Chapter 23

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My eyelids felt heavy and my muscles ached, but as I slowly opened my eyes I felt my energy flowing back into me quickly. It was dark and the air was damp. The floor I laid flat on was hard, concrete maybe. The room smelled of mildew, dirt and blood.

I sat up slowly, feeling the cold metal cuff on my wrists. I lifted it and shook it slightly, listening to the jingle the chain made at the small movement. I closed my eyes again and sought my shadow vision. After a moment of taking in my surroundings, a large grin spread across my face. They underestimated me, again. I decided it was in my best interest to wait until someone checked on me at least twice before busting out, so that I could get a good idea of how long I had before I'd need to fight someone off.

As I finished my thoughts, the sound of squeaky rubber boots made there way down cracked cement stairs. This underground lair was much more like a dungeon than ours, with concrete floors and cobblestone walls, all of which were crumbling apart with time.

Whoever had entered stopped in front of the metal bars that locked me in my cell, "I see you're finally awake." His voice was rough, as if he'd smoked ten packs of cigarettes a day for ages. I recognized it immediately as Sam and chuckled. He made an amused grunting noise before the barred door slid open with a screech. I stood, continuing to use the shadow vision to keep an eye on where he was, five feet from me now. "What do you want?" I growled at him.

He chuckled and tapped his squeaky boot in amused disapproval, "now that's not how you speak to your host, is it doll-face?" I gagged at the pet name and glared in his direction, doubting that he could actually see me. "A host deserving of respect doesn't chain their guests," I spoke calmly. He took a couple steps closer, squeaking with each one. I went to step back and bumped into the wall behind me, scowling as I did so. "What do you want, squeaky?" I demanded again.

Suddenly his hand was around my throat. Since he was human it had no real effect on me, he was weak, but I didn't want him knowing what I was capable of just yet so I pretended to struggle. "You're going to regret ever denying me, doll-face," he practically spit the pet name in my face this time, and I returned the favor with a thick loogie in his eye. He gagged and dropped me to step back and wipe his face off, "you nasty fucking cunt, you'll regret that."

I chuckled this time. "I asked you a question," I shrugged as I continued, "and you were rude." He scoffed and hit a switch somewhere that tuned the lights of the dungeon on. I flinched slightly at the sudden brightness, but Squeaky seemed to think I was flinching at him when I noticed his grin. "You know exactly what I want dear, I've taken it before. Only now, I can take it whenever I want," he spoke with a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he traced a dirt stained finger down my cheek.

I jerked away and nearly exploded with anger at his touch, "how dare you, you shrimp dicked bastard. I'd like to see you try that ever again." He smirked and eyed my body, only then did I realize I was down to just panties and a bra. My anger only boiled hotter, but I quickly pulled the reins in on myself, remembering my initial plan. If he tried to take me anywhere, I could just set him ablaze and run for it. I needed to know where August was first though.

I attempted communication through the shadow with him, but Sam and whoever else was with him either managed to block it or he was still out cold. I refused to believe any other reasoning. "Where's August?" I snap at him. His smirk falters for only a second before returning, "oh that thing? He's in the cell next to you. I'm surprised he hasn't woke up yet, then again we did have to give him a higher dose seeing as when he noticed you go limp he nearly went all god on us."

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