Chapter 11

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After we'd gathered our notes and felt confident in our plan and backup plans, we had decided to eat dinner in bed. We sat next to each other in silence for a while, I was reading my book and August was making more notes for the Oakley situation. "You got everything you need already in your bag?" August finally spoke up. I nodded with a smile, "yeah, triple-checked already." He smirked and then yawned, "is it cool if I take my pants off? I'll leave my boxers on obviously."

I thought about it for a minute and then nodded again, "that's fine, I don't think I'm in the mood for any cuddling tonight anyways." I spoke casually but, I could see the slight disappointment in his eyes.

I punched his shoulder playfully and laughed, "I'm just messing with you Gusty, it'll probably help me get to sleep." I chewed my bottom lip as I debated messing with him a little more, "but since you get to sleep pants-less, I do too." A huge grin broke across his face before he spoke, "your house, your rules princess." I rolled my eyes and turned away with a huff to hide my blush.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, but first removed my shorts and tossed them in the hamper. I pulled off my top and tossed it in the hamper too, grabbing a big t-shirt off the counter and pulling it on. The large black shirt went about midway down my thighs, exposing the red outline of a snake tattoo on the front of my upper-left thigh that trailed down to my knee.

I touched the tips of my fingers to the tattoo, sixteen years and I still couldn't recall how or when I'd gotten this piece of art but, I don't regret having it. I haven't felt anything negative when I see it or touch it, so I try not to think of it too much. The only issue I have with it is that at the age I was when I first remember seeing it, I shouldn't have been able to get tattoos.

"Admiring yourself huh?" August's voice cut through my thoughts unexpectedly and caused me to flinch away from him. His humored gaze quickly softened with concern, "are you okay?" I sighed with a chuckle and shoved him, "yeah, you just scared the shit out of me." He laughed as he pushed by me to brush his teeth, I shook my head at him with a smile. "I'll meet you in bed loser," I said with an eye roll as I left the bathroom and went back to the bedroom.



I watched myself brush my teeth in the mirror while cursing myself for not handling that better, she was probably struggling with everything that's happened over the last chest felt heavy at the thought of all she'd been through in general and the fact that I was only adding to it with all of the new information. Memories like that don't just disappear and trying to comprehend that you aren't what you've always believed yourself to be was something I couldn't understand from her perspective.

It got even heavier when I realized she'd have to experience war in the nearing future. Not only experience it but, lead it as well. That was assuming she'd accept that route out of the multiple paths ahead of her though. There's no telling what'll happen if she doesn't.

I needed to figure out how to tell her the rest of the truth about who she is. Between getting Oakley to the island, telling Oakley who and what she is, teaching both her and Ashe about their gifts and controlling them, and keeping all of this a secret from Savanna and the rest of Wolf Creek, I didn't have much time to think about how I was going to show Ashe the whole truth just yet.

With a frustrated sigh, I left the bathroom and headed back towards the bedroom with a half-assed smile. She'd see right through any attempt at hiding my stress, I'd blame it on having to hold secrets for now if she asked. I mean, it's not a complete lie.

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