Chapter 20

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*sexual content warning*


August, Clovella, Oakley and I sat in a small circle on the ground. Apparently climbing was all they had in mind for me today, which was kind of disappointing. I didn't even feel tired. I had a feeling August asked Clovella to cut it short today.

"I'm honestly surprised you still seem as energetic as you do, most others would've been ready to go home after that sort of exercise," Clovella remarked. I snorted, "that's a bit concerning isn't it?" She shook her head and smiled, it had a hint of mischievousness to it. I raised a brow at her, waiting for an explanation. "Actually, you're one of the strongest newbies I've ever come across. That's not solely based on your climbing though, you hit as hard as some of our best men but, that's a good thing. You'll evolve quickly and that's just what we need," she said confidently.

Oakley made a face of approval and August rolled his eyes. "Don't boost her ego too much," he laughed, I punched his shoulder but laughed as well.

After a few more minutes of chatting the four of us left the training grounds. August and I headed back towards the cabin, but about half way there he stopped me. "You ready for our date?" He asked, I just nodded with a smile. I began wondering if it was going to be at the cabin but before I could ask he grabbed my hand and snapped his fingers.

Seconds later we hit concrete, luckily I'd learned to land on my feet by now. I was confused about where we were at first, until I noticed the familiar sign with bright red letters. "I know it may not be the most romantic spot, but I consider it sentimental to, well, the second time we met I guess," he said nervously with a chuckle. I gave him a big smile and looked around, stopping when I noticed the picnic-like setup in the spot we first shared a meal together. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, I hadn't been back here since the day we left and it brought back every detailed memory of that night.

"Oh shit, this was a bad idea wasn't it? I'm so sorry Ashe, I genuinely thought you'd like it," August spoke quickly, his eyes were wide with worry. I shook my head as a sniffle escaped me, "no, no August it's fine. Really, it's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." I pulled him into a tight hug before sitting on the grey and red quilt. He sat next to me and watched me as I took everything in. He'd brought all of our favorite foods and a few varieties of flowers and candles, not that we needed them in the daylight. However it made me wonder just how long we were going to be staying out here.

I turned to face August, "so what's the plan?" He smiled and waved his hand over the picnic, "just enjoy yourself and trust me." I raised an eyebrow but began putting some food together on a plate for myself anyways, August did the same.

"Y'know, when I came out of those bushes to greet you and you pulled a knife, I had to fight the urge to wrap you up and bring you home right then," August chuckled. "I likely would have stabbed you if you'd done that," I laughed back. He shrugged and gave me a warm smile, "would've been worth it. Seeing you like that crushed me, I made a promise to myself to befriend you, again, and to protect you even if it was very clear you didn't need help with that."

I chuckled as we begin to eat. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. "I can shadow travel now, right?" I asked. August raised a concerned brow but nodded anyways and I continued, "and all I have to do is picture the place I want to go?" He nodded again, slower this time, while setting a sandwich down, "basically yeah, why? Did you have somewhere in mind?" I nodded thoughtfully, thinking back to the visions of my parents death.

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