♡ Chapter 10 - Stars Align ♡

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Fan's POV:

I gently adjust my blue bowtie thinking that it would be right of the occasion.

"Do you think she would like this? I mean I'm not sure if she would or not.." I look up at Paintbrush waiting for them to respond.

"Fan... This is the seventh time you have asked me this. IT. LOOKS. FINE." Paintbrush yells at me while their bristles start to slowly light up as if their head is about to catch fire.

"Alright! I'm sorry I'm just making sure!" I say as I freak out and open the door as I wave at them with them waving back with somewhat of an angry face.

I walk out the hallway seeing that nobody seems to be here until I turn around and flinch at the fact Lightbulb is right behind me with a huge smile.

"Hey, there soon not to be single! So I know it's five minutes before your little picnic thingy, but I may have possibly got you something to give to Test Tube..." She says while holding out the present with a joyful expression on her face.

"Oh, thanks!" I say as I take the box and try to take the top off until I am stopped by Lightbulb taking it out of my hands.

"NO LOOKSEYS!" She says with a serious tone in her voice. "It's a secret...." Lightbulb tells me whispering the last word.

"Oh okay...." I say as I slowly take it back while I admire the sage green box with the bow that had been placed on top.

"Well Flat-face, I wish you luck." She tells me with a smile of glee while she pats me on the back.

"Uhh... Thanks.." I say as I walk down the hallway away from her while holding the present. I wonder what could be inside? I look at the box noticing how well it was wrapped. I could tell Lightbulb definitely didn't wrap this or probably made it considering how well made the box is. Oh well, only time will tell...

I walk down the stairs and head to the door as I watch everyone who was downstairs just looking at me. I hate walking downstairs and through the main room I always get a weird look from at least one person but this time it had been everyone. Was it because I was dressed up? Could it be the present? Whatever it's not their business anyways...

I head out the door and see a picnic blanket about 50 feet away from the hotel and begin to walk over there.

I finally arrive and notice Test Tube is already sitting there and as soon as I see her my heart drops. I was prepared but not THIS prepared. Come on Fan... I got this, just sit down next to her and start a conversation!

"Hey Test Tube!" I say as I sit down next to her. I start to realize, what do I do? I didn't actually think I would get this far! Ugh what do I do... It's just a picnic, calm down, do what you would do if you were on a picnic with her... Maybe act yourself? No, I'm already doing that!

"Hi Fan..." I hear Test Tube say as she looks at me with a small smile on her face. I look at her thinking what to say next, and then I remember what I am holding. Oh yeah! The present!

I look at her and tell her about what I got her. "I got you a present... I uhm.. thought maybe that you would like it... I mean we never do picnics like ever... So I thought I could get something for this uhhh special occasion."

I pass her the present as she looks at it in awe.

"T-T-Thanks Fan... I should of got something for you, I didn't know, I'm sorry..." She looks at me with somewhat of a sad expression like it was required to give a gift.

I place my hand on her arm trying to comfort her while trying not to freak out at the same time. Her face slowly changes to somewhat of a shocked yet happy expression.

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