♡ Chapter 8 - Mess ups ♡

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Test Tube's POV:

I watch as Fan came into the room and surprisingly, he was wearing his bowtie. I looked at him feeling my face glow a bit red while Fan just looked back at me. We locked eyes and we just stared at each other for what felt like forever.

I quickly realized how awkward that must have been for him. I quickly decide to change up the topic so that we aren't just staring at each other. "W-Well ummm... I like that you chose to wear the bowtie..." I said with zero confidence in my voice trying to avert my eyes from him.

"I got erm ummm.. the camera set up so you can head over to your desk and I can start uhhm recording... Yeah." I said while just looking at the camera making sure there was no eye contact whatsoever.

I head behind the camera to get ready to record as I watch Fan adjust his bowtie. I watch as he just slowly glances at me and as soon as he notices me he quickly turns away while covering his face with his hands.

I decided to look up and pretend to be fixing the camera settings hoping I hide most of my face. I didn't want to make it awkward for him. It seems that dream may have really messed him up. I feel my face checking to see if it still feels somewhat warm, and knowing my luck, it is. I just hope I don't look like a blushing mess. If I did, Fan would ask and I.. well.. I wouldn't have any excuse now, would I?

"Okay... I think I'm ready.." Fan tells me.

I look away from the camera and see that Fan is looking at me and soon as I look at him I notice that he quickly redirects his eyes to something else. Whatever, he is probably just thinking about what to say for the video.

"Okay, well I'm ready when you are... Fan." I say as I rethink my words. I didn't even plan to say Fan, what the hell.

I turn on the camera and give him a thumbs up like I always do. I watch as he looks at the camera and then somewhat at me and then looks away.

"Hello.... Internet..." He says while looking down at the ground in somewhat of a monotone voice.

Interesting, it seems that he doesn't seem as enthusiastic as usual. Did something happen? Normally he gets it on the first try.

"Uhhhh.... Fan..." I say while looks at him as he looks down at the ground.

"OH! Uhhhhhh. Yes, Test... TEST TUBE?" He says while looking at me. Though it looks like he is struggling to do so.

"Fan... You, well Uhm, need to rerecord that part... You didn't really sound like yourself... Also, you weren't looking at the camera, Fan." I say rethinking what I just said. Great, now I don't even sound that confident. Also, why did I say Fan twice, gosh this is really getting to my head, isn't it.

"Oh, uhhhh... I'm sorry." He says with a nervous look. What's gotten into him? Normally he is all cheerful but today he just feels... what's the word to describe it? Dead? Sure, that could work.

I watch as he readjusts his bowtie waiting for me to give the signal I'm recording. I glare at him and give him a thumbs up.

"H-Hello... Internet!?" He says while yet again not looking at the camera this time at the ceiling. He also seems to be fiddling with his fingers while doing so. Is he anxious or something? Anxious for what? Am I making him anxious?

"Hey, Fan... uhm we need to retake that again... you still weren't looking at the camera. You also sound somewhat... confused, to say the least." I say while looking at him with an empathetic look.

He looks back at me as I watch as he puts one hand on his face. "Oh! Sorry... I err uh.. Got distracted... also I didn't get much sleep.. but that's fine."

I look at him confused, I mean I already knew about the lack of sleep due to Paintbrush telling me. But still, acting anxious doesn't really come with a lack of sleep. It's more of being a lot jumpier and alert than usual.

"Well... Okay," I say looking back at the camera while giving him a thumbs up.

This time he just sits there while staring blankly at me. Did he not notice the signal? I give him a thumbs up again and yet he still sat there looking at me with a worried look. It looks like he lost the words he was gonna say but he got distracted like he is too focus on looking at... me? I shake it off and decide to ask him what he is doing.

"Fan!? Are you there?" I ask him wondering what he is doing.

I watch as he quickly gets startled by what I said like he was zoning out and then I watch as he quickly looks away as if he was trying to hide something.

He looks at the ceiling while just responding with "I'm sorry! I uh... don't know what's got into me! I just got distracted and I don't know what to do! And everything has just been so confu-"

"Woah! Calm down!" I say while interrupting him hoping that he would act more calm.

I hesitantly walk over there as I place my hand on his shoulder trying not to freak out over how I just did that.

"L-Look... We can u-m-m make the update video tomorrow o-okay." I say while looking at him while I feel my face turn warm.

I watch as he looks up at me with somewhat of an anxious smile. "Oh okay, thanks I.. uhhh.. just didn't feel like uhm recording today... glad you understand."

I let go of his shoulder and decide to walk over to the camera so I can turn it off and put it away. I click the off button and take it off the stand but I pause once I notice that he is slowly approaching me.

He looks at me with a somewhat smile on his face. "Hey.. so I was wondering if you would like to ummm..." He suddenly stood there for 30 seconds as it looked like he was trying to think what to say. "Go to a picnic with me tonight you know... J-j-just the two of us. You know uhhh.... H-H-HANGING OUT!"

I look at him with a smile on my face feeling myself blush. A picnic with Fan..? Just us..? I look down at him responding with. "Wait r-r-really? Well sure! W-w-what time?"

"C-Could we do uhhhh... 7:30 tonight right before sunset... O-Outside of hotel OJ..." He looks at me with a mixed expression of happiness and stress.

"Okay, t-t-then, I'll be there! I could also bring my telescope if you w-w-want, not like you'd care that much for the stars I thought it could be, you know... Just a fun suggestion to maybe pass the time..." I look at him worried that, maybe, my suggestion may have been too boring. He has never been the type to show that much interest in space so maybe I probably shouldn't bring it.

"Oh, actually I would like it if you did... I love listening to your... space talks... I.. uh think they are pretty neat."

I feel myself blush from the compliment. He actually likes my talks about space...? Heh... he is even more perfect for me than I thought. Wait, what? I'm already aware that I caught feelings for him but thinking he is perfect is a little overboard isn't it?

"Well, I'm going to be in my room until then, getting ready. I'll uhh see you at seven-thirty..." Fan says to me as he slowly walks off.... keeping my eyes on him until he leaves the room. Once he leaves I just slowly sit on the ground asking myself out loud. "Why on earth did I accept... I'M GONNA BE A MESS!"

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