♡ Chapter 2 - PANIC. ♡

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Test Tube's POV:

I close the laptop screen after a good hour or two of working. "And we're done!" I say to Fan as he quickly jolts up as if I surprised him. What did I do now? Scare him, great.

"Soooo.... What should we talk about now?" I ask him with a somewhat confused look on my face. Starting conversations has never been my strong suit. Well, neither for me nor for Fan so it was somewhat like talking to a brick wall.

"..Well hmmm..." He rubbed his chin trying to think of a conversation starter. "Well... maybe you can tell me about what experiments you've been up to? I haven't heard much talk about that topic from you and I know how much you love talking about it. It's honestly fun hearing what you have been up to!"

He placed his hand on my shoulder. I kinda freaked out with how much affection he has been showing lately towards me. It kinda makes me feel.. sick? No, that's not the right words. Is it? I'm not sure it just makes me feel happy yet confused.

"Hello...? Test Tube are you there?" I look down at him with a somewhat confused look while he waves his hand in front of my face.

"Oh! Yeah sorry, so what were we talking about?... I got somewhat sidetracked... I was kind of zoning out." I say to him with a sympathetic look.

"It was about your experiments... I wanted to hear about them since I thought they were kinda cool, you know..." He said with his hand behind his head.

I couldn't help but notice that his face was somewhat... redder than usual? Eh, It's probably just the lighting in the room to be fair. I don't have the best eyesight so that's probably the case. At least I think.

"Okay, so recently...."


I lost count of time and I kept on going for almost over an hour. "And that's how I figured that experiment out. It took some time but I-"

I cut myself off and look down noticing Fan. He's already asleep? How long has he been asleep? Did he just get bored of my conversation? Why is he leaning on me? WAIT HE IS LEANING ON ME!

I start to freak out looking down at him as he sleeps against me. Maybe I should sleep here too? No, that's weird... Should I just sit here and watch him sleep?.. watching him sleep... NO! What the heck!? That's just creepy. Why would I watch my best friend sleep? WHY would I even think of that?- Why would I even think of the first one?

I just look down at Fan trying to think of a good solution. Ugh, Fan would probably know what to do... wait no I'm dealing with him right now... he wouldn't know how to deal with himself... would he? I continue to just look down at him.

I slowly reach for his hand and gently hold it. It feels, nice, in a somewhat of a good way... WHAT AM I DOING? I don't even like him in that way, I just see him as a friend. Right?

I slowly look down at his face.

I feel as if the room got warmer. Especially my face? I go to feel my face with my other hand. It feels warm? Well compared to the rest of my body. I start to think of the possibilities on why my face feels warmer. Wait... Could I be blushing? Did I catch feelings for Fan? Of all people, why my Best Friend? No, It's just late and I'm probably tired, that's all. Most likely just a common sickness.

I slowly get up letting go of Fan's hand. I gently place him on the bed making sure not to disturb him. I slowly walk towards the door glancing at him as I feel my face turn redder and redder each second.

I stop myself by quickly shutting the door and trying not to make a sound. Once I shut the door I slowly feel my body collapse as I lay in front of the door with my entire face red.

(A/N: lol test tube

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