squeezed me gently and placed a kiss on my head.

It wasn't long before I fell asleep in his arms.


Tonight's dream was similar to the one before, except instead of a loud booming voice I heard my voice whispered through the trees as I walked around. "Becca" reverberated off the trees overlapping in different volumes. Mostly whispers but sometimes louder, as if they were right beside me. I tried running, but the voices never lost distance. Somehow I was led back to the same clearing as before. The multiple whispers ceased and only one voice spoke. "Becca" the voice sounded relaxed almost happy.

"Who are you?" I looked around but couldn't see anyone in the shadowy clearing.

Laughter came from all around me, overlapping. The voice, steady and happy right in front of me. "It's me. Don't you recognize me?"


There wasn't an answer, but I could feel something like a warmth wrapping around me.

"I miss you Becca." said a voice from behind me, but when I turned there was no one there.

"Josh, what is happening? Where are you."

"I'm here, with you."

I shook my head. "No, you aren't! I can't see you! You aren't here."

Just silence. The presence felt as if it was fading. "Josh?"

In the far distance I heard Becca whispered one last time as the whole scene faded to darkness.

My eyes opened and my forehead had a small sheen of sweat. I stayed still, staring at the ceiling and listening to Darren's calm breathing. While I actually felt like I finally got some sleep, I still was more unsettled than anything, robbing me of my rest. If that is really Josh, is there a way I can help him in the dreams?

I wasn't going to get any more sleep that night. I rolled over, my hands resting beneath my head and stared at the wall. Can I lead him out of his coma?

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