♡ Chapter 1 - Can best friends be more? ♡

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Fan's POV

I smile at the camera, noticing my reflection in the lens. "Stay tuned next time!"

"Annnddd cut!" Test Tube says while cutting off the camera, "bravo! Bravo!"

I glance at Test Tube watching her congratulate me after filming another episode. She seems to do this every chance she can after each recording. Sure it may be repetitive, but I appreciate her support none less. As she slows down her clapping, she looks over at me with pure joy in her eyes. Who would've guessed that Test Tube would be so happy for such a person like me?

"Thank you Test Tube! I appreciate it. Though we still have to finish editing.. well.. you do, I don't know how to edit.." I gave a slight chuckle after my remark.

Test Tube looks at me with a slight frown, "Oh! No, it's fine! You don't need to be so down on yourself! It just takes practice over time." Her slight frown quickly changed to a smirk while she stared at me with her emerald eyes sparkling with joy, "Hey, if you even have some spare time, you can always come to watch me edit here! It tends to get somewhat lonely when I edit. It would be nice to have some company! Plus, we can just talk and hang out afterward!"

I looked at her with an expression of delight. Gosh, just the way she looked at me, it was impossible to say no. Plus, it is fun when we hang out. I normally ask a bunch of random questions I don't even remember afterward, she just answers them with pure glee.
"Sure!" I reply with a smile on my face while we head over to my room as I start a


I watch as Test Tube edits the video. I look over as she smiles at me and looks at me.

"Thank you for accompanying me, I'm glad that we can hang out right now," She says as she places her hand on my shoulder.

"Heh, N-n-no problem." I respond to her with somewhat of an awkward smile.

I feel my face feel warmer. Am I... blushing?.. No, that can't be she's only a friend. Well to her I'm only a friend... No! What am I thinking? I only see her as a friend and nothing more!

I look down at her hand and see that it's still on my shoulder. I then look at her... I feel as if my face is getting warmer.

Am I... really catching feelings... for my best friend? I quickly try to cover my face in a non-distracting way. I try to avert my eyes from her hoping the feelings would stop, but I don't know what to do.

I've never been in love before! I don't even know how to be romantic. I could ruin our friendship. I feel myself slowly sink into the bed. I make sure to not look at Test Tube at all trying not to ruin anything.

Will this night ever end?

(A.N. - Hey it's me the author! So Uhmmm I have NO EXPERIENCE in writing stories so I am sorry if this story isn't the clearest or doesn't make that much sense. Also, this is my first time writing a fanfic so I hope you enjoy this story. Also, I'm sorry if this isn't the best grammar wise I'm kinda an idiot. )

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