♡ Chapter 4 - Her? ♡

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Fan's POV:

I adjust my blue bowtie while looking right across the table at Test Tube. Gosh, she looks pretty, I think to myself as I stare at her.

She looks at me with somewhat of a smirk, "Woah Fan, you look handsome, like you always are."

I look back at her with a smile. I feel my face glow warmly. Dang, I haven't even ordered and she has already made me feel flustered. I decided to look back at her and accept the compliment "W-w-w-wow t-t-thanks you too." I try to play it off as if I didn't freak out over a simple compliment, yet, I can't even do that.

"No, I mean it, you're handsome. Like I mean it. Just looking at you makes me so happy!" She said as she stared at me.

I started freaking out. When was Test Tube so flirty and when was she so good at it? I have no idea but I'm kinda loving it. I think to myself as I feel my face heat up as she stares at me with a grin.

I watch as our waiter finally arrives and asks us the simple question "What would you two like to order?"

I look over at the menu, looking like a nervous wreck hoping Test Tube would order first. I was too busy freaking out over Test Tube's remarks to even think about what I wanted. I start freaking out mentally until I hear Test Tube order.

"I'll take the oysters with a side of avocado. How about you... lover boy?" She asks me with a smile on her face.

I start to freak out as I slowly look up from the menu with my face burning hot. Did she just call me lover boy... What kind of awkward heaven is this?

I quickly glance at the waiter and yell "Chicken strips!" and then look down trying to avert my attention from Test Tube.

I watch as the waiter walks off our menus. I slowly start to freak out. I suddenly tell Test Tube "I- I.. I. don't like chicken strips." I look at her with embarrassment. How could someone as her get me in such an awkward mess?

"It's okay Honey, we all make mistakes sometimes... though I gotta say it wasn't a mistake meeting you!" I look up at her to see the smirk on her face.

Is this happening!? Why is she acting like this? How is she acting like this? Wait, did she just call me honey? Where are all these nicknames coming from? She is making me so flustered I might cry. Is this even real? I'm not sure what the hell this is, but it feels nice... Having a conversation with her like this may feel awkward but at the same time, it just feels... great.

"Hey, Fan? Do you have something on your mind?.. You've been staring at me for a while..." Test Tube looked at me all confused as if she was waiting for a response. "You know Fan... I'm always here if you need to tell me anything... and by anything I mean anything..."

I continue to look at her as I'm all freaked out. Gosh, why do I have to be such a nervous wreck? She just made me so flustered right now. How is this even possible? I continue to think to myself, realizing now would be the perfect time to confess to her... I'm not even sure how I got here but man, I could just... kiss her right now... Wait. Why am I acting like this? She is my friend, after all, I don't want to ruin our friendship... But.. she did say that she would be there for me for anything. I take a deep breath as I lock my eyes on Test Tube's.

"Test Tube..." I look at her all shaky and my face all warm.

"Yes, Babe?" She looks at me with a seductive look.

I start to choke on my words. Did she just call me... I start to freak out. Is she trying to mess with me right now..? Ugh! I just got to man up. If I can't even ask to date someone, what would I do when it comes to dating them? I just got to... take the shot.

"Well for a while... I liked- no!.. loved... y-.." I noticed that she already had leaned across the table and laid her finger on my mouth before I could even finish my sentence.

"You don't even need to finish that sentence... I know you want me... I could tell for a long time... ever since we talked, I knew we had something.. at least some chemistry..."

I watched as she leaned in closer to me and set her hands on my cheeks. Is.. this... happening?

"I- I- I Te- Test-..." I was out of words. I had no idea what to say. I was just speechless.

"Fan, you don't need to say anything... I can already tell what you want. Now, how about you shut up and just kiss me already."

I didn't hesitate and leaned in for the kiss...

Chemistry Lessons ~  A Fantube Fanfic ♡Where stories live. Discover now