Chapter 6

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When I stepped out of the bedroom, I gasped. This was one of the most beautiful cabins I'd ever been in. The tree logs that made the walls had been stained into a deep, dark-chocolate brown color, the hallway floor matched too. However the bedroom and living room floors were a deep crimson colored, thick carpet that had the same texture that moss has. The kitchen floor was made of polished rose quartz, the counter tops were made from amethyst, and a small citrine-crystal chandelier hung in the center of the kitchen as well.

Anything that wasn't crimson carpet or made from tree trunks had been made from some kind of crystal, I couldn't help but stare in complete awe and shock. "Make yourself at home dear, I'll have August bring your coffee to the living room," I heard Magna's voice say from the kitchen, I chose to sit on the part of the couch that was closest to the door. Not that escaping would do me any good anyways since I'm apparently on an island that's several miles from shore.

I trusted August, but I wasn't sure about Magna just yet. She seemed like a motherly and sweet woman, her aged body radiated wisdom. However, my mind would return to the missing persons cases, all of which had disappeared after coming to this island. I definitely had questions for August, if we ever got real privacy.

Footsteps pulled me out of my thoughts as he walked into the living room wearing a shy smile, he'd started acting a lot more nervous since we got here which only left me with even more questions. Magna followed shortly after him, her smile seemed more genuine and definitely held a confidence in it that I didn't know if I should appreciate or not.

August sat next to me and handed me my coffee, Magna just stood across from us. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions for August so I'll leave you two some privacy for the next two days, I have to run and gather some things off the island anyhow," she nodded in August's direction, "you know how to get ahold of me if needed, don't get into any trouble."

She snapped her fingers and disappeared into thin air, my jaw dropped but quickly shut at the sound of August's laughter. "Not to be a downer, but I'm not seeing anything funny about this situation, you have some explaining to do," I said with a serious tone. He sighed and dropped his gaze, "I know."

"I'm guessing you want to know how we wound up here first?" He asked quietly, still not looking at me. I hummed a yes as I brought my feet up on the couch, now sitting crisscross. Another sigh left his mouth with a slight tremble before he began, causing me to look up and meet his worry-filled eyes. "You have to swear you'll keep an open mind Asheland," he practically pleaded with me, the new tone and use of my full first name caught me off guard, he's never begged anyone for anything, but I nodded to reassure him. "I swear."

Dragging a hand down his face, he began. "It's called Shadow Travel, to put it simply. Shadow is basically everywhere, obviously. It encompasses everything at night and still exists when there's light. So as long as there's shadow at the place you're wanting to go and as long as you have some kind of shadow blood in yourself, you can use it to get there." He gave me a moment to soak in what he'd said so far, I shook my head and massaged the bridge of my nose.

As the realization hit me I jerked my head towards him, my eyes felt like they were bulging out of my head, "does that mean you- that would have to mean- I don't understand..." my head started pounding.

"I have shadow blood, but shadow blood is different in every shadow breed. Shadow Breed is a reference to any existing beings that humans consider to be legends or myths. For example, Magna and I are both Shadow Breeds, but she is a hybrid between wolf and vampire," I don't know if my eyes could get any wider or if my jaw could drop any further. Shaking my head I finally asked, "so what does that make you?"

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