Chapter 15

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I didn't even notice Oakley and Clovella showing back up below the loft. I was still processing what I'd just learned, still numb. I'd spent so many years being angry at my parents for leaving me, when it was my fault they were gone the whole time.

"Ashe?" I heard Oakley call from below. I almost didn't respond, I didn't want to be around anyone. "I'm up here, but please give me space right now," I croaked out. "What happened? Did August hurt you?" She called up again. I sighed and ran a hand down my face, "no, I'll tell you about it when I've processed it." There was no response, but Oakley had seen me go through similar phases a few times before over the last two years of our friendship, so she somewhat understood what I needed in the moment.

I couldn't help trying to figure out why they had to die for me, I knew only August and Magna would have those answers though. I almost wish I hadn't said anything at all. Shadow slowly filled the loft area and August hit the floor next to me with a thud. I wanted to feel happy that he was back and safe, but I couldn't. I just stared at him and waited to know what we were doing next.

He furrowed his brows and his eyes glowed with worry as he searched mine. "It's not your fault Ashe," he started but I stopped him, "save it August, let's just go back to Gateway if we're done here, please." His shoulders drooped and the sad glow lingered as he searched me a bit longer before standing and lending a hand out to me. I ignored it and stood on my own.

Why hadn't he told me all of this sooner? Like, I don't know, maybe the day we met? I probably wouldn't have believed him then to be fair, but even a month after meeting would've been better than almost six years after. I didn't get it.

"You're going to have to hold my hand if you expect to get back to Gateway safely," he said quietly with his head down. I sighed and shrugged while turning to head down the latter. He followed silently and once we were both standing on the floor, I noticed Oakley and Clovella watching us. Oakley offered me a weak a smile, only then did I notice her eye and lip. Still, I felt nothing but I played it off, "what happened?"

She shook her head, "it's nothing, Savanna attacked me so Clovella knocked her out and called on August to come replace her memories up to an hour before the attack." I nodded and glanced up at him, now standing next to me with his head still down slightly. After a moment he lifted it and reached into his jean pocket. "I kind of stole her phone by the way, there's only three contacts so I assume she would've trashed it anyways."

I raised my brows at him, "who was it?"
"Her parents and someone named Sam, there's no last name though." My spine chilled at the sound of Sam's name, causing confused glances from the other three, Oakley's quickly changed to one of realization and August noticed. "Who's Sam?"

I groaned, I could only hope I was wrong but if I wasn't... "Someone that bullied me during my later teenage years," was all I said. Technically he abused me, but I wasn't in the mood to deal with that right now. Oakley scoffed, "bullied is an understatement."

'Way to keep things from escalating,' I thought to myself with an eye roll. "What does she mean?" August asked me and I groaned again, this time a little longer than the last. "Do we have to talk about what he did in the past right now?" I asked and almost regretted it immediately as I saw the fire ignite in August's eyes, "he?" Oh gods.

Clovella was quietly watching with Oakley as he attempted to get answers out of me. "Shouldn't we be heading back to Gateway?" I asked. He let out a huff, but nodded and held his hand out. Clovella and Oakley took each other's hands, "we'll meet you two at your cabin in a few hours, you guys obviously need some space to talk so I'll help Oakley get set up at my cabin and when you're ready to see us you can give us a call." Clovella said before snapping the shadow around themselves and disappearing.

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