♡ Chapter 7 - 'FAN'cy ♡

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Fan's POV:

I sit there after I watched her leave the room. I think to myself, should I head over to record... I mean, she did seem kind of worried for me.

I sit up, throwing the pillow away from me. I check my face real quick worrying if I'm still blushing. Happens to be that I am... Oh well. I mean, I'll just say that it was due to lack of sleep. If that even makes sense.

Plus I shouldn't worry too much I'm not even interviewing anyone. I just need to do a simple update video

I'm about to leave until I remember Test Tube's remark about the bowtie. I take a second to think about it. I mean... she did say that she liked it... Ugh, What am I thinking... Using a literal bowtie to impress her? What?- is this some cheesy fanfic?

I decided to just wear it. Hey, maybe she will be happy that I did. I'm not sure. I feel like I may have done something to make her upset in a way?

I finally get up and decide to head out to the hallway. I walk out and then close the door. I look across the hallway to see Test Tube running towards the recording room while... covering her face? Interesting?...

I walk over until I'm stopped by hearing someone yell behind me "Hey Flat-face! Wait up!"

I slowly turn around to see Lightbulb staring at me with a huge grin.

"Oh! Now look who's all fancy! Might as well call you 'FAN'cy Fan now." She looks at me with a mischievous smirk on her face. "So... I don't mean to be too nosey but I'm just curious what happens to be going on with you and Test Tube? Maybe like you know hmmm.... Let's see... Possibly a crush!?"

FANcy? What? Is she trying to be the new Cheesy? And having a crush...  WAIT! How did she-

"What no, no way, oh come on, please... I only see her as a friend and only that! Just a friend nothing else. Only a friend." I told her hoping that she would just leave me alone already. Things are already confusing as they are, I don't need Lightbulb to make everything worse.

"Fan... You're sweating like crazy... Are you positively sure....?" She looks at me with a huge smile waiting for me to just say the truth already. "Plus... I won't leave until you tell me!"

"No, I'm sure... Can you just-... Now if you don't mind, I have some recording to do." I decide to walk off hoping Lightbulb would stop until she yanks me by the arm stopping me.

"Hey! What the-" I'm stopped mid-sentence by Lightbulb yelling "If you don't tell me right now I am going to sit in this hallway for the rest of time and you will be stuck with me. I can tell when something is up and you are signaling so many red flags it's unbelievable! Now just tell me.. Do you like her? Honest answers only."

I just look at her, she seems so stubborn about this. Why is it so important to her? I mean I can either sit here for however long Lightbulb is willing to stay here for or I can tell her. Not really like I can pick the first one, Test Tube would probably be pretty mad to be fair and the second one is just a horrible choice. You know what... I'll go with the riskier option.

"Fine, I like Test Tube.. you won. Now can I go now? I need to record my show." I look at Lightbulb hoping that she would finally let me go record. I had no idea she could be this annoying but here we are.

I just look at her and she looks like a statue with a huge smile until I just hear her yell "I KNEW IT YOU DO LIKE-" I slap her hoping she would shut up.

"Can't you be quiet... Test Tube is literally down the hall setting up her camera, plus I don't want anyone else knowing, imagine if- say someone like Trophy or Cheesy found out! I would be the talk of the hotel for months!" I tell Lightbulb with a serious tone in my voice hopefully getting her to understand where I am coming from.

"Okay, that makes sense I'll quiet down... But! When will you ask her out?!" She said joyfully pulling on my arm trying to get a response out of me.

I look at Lightbulb with a shocked expression. Ask her out? ASK. HER OUT? "Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, a-a-asking her o-out!?"

I start to freak out as I feel my face get warmer by the second. Even thinking of Test Tube makes me freak out! Help?...

"Calm down, Red Piece of Paper looking thing, Relax breathe in, breathe out. Gosh, all I said was that you should ask her out and you are already a mess! Here, look at me. I SAID LOOK AT ME IN THE EYES." I just stare at Lightbulb as I continue to hyperventilate. I'm just gonna listen hoping she says something useful for once.

"Okay, so how about this, you are going to have to do one thing for me and the rest will be done by me is that okay?" She looks at me waiting for me to respond. I slowly nod my head at her.

"Well, I got a plan to get you and her together, but you can't be such a nervous wreck first of all. Now, my plan is that you guys go on a picnic consisting of things she likes, and then at the perfect time, you confess to her, got it?"

"THAT'S A HORRIBLE PLAN! I'll have to set everything up! I'll have to ask her out... I'll have to..." I start to breathe quickly while thinking about even trying to do any of this. How will I set up a picnic of things she enjoys, how do I ask her out? HOW DO I EVEN CONFESS?

I start shaking my head while freaking out until I feel a slap on the cheek from Lightbulb "Okay Fan, get your crap together! I understand you may be freaked out but trust me you got this. I'll even do you a solid. The picnic will be set up at 7:30 okay? It'll be outside where you can see it so it won't be too hard to find it. This will give you time to get ready and mentally prepare yourself for a few hours while I can set it up for you. Does that make any sense?" She looks at me in the eyes hoping for at the very least a response from me.

"I barely picked up anything you said but okay?" I said with a puzzled look on my face. I may or may not have been paying attention to her.

I watch as Lightbulb breathes in then out. "I set up picnic. YOU. ask nerd girl to hang out. Picnic at 7:30. When at picnic with her, you say you love her. Any other questions?"

"Ah, Okay... But why are you doing this?" I ask her wondering why in the world she would even want to help me.

"Because... I'm her friend. I want to help her same with you."

Without any other words, I watch as Lightbulb walks off. Okay now great, I made a promise to practically ask out Test Tube. What am I going to do? I think as I walk to the recording room.

(A/N: Hey so here is the next chapter! Sorry for the about 10 ten day wait I was on vacation lol. Anyways I hoped you enjoy hopefully the next few chapters all come within the next few days :D)

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