Chapter 22

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"Ashe just calm down, I can't understand you when you're rambling in a panic like this," August tried to reason with me, but I just couldn't. Not after what I'd seen. My mind was racing a million miles an hour, "Loralai, hunters, mom and dad, blood everywhere." I just kept repeating it and hoping he'd understand but deep down I knew he wouldn't until I could relax and properly explain, but I couldn't relax.

I felt August place a hand on my shoulder, "honey we already know your parents were murdered-,"

"No!" I yelled, causing him to flinch away slightly. That brought me back down a few levels and I took a couple big breaths, "I'm sorry." Tears fell down my cheeks and he pulled me into an embrace, "please try to be calm enough to explain it to me." I nodded and I stood in his tight embrace until I was sure I was calm enough to explain everything.

I took a step back and my legs trembled, August took my hand and led me to the couch. I sat with my legs tucked under me and took another breath before beginning, "my parents...they're alive." His mouth fell open in disbelief, "are you sure? I mean, you saw it yourself-," I cut him off quickly. "August they are alive and Loralai has them, she's been torturing them for years trying to get information about where I am. She knows I'm alive, she's known all along," I began panicking again.

We weren't as prepared as August or Magna had thought. We couldn't be, not if they weren't aware of this already. Anger, confusion and sadness swirled inside me like insects trying to eat their way out of my intestines. "Then we'll get them out, but you have to be calm and think with a clear head first," August spoke but he sounded distant. All I could see was red. I wanted her head on a stick and decided I would stop at nothing until I got it. I didn't need an army.

"Ashe, I don't know what kind of thoughts you're having but I know they aren't good ones, please breathe," I jerked my head up to make eye contact and slowly shook my head. "If she had your parents you'd be thinking the same damn thing," I spoke aggressively.

August closed his eyes and took deep breath before giving me a look so cold I nearly shivered, "who do you think murdered my family? Who do you think took the insides of my sisters throat and hung her over my door step with them?" His voice raised with each word and with each word an icy chill ran through my blood. "I know you didn't know because I never told you, but I never wanted to have to tell you or anyone for that matter. You think I want to relive that memory Ashe? I don't," although his tone was angrily aggressive, tears filled his eyes and I felt my heart break for him.

I dropped my head and leaned it against his shoulder. The tension in it only relaxing the slightest bit, "we have to strategize and be smart, we can't just rush her. She's guarded at all times and it's nearly impossible to kill a goddess anyways." I nodded, "I'm sorry." My apology was so quiet I wasn't sure if I had actually said it aloud or not at first. He sighed heavily, the tension in his body relaxing a little more, "it's okay Ashe, it's not your fault, but we seriously have to be clear headed about any plans we make or change. We're not fucked, okay?"

I shook my head gently, "we are fucked though. She knows I'm here." He tensed again at my quiet words, "how?" I shrugged, leaning back to meet his gaze again, "my parents have contacted me several times by communicating through the shadow, I assume she's tracked me somehow through that." My eyes fell to the floor, but a quick yelp escaped me when August tightly embraced me, letting out a few sniffles in the process.

I could tell he was crying and my heart ached for him. I wrapped myself around him and we caressed each other's backs as the tears flowed from both of us. "I won't let her take you from me, I can't, I won't let her take anyone else from me ever again even if that means sacrificing myself," August whispered through tears into my hair. I shook my head quickly, "absolutely not August, if you're willing to die for me then, please be willing to live for me instead. We'll figure this out somehow."

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