Chapter 4

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Tossing my head back down on the porch and running a hand through my sweaty hair, I let out a sigh of relief. 'I need to get Ashe to the-,' my thoughts were cut off by two sets of wide eyes staring down at Ashe and I.

I recognized Oakley because Ashe had introduced us once before about a year ago before our schedules got all screwed up. However I didn't recognize the blonde woman, but I could only guess that she was Savanna based on what Ashe had told me about her. These two were the only friends she'd ever really mentioned to me.

"What in the name of the gods is going on here?" The blonde eventually spoke up, her voice had an edge to it, but she also sounded amused. Understandable, considering some man she'd never met was currently wrapped around her best friend on the ground.

It felt like my face lit on fire after the realization that I was still holding her finally hit me, causing me to immediately let go and scoot away while still making sure she was okay. She let out a few coughs as she laughed.

I looked to Ashe for guidance here, I was at a loss for words. I wasn't expecting to meet anyone new today, or to see her friends at all. 'Would she want to tell them what happened? I mean she said they witnessed the first experience so they're trustworthy but-,'

My thoughts were cut off again when she finally spoke. "Savanna, this is August, August this is Savanna, now all of my best friends have met." Savanna's face quickly turned to one of surprise, and then pure amusement as she giggled out something that made me catch my breath.

"Oh, that's August, if you're just friends then what just happened? You have a hard time with just hugging us. I'd never imagine you play-wrestling and cuddling with someone, for a second I thought you might have a secret boyfriend." Savanna's eyes darted to me with a grin.

'Ah, so that wasn't a normal friendship thing for her,' I thought to myself as I felt my face blush. I almost felt like we were being interrogated though, I was uncomfortable and I could tell Ashe was too.

I could see her sink down for a moment before retaliating with a huff, "I've just known him longer than you guys so we're a little closer, that's all." She looked to me and smiled, "besides I'd probably be dead right now if it wasn't for him, what you saw wasn't us play-wrestling, it was him saving me from suffocation."

'Oh boy, here we go.' I couldn't help but think to myself. I didn't like being put on the spot a lot and I kind of wanted to talk about this alone with her. I cleared my throat and ran a hand threw my messy blonde hair again, noticing the stares Savanna and Oakley were giving me.

I glanced at Ashe once more, hoping she'd get their attention off of me, she looked just as anxious as I felt which didn't help. I tossed a sheepish smile at all three of them and finally pulled myself into a sitting position.



I immediately regretted saying that. All three sets of their eyes widened at me and then the girl's stares turned on August, waiting for an explanation. He was clearly more nervous than I was about this whole thing, which I found odd. He probably wasn't expecting me to say something so soon though. I'd just give them a vague explanation for now. I got to my feet and looked to the ground nervously, "you guys remember what happened yesterday right?" Their expressions immediately changed to show dread as they nodded.

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