♡ Chapter 9 - Mental Preparation ♡

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Fan's POV:

I slowly exit the room realizing what I had just done. Did I just ask my literal crush out to a picnic...? How... how is this even possible..?

I walk down the hall asking myself so many questions until I reach my room. Once I open the door I notice that paintbrush is sitting on their bed casually on their phone doing nothing.

I gently close the door until I just hear Paintbrush go "So how was the proposal?" In a sarcastic tone.

I quickly look up at them while they are still just looking at their phone, not bothering to even glance at me. I slowly walk to my bed while shaking, responding with "H-How did you know..?"

They just slowly look at me with a neutral expression and say "I'm dating the idiot that set you up. What did you expect? She does seem to talk a lot so of course, she would tell me."

I quickly take my bowtie off and place it on the nightstand before I go on a complete rant.

"Oh, if that's the case... HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU EVEN ASK SOMEONE TO DATE YOU?! ASKING TEST TUBE TO GO TO A PICNIC WAS HARD ENOUGH! AND THAT WAS JUST A SIMPLE PICNIC THAT I COULD HAVE ASKED ANYONE TO GO TO!!- AND NOW ASKING HER TO D-D-DATE ME HOW DO I EVEN I-" I start to freak out and try to say as much as I can into a single paragraph until I'm interrupted by Paintbrush.

"Woah! Calm down... It's not that hard.." They say to me with somewhat of an empathetic voice. "Plus if you do ask her to be your girlfriend while at the picnic, what is the worst that's going to happen? You're going to get rejected and she will never talk to you again and cut off all communication with you and every time you pass her in the hallway she will give you a weird stare for the rest of your life?" They look at me with a calm expression on their face and quickly go back to looking at their phone.

I quickly fall to the ground freaking out. "NO! THAT'S WORSE THAN WHAT I THOUGHT COULD HAPPEN! You aren't making the situation any better!"

I sit on the ground slowly rocking back and forth thinking of all the possible results of what could happen if I asked her out! On one hand, she says yes and we get together, but on the other hand there are over 100 horrible results including the one Paintbrush suggested.

I keep on rocking on the floor until I notice Paintbrush walk over and kick me. "Calm. Down! It was just a joke. I didn't mean to freak you out!" They look down at me but before I can even respond they pick me up and chuck me on my bed.

"Okay! Now, answer me this. Are you gonna ditch her and sit in this room for the entire day while I have to listen to you panic?- Or, are you gonna stop acting like a baby and actually do something useful for once!?" They yell at me with anger in their voice.

I slowly look up at them starting to somewhat freak out. "B-but what if she rejects me... And I don't have my best friend anymore and the whole hotel knows me as some loser who just gets a crush on whoever I talk to!? Or what if-"

I quickly get a slap on the face from Paintbrush. "PULL. YOURSELF. TOGETHER. This is going to be your last chance to get help from me! If I hear you complain one more time I am going to not help you any longer and you are going to have to rely on yourself. Now shut your goddamn mouth for a second and listen to my advice."

I look up at Paintbrush who is now yelling at me at the top of their lungs and slowly nod.

"Okay, so first thing is first how do you want to approach it? You can either be a risk-taker and ask her once you get to the picnic. Or, you can play it safe by asking her at the end or just even when the time is appropriate." They look at me with a serious face waiting for a response.

"I would prefer if I asked her an appropriate time or maybe I shouldn't even-" I get interrupted with another slap from Paintbrush.

"NO! YOU ARE NOT AND I MEAN NOT GOING TO CHICKEN OUT! Lightbulb is setting up an entire picnic to help YOU! She is spending time out of HER day to do something for your brainless self. So, appropriate time it is." They tell me as I start to flinch worrying that they might set fire to the room.

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