A.E. -Girl's Night-

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I didn't really want to do this study date thing, but Darren thought it was a good idea. "Go on Becca. You will have girl talk and you can relax. You need a fun night after everything you've been through."

I groaned as we walked to the car. "I don't want to. Moping with a tub of ice cream and some Netflix seems more beneficial."

His eyes narrowed. "You've been moping the past 3 days. You need to open up to someone. Talking to others will make you feel better."

Before I could protest anymore Kelly snuck up behind me and looped her arm through mine. "Hey girl, time to go get pampered!" She grinned and dragged me away from Darren toward her vehicle. I reached out for Darren, but he simply smiled and waved. Hmph, brat.

I slid into the front seat of her blue Toyota Camry. She began backing out, "Hey, I invited Heather too. I hope that's alright."

I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. I knew Heather better, it would be good having a closer friend on this girl's day. "Yeah, that's fine."

We pulled up to a gas station. "First stop, movie." Kelly said getting out of the car. I reluctantly followed after her.

"Why are we getting a movie? I thought this was a study session?"

Kelly flippantly waved her hand, "everyone knows you don't really study on study dates." She jumped excitedly, "this is just a girl's night."

I rolled my eyes. I should have known.

She started scrolling through titles. "What kind of movie do you want?"

I shrugged. "I don't really care."

"Ooh, do you want something scary?" Her eyes lit up as she stared at the cover of It.

While I didn't absolutely hate scary movies I certainly needed to be in a mood to watch them and I wasn't sure I was. "I don't know...probably something else."

"But it's almost Halloween!" She looked back at me with a pouty face.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, whatever."

"Yay!" She jumped excitedly and rented the movie.

We drove to her house. Kelly lived with her mom, who was divorced and not a werewolf so not part of our pack. Kelly only lived with her mom to attend college, and her,  her father and the rest of their family was still part of our pack.

Heather's car was sitting outside already. We walked in and were greeted by the smell of something delicious cooking in the kitchen. "Ooh, mom is making her specialty pot roast! It's so good. I told her we were having guests." Kelly beamed. She lead me to the living room where I saw Heather sitting on the couch. Kelly left to go put her bag in her room.

"Hey." Heather walked over and put her arm around my shoulder. "How are you?" I can hear the sadness in her voice.

I shrugged. "I'm alright."

She nodded solemnly and led me over to the couch. "You can tell me all about it."

My mouth flubbed for a moment, opening and closing before I finally spat out, "Thanks. I know. I just...I don't know what to say." I stared solemnly at my knees. Everyone wants me to talk, release whatever I am holding onto. The truth will set you free! But I don't even know what I am holding onto, why I am still hurt.

A small reassuring smile played across Heather's lips and she patted my hand over my knee. "Ok."

Kelly entered with a large bag of nail-polish, dumping it all on the coffee table in front of us. "Let's get this pampered party going!"

We did our nails and laughed as we recalled funny tales from pack life and recent things that had been going on.  It had been a while since I had done my nails. A while since I had been carefree enough to spend some time on me. It was nice to just hang out with some friends and be able to laugh again.

Once our nails were complete dinner was ready. We were treated to a delicious pot roast. It actually made me miss my mom's cooking a bit, even if she wasn't as good a cook as Kelly's mom.

We made a large bowl of popcorn and went to the couch. I curled up against the armrest and Heather was beside me with a red blanket over her lap. Kelly leaned on the other armrest with a blue blanket and the remote.

I tried to watch the movie, but I couldn't keep my mind focused. After a jump scare Heather turned to me. "You didn't jump, you aren't even watching!"

I shook myself from my glazed stare, "Huh? Oh sorry. I was just thinking about Josh." I said mindlessly.

Her eyebrows peaked up. "What? Why are you thinking about him?"

I realize I said Josh. "I...um." I figured it was best to just go with the truth. "I think we are still mind linked together. "

Heather's eyes widen and Kelly starts paying attention to our conversation, "What?" Kelly says shocked.

"He...he was talking to me last night in my dream, but it was dark and the forest was weird. I couldn't see him anywhere, but it was him and he was definitely talking to me."

"Woah. That's crazy." Said Kelly. "He's still in a coma right?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah."

Heather looked deep in thought.

"But then this is a good thing. It means he's all there and getting better." Kelly rambled on, but I was focused on Heather now.

"What is it?" I leaned closer.

Heather's eyebrows created deep creases across her forehead. "My grandma used to tell us a story. When she was a teenager some friends of her family were in an accident. One of them only had a few scratches, but the other was badly injured and ended up in a coma." Kelly had paused the movie and we both leaned toward Heather, intent on hearing every word. "My grandma said the woman saw her husband every night in her dreams and actually had to lead him home to get him to wake up."

I blinked, "what do you mean lead home?"

"My grandma never really specified, but if you are in the woods maybe you have to get him out of the woods?"

I fell back against the couch with a groan. "How am I supposed to do that? These woods don't even seem familiar." My hands flailed for emphasis. "For all I know the moon goddess could have made them completely up and besides it's not like I have a map."

"Well," Heather began, a small smile tugging on her lips and a reassuring hand patting my knee, "maybe Josh knows the woods. You can ask him."

I released a heavy sigh. "I don't know how well that will work. It's like..." I mulled about for the right words, "like talking to a disembodied voice. He's there, but I can't see him. And his voice comes from different directions. It's...kind of hard to explain."

"Well it's kinda the only option you have right now, besides talking to the doctors." Kelly inputed.

I pulled my legs up under me, "the doctor says his condition has stabilized and he should wake up anytime now, but otherwise there hasn't been any changes." I paused to think, "I suppose, if the mind link is still working, it won't hurt to ask." Then under my breath I mumbled, "even if I'm just going crazy, asking isn't going to make it worse."

I looked over at the two girls staring back at me. "Well hey, let's continue this movie." I chuckled nervously and reached over pressing play on the remote.

We ended up staying up late, partially because we were afraid to go to sleep and partially because of stupid stories and fun talk. I was glad to get my mind off of the seriousness my life had become the last couple months. Darren was right, I did need to relax and just have fun again. I yawned one last time as my final thought faded away into unconsciousness.

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