♡ Chapter 6 - Untold Secrets ♡

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Test Tube's POV:

I wake up looking up at the ceiling. I check my face to see if I seem to still be sick. Well, looks like Lightbulb was wrong. I knew I didn't have any feelings. I just needed to rest to help my sickness.

I turn towards my nightstand and reach for my phone. I click the on button to see what time it is. I glance at my background seeing Fan and me. I smile at the background seeing us being so happy together as I look at the time.

It seems that it's already 12:37. I need to stop my sleeping-in habits. I don't think it's that healthy, well I'm not sure. It's my life I don't care. I can sleep in all I want.

I decide to get up and rub my eyes while looking at the wall. I remember that I have to help Fan record another episode of Fan's Fantastic Features. I mean, I do this almost every day, so what do I expect?

I decide to leave my room and head downstairs and look for Fan. Our normal routine is to wake up late since we are never able to wake up early. Then we head downstairs and talk for a bit and then head off to record for a long while.

I walk down the stairs thinking that Fan would be down here and to my surprise he wasn't. I mean he could still be asleep but he normally wakes up earlier than me by a tad bit so it's a bit odd.

I decide to head towards the kitchen and grab a cup of water for myself. I walk out of the kitchen and head over to the couch and see Lightbulb talking to Microphone and Soap while Paintbrush gently holds Lightbulb's hand.

I think to myself that it would be a good plan to ask Paintbrush about Fan because they are roommates with him. Plus they seem bored due to them just waiting for Lightbulb to finish her conversation.

I approach Paintbrush and ask them "Hey, so do you happen to know where Fan is? We need to record his show and normally he would be down here by now waiting for me..."

"Oh, him... Yeah, he had some weird dream last night and woke up around four and hasn't head back to bed since. You should probably check up on him. He's just been... staring at the wall... Yeah." They look at me with a neutral face while over their shoulder to see Lightbulb wiggling her eyebrows at me with a smug face.

I still don't understand how she thinks that I like him but whatever... I decide to head back upstairs to room 602 to check on Fan. I honestly feel bad for him. I couldn't imagine having a dream that just keeps you up. I wonder what it even was about whatever it was I feel bad.

I finally knock on the door yelling his name "Fan! Faaan! Are you okay!? Mind if I come in?"

Fan's POV:

I zone out while staring at the ceiling with tired eyes. I stare trying to fall asleep thinking it's still around 8 in the morning. I just continue to look until I hear a voice.

"Fan! Are you good in there? Fan! Fan!! Do you want to talk?"

It takes me a second to realize who's voice it is and then it clicks... It's Test Tube's....

I don't want to talk to her right now. If anything she is the last person I would want to talk to! What does she even want anyways? Wait... DID PAINTBRUSH TELL HER ABOUT MY DREAM. Is.. that what she wants to talk about...?

I start to look up at the ceiling hoping that she would just leave until I hear the door crack open.

"Fan..?" She looks at me with a concerned look. Great... This is the end. I knew I should've just stayed silent last night.

I look up at her noticing that she is already sitting at the end of my bed. Great, now she is going to tell me that we won't be friends any longer because of stupid Paintbrush. No... Stupid me!

"Hey......" I decide to respond so I at least don't seem rude. I look up at her as she is looking at me with a sympathetic look. We lock eyes and I start to freak out and decide to try to hide my face in my pillow considering I was already holding it.

"Hey, Fan.... Well... are you good? Paintbrush told me you had a dream last night and couldn't sleep for the rest of the night... Do you want to talk about it? You know Fan... I'm always here if you need to tell me anything... and by anything I mean anything..." She looks at me with a worried look.

I look at her all freaked out. Wait, I heard that somewhere before... I think and then realize, is she... Quoting my dream? WAIT NO THIS IS EVEN WORSE! Paintbrush probably told her everything, how is this even possible!

I look at her kind of freaked out. Should I tell her about the dream or just say that I had trouble sleeping... The second one. I couldn't even imagine telling her that. Would she freak out? She probably would...

"Well... I had some trouble sleeping last night, that's all. It was really weird to be fair..." I said while looking at her hoping she would stop feeling bad for me. I mean she probably already knows about the dream... She probably hates me...

I start thinking to myself while worrying about what she thinks.

"Oh! That sucks... I hope you feel better soon."

Test Tube's POV:

I look over at Fan with a look of somewhat disappointment. Ever since yesterday things have just been weird for some reason. It's like he acts like I'm a different person. Did I do something to make him somewhat worry about me?

I look at him hoping that he would cheer up. "Well hey, I came in to ask you if you would like to record for your show since... I didn't see you downstairs. I was kind of worried."

I start to think about my words. I honestly wonder what he is thinking. He has just been acting odd around everyone. Mainly me... Is there something he isn't telling me?

"Well, I'll be setting up the camera in the recording room if you need anything... Also if you want you could wear that bowtie to spice things up." I point at his pastel bowtie that was sitting on his nightstand.

I look at him with a smile as I leave the room. I look back at him with his awkward expression looking straight at me.

I close the door as I exit. I feel bad for him. It's like he wanted to tell me something but couldn't. I wish I could just hold him close and listen to what is on his mind... Having him know I care for him... Having long nice conversations with him talking to him about whatever we would like to talk about... That... Would be nice...

I take a second to realize how the hell I am thinking...

Wait what..? Hold him? What am I thinking...? I feel as my face begins to get warm again. Wait huh... This is Fan I am thinking about my FRIEND. I start to freak out as I quickly walk over to the recording room. I feel butterflies in my stomach as if my organs have just been readjusted. I feel my face one last time before I enter the room rethinking everything... Do... I have a crush on Fan...

Was Lightbulb right...?

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