Another shot

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Josh's POV
I couldn't move my feet as she said goodbye and left. I stood for another minute as my whole world crashed around me. Already marked? How is this possible? Why, why did this happen? Why did fate decide to rip out my heart and stomp on it?

I started walking, not knowing where I was going, I didn't have a particular place in mind. Normally I would run and that would help me calm down, give me time to think, to figure out my next move. But right now I felt like an empty shell. Half of me was missing and I didn't know if I would ever get it back.

I looked up and noticed my car in front of me. Even though I wasn't thinking about going home it was obvious my body was as it led me here. I sighed and got in the car. Shortly after I pulled up to the pack house, remembering as much of the drive as I had my walk to the car, but what did it matter as long as I made it home safely.

I walked in and sat on the sofa, staring at the blank tv screen. I didn't move as the thoughts flooded my mind and a numb feeling settled over my body. All throughout high school I watched as my pack mates found their mates. I saw how happy they were when they discovered one another that I decided it wasn't worth my time to date other girls. I wanted to save everything for my mate, and then when I found her I find out she's given everything we were supposed to be to someone else. I could feel the burn of unshed tears threatening to break free. I blinked them back, refusing to let them fall. She had made her choice, and I wasn't going to cry over her.

When I heard the door open I got up and went to my room. I didn't need anyone to see me in this state. I laid down on top of my grey and white stipe sheets. I faced the window, my back to the door. I couldn't sleep.

The hours ticked by and the sun began to set, making the shadows of my room darken and lengthen. Suddenly my door flew open, "Hey man, where's your lady friend? You never shut up about he...crap man! Why do you have that thing out?" From my peripheral I saw Kane almost jumping out of his skin.

"She's not a thing." I emphasized the word she. I gave my tarantula one last stroke before carefully picking her off my chest and placing her back in her cage.

"Yeah whatever man. I just don't understand how you can keep that as a pet." I think I saw him shiver.

I rolled my eyes, but otherwise didn't make a move. "Hey Kane?" I paused, trying to get my thoughts in order. I wanted to talk to him about Becca, in fact I was certain that's why he was here. I was hoping to wait a little longer, guess luck wasn't on my side though.

"What?" He questioned when I didn't continue.

"I have a question for you."

He flipped on my light switch, "ok, shoot."

Still facing away from him, my brow scrunched in concentration. "Is it possible... Is there anyway to remove a mark?"

"Um, yeah." I could hear the surprise in his voice. "But it's a rather painful process that the alpha performs. I don't really know why anyone would want to do it."

I let out a small sigh, I didn't want to hurt her in the process. And besides that she had made her choice pretty clear.

"Why are you asking?"

I slowly sat down, keeping my eyes at the floor and avoided looking at Kane.

"She's already been marked." I grumbled out. Still with his advanced hearing I knew he heard what I said.

"What!" He nearly shouted. "How... She's your mate right?" I slowly nodded, "then why the hell is she marked."

While I felt lost and empty at the fact that she had already been marked, Kane boiled over in anger. I glanced over. He was pacing back and forth, ranting about how the wolf who did this was a bastard and we were going to make him pay . I thought he was going to punch a hole in my wall.

I focused back on my feet. "It's fine." I mumbled.

He stopped and stared at me like I had two heads. "Fine? How the hell is this fine? You got your mate, after how many years of waiting? And now, now you're going to just let her go?"

I winced, not at his yelling, but at the truth he spoke. I found her and I just let her slip through my hands. I didn't even put up a fight, not that I could, I mean she was marked for goodness sake! Bonded, to someone else. "What was I supposed to do? She made her choice." Then I added in a whisper, "and it wasn't me."

From the corner of my eye I noticed a shift in Kane. I turned to look at him. His look of realization slowly turned into a grin as he looked at me. To be honest it freaked me out a little bit. "What?"

"I think I just figured a way out of your problem."

My eyebrow shot up as I studied him.

"You are her mate correct?"

"Yes. We already went over this."

"I know, I know. I just have to make absolutely sure or else this won't work."

"What won't work?"

"This is only going to work if you are her actual mate, but if you are all you have to do to make her yours is mark her directly over the current mark. Since you are her mate your mark will supersede the one she currently has."

My eyes widened as I comprehended what he was telling me. I still had a shot, but was there any way I could win her heart over when she had already decided to stay with Darren?

Sorry for the long wait. On the bright side you get two chapters. Yay!

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