Chapter 10

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As we entered the field I thought about what me and August had discussed telling the girls while Savanna was around. I hated the idea of lying to her but, I also didn't want to put her into any kind of supernatural harm since she's apparently the only human among the four of us.

After lying a picnic blanket out and settling down I glanced at August to see if he was ready, once he gave me a nod I cleared my throat. "Okay so within the last couple days we've learned a few things about all this smoke stuff, but August is the alleged professional so I'll let him tell you guys what we've come up with," with a half smile I nodded at August and he cleared his throat.

"Right, okay well for one, it's a gas," he spoke confidently, "I looked into recent crimes, both local and in the neighboring towns, there's been a lot of smoke-bomb related pranks lately and we're assuming that's what happened. We don't know what kind of gas it was though." Oddly enough, the two seemed to accept this idea, it didn't even sound realistic, but it is partly true. There had actually been some smoke bomb pranks going around. "We had a few windows open when it happened, so I'm assuming they just saw the opportunity while hiding in the woods and went for it," I spoke up.

Oakley and Savanna simply nodded. "Everyone here should still take precautions, it could just be a prank or it could be some type of test to see how easily they can access the home, there's no way for us to know for sure what their intentions are, but what we can know is that it could happen to any of us again and regardless of what kind of gas they're using, it's very likely harmful to our lungs," he said with a sigh. I wondered if breathing in the Shadow was actually bad for our lungs or not, I'll have to ask about that later.

"That makes sense, this is so crazy though," Oakley mumbled, "Wolfs Creek has almost always been peaceful and quiet, other than Gateway Island." I winced slightly at the last part, but nodded anyways. "So is that why you've been staying with August?" Savanna chimed in and when I nodded she added another question, "how long will you be staying with him?"

"Until all of this blows over and calms down," the longer we sat here lying, the more my stomach uncomfortably tightened into a big knot of guilt. "Y'all want to grab some burgers or something?" I asked trying to get off topic now that the Shadow had been waved off as some prank for the moment. "Actually I kind of have a date," Oakley said as her cheeks blushed.

Savanna and I both excitedly gasped, "yes bitch it's about time he officially asked you," Savanna said. Oakley giggled and shook her head, "I asked him actually." I smiled big and patted her shoulder, "that's my girl, I'm proud of you." They burst into laughter and I furrowed my brows in confusion, "what?"

"As if you'd ever make the first move," they said at the same time before laughing hard again. I rolled my eyes and then blushed at August's smirk as what happened earlier flashed through my mind, I shook my head at him and rolled my eyes again. If only they knew.

"Okay well, Savanna do you have plans?" I asked, she wiped the tears from laughing away from her eyes and took a deep breath. "Yeah unfortunately, my mother wants me to help clean the house because dad is having his boss over for some big dinner," she rolled her eyes and sighed.

We all stood and walked back towards the cottage. When we arrived I gave both my friends hugs and we said our bye's. As August and I walked back onto the porch Savanna called back, "y'all are crazy for going back in there." We all laughed as her and Oakley disappeared into the woods leading back towards the garage.

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