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Test Tube's POV:

I sit down in front of the door all confused. What... What was that?

I check my face again feeling as if it was warm. Did I catch feelings for him? No, that can't be possible... I don't feel like that for him. I only imagine Fan as a good friend. I assume it's just a common cold. I seem to have one of the symptoms, that is probably it.

I sit against the door, thinking to myself, confused, hearing a voice from right in front of me.

"Yo! Green apple popsicle stick looking friendo, what are you doing here? Normally you're in your room right now. Also, what were you doing in Paintbrush's and Fan's room? We both just saw you walk out."

I look up and see Lightbulb trying to talk to me while Paintbrush is waiting to go inside their room.

"Oh sorry, heh, I was just talking to Fan, you know just stuff about Fan's Fantastic Features, nothing much," I reply to Lightbulb while looking at both of them.

"Well you two can talk about that out here, I need to head to sleep"

I move out of the way so Paintbrush can get through into their room. I watch them enter the room as I also notice Lightbulb staring in with a grin on her face.

Once Paintbrush closes the door I watch as Lightbulb slowly turns to me with a huge grin on her face. "So.... tell me what were you and Flat-face doing? And don't act like you don't know, you're blushing like crazy! I mean just look at you, you're a nervous wreck!"

I respond confused, why she is like this "What? No, it's just a cold, I presume. And I only feel like this since I'm sick.".

She looks at me with that classic Lightbulb grin she always has on her face. "Ah yeah sure, I believe you... I mean I know you care so much for Fan, you would get 'sick'" she says with air quotes, "for him eventually."

I'm so lost in what she is doing. Sure Lightbulb may be a confusing type of person, but.. does she think I like him? Please, I don't think I've ever actually liked someone before. Even if I have no experience with liking someone, I'm sure I would have noticed right now.

"Calm down Lightbulb, it's fine. Please, can't you tell it's just a cold? Now can you just calm down with all these weird stares... it's making me uncomfortable. Plus, I would know if I had a crush on someone."

I just hear Lightbulb slowly breathe in, then breathe out. Then she just places her hand on my shoulder and looks at me with a serious face.

"Okay Test Tube, I'm gonna say this in the calmest way possible so you can finally process it. You have a crush on him. I have no idea how you have not processed this yet. I would know, I'm dating Paintbrush. I. AM. IN. A. RELATIONSHIP. I WOULD KNOW. I just want to help you. I can tell it's not cold! Please just listen to me for once. I know I'm never the voice of reason here but- YOU. LIKE. HIM. It's not this cold or whatever you think it is. Even if you talk to him tomorrow you will feel the same way. EVEN IF YOU TALK TO HIM A MONTH FROM NOW YOU WILL STILL FEEL THE SAME. Trust me. You know how your organs feel all jumbled up right now! That's a sign telling you that YOU. HAVE. A. CRUSH! YOUR FACE IS LESS RED THAN IT WAS WHEN YOU LEFT THE ROOM. You like Fan and you have to accept that fact."

I stood up giving her a slight glare, "Just be quiet Lightbulb. I'm going to bed. Hopefully, I'll feel better in the morning."

"YOU'LL NEED MY HELP LATER STUPID GREEN APPLE POPSICLE STICK! Ugh." She yelled at me across the hallway as she headed back to her room.

Gosh... What's with her... And where is she getting all these weird nicknames from?

Paintbrush's POV: (1 minute earlier)

I shut the door behind me, I'm not going to try to get in a conversation, I'm too tired right now.

Wait, Fan's fast asleep. I thought Test Tube said she was just talking to him about his show?.. How could he fall asleep so fast? I didn't know he could do that. Whatever, I'm going to sleep, I'll be questionative in the morning.

(A/N: Gotta love referring to Test Tube as a green apple popsicle stick.)

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