Alternate Ending -In the Dark-

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That night I dreamed I was walking around in the dark. There was no light at all to help me see and at first I didn't think there was anything around at all, until I bumped into a rough cylinder and fell backwards on my butt. I slowly rose, my hands out in front, scoping out my surroundings. They came in contact with rough wood, large, round and jutting straight up. It was a pine tree. Skirting around it I let go and keeping my hands in front of me I found another tree, and another. Even though I couldn't see anything around me it was clear that I was in a forest. "Hello?" I cried out, but my voice just fell at my feet. There was no echo at all, only my muted voice that seemed more like I was talking directly into a wall instead of an open air forest. This continued all night. I walked around an unseen forest and couldn't even call for help.

I awoke completely exhausted. It was as if I hadn't slept at all. I could feel the tiredness rest under my eyes. Darren was awake and sitting up. "Hey sleepy head." He leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Hey." I replied groggily.

"Did you sleep ok?" he asked, concern in his eyes.

I mildly shook my head. "No, not really." I yawned. "I know I slept, but it doesn't feel like I did at all."

He frowned. "Ok. Well how about you stay here and rest a little longer and I'll go make breakfast?" He ruffled my mess of hair a bit, grinning cockily. He leaned forward, briskly kissing my cheek in hopes of wiping the unamused look off my face. He gracefully slid out of bed, slipped on a pair of jeans and went to the kitchen.

I layed in bed a few more minutes trying to figure out what my dream could mean, but I had no ideas. I finally left my warm, comfy bed when the smell of food wafted in.

"What did you end up cooking? It doesn't smell burnt in here." I teased.

"Jimmy Dean's breakfast sandwiches!" He grinned cheekily as the microwave went off and he retrieves the plate.

We ate breakfast and then moved to the couch to Netflix and chill. Since it was Sunday we didn't really have any plans and even if we did I was not in the mood to complete any of them. I was still recuperating from the ordeals and while I tried to lose myself in the episodes of 'The Office' I couldn't get Josh off my mind.

Darren noticed me getting restless. "Is everything ok?"

A serious look was on my face, "I was just wondering how Josh is..."

"Ah." Darren's eyes moved from me back onto the TV. A small silence occurred, "Well did you want to go see him?"

I thought for a moment before giving a small, slow nod. "yeah."

Josh really didn't look any better that day, and the doctor said there was no change in his condition. I don't know what made me feel like talking to him today would help more than it did yesterday, but I was almost compelled as I walked up to his bedside and held his uninjured hand in mine. "H-hi Josh. I..." I looked at his face with tubes coming out. "I just wanted to come say hi and um...see how you're doing." I paused as my gaze fell. "And...sorry." I whispered.

I could feel Darren's intense gaze behind me. I ignored it the best I could. I just had to get this off my chest. I reached up and held Josh's hand with both of mine. "I hope you get better soon, Josh." I gave his hand a light squeeze before letting go. I stared at his face for another minute before turning to Darren. "Ok, let's go."


This dream was similar to the night before, except that I could see the dim outline of the trees this time. "Hello?" I tried again, though it never worked the night before. This time instead of like hitting a wall my voice actually traveled. It gave me hope and I began to jog through this moonless forest, trying to find any clues I could.

I could feel a presence I couldn't feel the night before. Like something pulling my soul. It was bringing me somewhere, its presence growing stronger. I heard whispers in the forest around me, but I wasn't sure what they were saying. I followed the force until I came to a small clearing. "Hello?" I said curiously.

"Rebecca!" The voice boomed loudly around me and I fell to my knees grabbing my ears.

I woke up instantly, sitting up in bed panting. I glanced around the dark room, everything was normal. Darren's body sleeping peacefully beside me. I checked my phone. 3:26 a.m.

I calmed my breathing and slowly lowered myself back down. What was going on? Why were my dreams so strange? Who's voice was that and why did it feel like it would break my ear drums?

I was a cross between too terrified and too restless to go back to sleep. I laid there staring at the ceiling for an hour before I decided I should just get up.

As quietly as I could I snuck out of the house and shifted, darting out into the woods. I could clear my mind as I ran. The cool air was clearing away the stress I had building up. I wasn't paying attention to where I was running, I was just running. When I finally stopped I saw the hospital in front of me. Josh.


Darren came out of the room stretching. "hey." He smiled at me as I sat on the couch staring blankly at the TV. "You finally woke up first." He grinned.

I was sitting on the couch with my legs pulled up and my chin resting on my knees. I stared down at my toes in a trance. It took me a few seconds before I registered that he was talking to me. "Huh?" I stirred looking at him. "Oh, yeah." After my run I just sat on the couch trying to figure out what Josh had to do with my dreams. Were we still connected even though he was in a coma? Would I be able to talk to him that way? I wasn't sure, but it had left me in a zombie state on the couch.

"Hey are you ok?" Darren sat down next to me, studying me with a concerned look. I hadn't even seen him cross the room.

"Y-yeah." I shook my head and stood up. "I was...just thinking... about something." I stretched a little. "I'm still tired is all." I tried smiling, but I knew it was fake and he could probably tell too. "I'll go start breakfast, you can take your shower."

I started to walk to the kitchen but his hand grabbed mine, turning my body to face him. His worried eyes search my tired ones. "You know you can talk to me right? About anything."

I stared at him a moment. "Yeah, I know." one side of my lips tugged up in a small smile. I turned around and went to the kitchen.


Classes were hard to focus on. I hadn't completed the homework over the weekend of course and my mind kept drifting back to Josh. I tried to shake my head free of heavy thoughts and focus. Midterms are in a week and then we'll have fall break. If I can just focus that long then I can figure out how to solve my problems with Josh.

Walking to my next class I saw a girl with long, bouncy brown hair and sharp brown eyes hurry to catch up to me. It's Kelly, a wolf from our pack. "Are you ok? You looked a little spacey there."

I nodded. "Yeah. I just had a super busy weekend and now I'm behind a bit. I'm hoping I can catch up for midterms."

Kelly gave me a side glance. She knows I'm lying, everyone in the pack heard what happened to me no doubt. "Did...did you want to grab lunch, or go shopping later and talk about it? We can have a total girl's day." She smiled warmly.

I'm a bit taken aback. Kelly and I had hung out a few times, but always in a larger group, never just the two of us. Surely Darren sent her to see if she could make me feel better. I think the only thing that will make me feel better is if Josh recovers. "Um..." I tried to figure out what to say. "I really need to study. You know...falling behind and what not." I walked a little faster, just wanting to duck into my next class. Even I could tell how lame that avoidance tactic was.

She sped up to match me. "Well how about I help you with your homework?" She's determined I don't get away. "We have at least half of the same classes."

I can't think of a way out of it, besides I know she is just trying to help. I sighed, relenting. "Yeah, sure. That sounds great."

"Awesome." She beamed. "Study date at my place tomorrow night. See you then." We both stopped outside my next building.

"See you then." I halfheartedly waved with a fake smile before turning and heading into my next classroom.

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