♡ Chapter 5 - Confessional Therapy ♡

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Paintbrush's POV: (a few minutes earlier)

I wake up to hearing a bunch of random noise coming from the bed next to me. Let me guess, it's Fan having another one of those useless dreams. Welp, I guess another night having to fall asleep is what I would like to call; the mystery lullaby game. Try to figure out what the hell Fan is thinking of based on every word he randomly slips out of his stupid mouth.

I look up at the ceiling and start to focus on his words.

"Ehhhhhhhhh.. bowtie..... ihhhhhh warmly.............."

Is he...? Microwaving his bowtie? Welp, good. Can't wait to see him wake up with a scream again. I stop thinking to myself and start to focus on his chatter more.

"Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooover............ heheeh... STRIPS!"

Why does he yell in his sleep... Okay so based on these few words I can assume that it's something about. Being with a Lover? Okay, so he could be snuggling with someone? I mean warm and lover tend to go in the same, so it could be that...

I lay down trying to listen in to what Fan is saying and what else he could be dreaming about. I lay there for a few minutes waiting for a peep to come out of Fan.

"Hghhghhghhg......... flustered......................... Yeeehhhhhnnng...... heaven.............."

What is he on about... I mean didn't know he even liked someone but hey, this is interesting, to say the least.

I wait until a hear a few more words come from his stupid mouth.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmg....... Confess...... uhhhhhhhhhnmmggg... f-f-friendship?"

What is he even doing... Okay, So far I'm pretty sure he likes someone. Well based on what I have so far I mean-

I get mentally cut off to Fan says a single word. "Test Tube....."

I look over at him and decide to walk over. Alright, investigation time. I don't want to deal with having to listen to these creepy dreams anymore. He has only had one and enough is enough.

I walk over to his bed and I see him... kissing his pillow? I quietly shout at him trying to wake him up. "Fan! Pshh! Fan! Pshh! FAN WAKE UP!"

Then I hear a scream come from stupid here....

Fan's POV:

I wake up to someone yelling my name. What would someone want right now? I haven't even gotten my chicken strips yet. I look up and I see paintbrush yelling at me. WAIT WHERE AM I THIS ISN'T THE RESTAURANT.

"Where's Test Tube? Where's the food? Where's my ki-" I slap my hands on my mouth before I even finish my sentence. Why am I saying this and in front of Paintbrush of all people?

"So, care to explain what's going on between you and Test Tube? I mean I'm just curious if you don't mind telling me." They looked at me with a smug face as if waiting for me to say something stupid.

"Oh? What are you talking about?.. We're just friends? Why, did something happen within the last week or so?" I looked at them trying to cover up my tracks as if I wasn't just asking for a kiss and cutting myself off before then.

"Fan. Just give it to me straight, I'm so tired right now... but I'm taking time out of my night just to know what's up with you. Something about loving her. Just tell me and I'll be satisfied." They look down at me with an annoyed yet tired expression while staring at me.

"Fine.... But don't tell anyone please...." I look up at Paintbrush with an expression of mercy.

"I won't, just tell me. I want to go back to bed." They told me with a presence of anger in their voice.

"Okay. The truth is that I like Test Tube.... Like a lot... She just makes me happy, I care for her... I wish I could be with her, you know?.." I grabbed my pillow and started hugging it for comfort.

Paintbrush headed over to their bed slouching. "Alright, not my problem. You can go deal with your lovey-dovey business yourself. I'm getting sleep now if you don't mind."

I look at them in confusion. Did they not care? Well, if they didn't, thank god. I look at the pillow I'm holding in my arms. I flop down on my side while still holding...it.

Well goodnight to them I guess. Hope I can head back to that dream. It just got to the good part...

(A/N: Gotta say that paintbrush is just an absolute mood here.)

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