Chapter 14

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Clovella, Oakley, August and I used the shadow to enter an abandoned barn a couple of miles away from my cottage. It was still hidden deep in the woods and away from Wolf Creek. We cleared a spot on the dirt and hay covered floor to sit so that we could discuss what to do next.

"Just do what you normally do when you go back home from Ashe's," August suggested. I awkwardly cleared my throat and Oakley rubbed the back of her neck anxiously, "I usually pick Savanna up and then we hang out at my house, so I don't know if that's best since Clovella is coming with me."

August pursed his lips and after a moment of silence, an idea hit me. "What if you text her before heading home and tell her about needing to go out of state to visit your family, you could say Clovella is your cousin and she showed up suddenly because it's an emergency, she might even help you pack and get out quicker," I suggested with a shrug.

I didn't really feel bad about lying to Savanna anymore, especially after what I'd learned. "That's not a bad idea, although calling me your cousin might be awkward," Clovella said with a lighthearted chuckle. August nodded in agreement with a smile. "That could actually work, should I go ahead and text her now or do I need to wait a bit?" Oakley asked.

"Well, we need a backup plan encase this one doesn't work out," August said. "What can I do?" I asked eagerly. "You can stay right here in this barn and keep me company until I'm needed," August spoke matter-of-factly. I pouted and crossed my arms with a huff, "I'm not useless just because I'm a little unstable."

Oakley started to laugh, but quickly slapped her hand over her mouth as August shot her a stern look. I smacked his arm, "leave her alone, I'm funny." He rolled his eyes as Oakley and Clovella both started laughing. I turned my nose up with a proud grin and puffed my chest at him.

He smirked and shook his head with a sigh, "you are stubborn, but you aren't doing anything outside of this barn unless it's absolutely necessary, it's just not safe right now. Now if you all don't mind, we need to get plan B figured out." The three of us groaned at him, but nodded. "So, any ideas mister impatient?" I asked August. "If Savanna catches on to what any of us are or why Oakley is actually leaving, Clovella can take a short period of her memory which will give you two at least ten minutes to get back here before she realizes anything," he said confidently.

"Okay, but if she's a hunters daughter she may not be affected by my attempt," Clovella spoke hesitantly. "That's where plan C comes in, you contact me and I'll come take care of her while you two get out," August assured her.

Oakley and I furrowed our brows and cast each other a look of concern. Taking her memory was one thing, but I wasn't sure if I was okay with killing her if that's what he meant. As if reading our expressions he spoke up to clarify, "I'm not going to kill her, but I'm going to have to remove some memories and replace them with false ones, Clovella can't give humans false memories like gods and half-gods can."

We sighed with relief. She may have threatened our kind before, but I don't think she has the heart to actually kill someone so I didn't want to kill her either. I hoped she didn't anyways.

"I hate being left out, but the plans sound good and a third back-up plan is comforting. I guess you should text her now, if you're ready," I said, facing Oakley as I finished my suggestion. She nodded with a sigh and pulled her phone out, looking back up at us when she had sent the message. The four of us sat in silence for what felt like ages before she finally got a response.

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