Ch 36: Miracles w/ Madness

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My P.o.v
It seems like time has slipped and things aren't progressing as fast as they should for I have never seen Chris more angry and frustrated but we're trying our best to keep it together. It was like 10:30 am in the morning and I felt a certain sickness and I suddenly rushed to the bathroom and threw up............holy shit.............I started to throw up again as Keith came in the bathroom rubbing my back and holding my hair out the way and once I got it out of my system...I brushed my teeth and rinse out with warm water....then Keith wrapped his arms around me.
Keith: you alright babylove
Me: might have been something I ate from last night
Keith: you sure about that
Me: well-(thinks about it ) my period has been off a few days.....I'm you think ( looks up at him )
Keith: if so ( kisses her forehead) we are more than ready
Me: but what about-( gco )
Keith: I'm sure our friends will understand
Me: alright
Then we took a shower and got ready and headed to the doctor's office.

Miah P.o.v
It was around 1:20 in the afternoon that me, Tia, and Sephora were in search mode walking around on foot for Amoni and Brooklyn and suddenly a face........a face so deeply burned in my memory that I can recognize it from a mile away that I instantly rushed over to Tia and Sephora.
Me: we need to go now !!!
Tia: why
Sephora: yeah what's wrong
Me: I just saw Naomi we need to go ?!?!!
Next thing you know we hopped in my car and kept a distant of course.....we followed slowly as Sephora called Lucas and the boys.

We managed to park at a great distant from where Naomi stopped and it was very much far back in the woods which means something was up.
Me: Brookie and Amoni are definitely in there
Tia: are we sure Naomi is the one behind this
Sephora: yeah the way she acted at Keith and Lhani's Engagement Party was unacceptable
Me: plus she popped up at their baby shower without their consent
Tia: so what do we do
Sephora: I say we call the cops
Tia: but the boys-(gco )
Me: we don't know what their doing to Brooklyn or Amoni
I don't know what took over but next thing ya know I'm got out and went to the trunk and opened the secret compartment and loaded up a gun.
Sephora: Miah are you crazy ?!?!
Tia: do you remember the last time we tried to interfere with shit !!! HELLO GUN SHOTS wombs for me and you causing you to slip into a coma
Me: ( pops the gun back ) yeah not afraid anymore....our bestfriend and niece is stuck in there ( pulls out bigger guns ) the real question is are you girls with me
Tia& Sephora: ( looks at each other then nods )
Sephora: hand me the machine gun
Me: ( smirks then hands it to her ) you know how to use it
Sephora: girl please ( starts to loads the bullets ) my dad made sure I know how to use every gun we had growing up
Tia: I keep forgetting how uncle C was a savage back in day
Me: one of the top thug lords respected
???: Wth do you think you're doing !!?!?
Tia: awwww shit
Me: ( turns around ) Trey I can-(gco )
Trey T: I know y'all wasn't finna go in there without a plan and backup
Sephora: we know what we're doing
Trey S: we don't need you girls getting shot or hurt under any circumstances
Us: ( shouting and arguing )
Chris: HEY !!!!!
Us: ( stops and looks at him )
Chris : this will not help Brooklyn or Amoni so stop arguing and load up
Me: we will join you guys whether you like it or not
Boys: ( look amongst each other then back at us )
Suddenly Trey started to walk closer to me then he slowly walked up behind me and wrapped his hands around my hands as I held the gun in my hand then he angles it a certain degree with his face resting along my shoulder.
Trey T: hold it just like that baby and you will never miss your shots alright
Me: got it ( smiles)
Lucas: ( looks at Sephora) are you sure about this
Sephora: ( kisses his lips and holds out her hand )
Lucas : ( does their secret handshake with her ) Forever and Eternity
Sephora: Forever and Eternity ( smiles )
Trey S: ( walks up to her smiling )
Tia: what ( continue to load the gun )
Trey S: you know you look sexy doing that ( bites his lips )
Tia: ( smirks ) stay focus love ( looks over at him ) it's no time for distractions
Trey S: I love you Tia
Tia: I love you too baby ( kisses his lips )
Chris: alright let's go
Then we loaded into our cars and headed towards the house.

Brooklyn P.o.v
I was sitting in the bedroom that Naomi had me locked staring at the clock which it was close to feeding time for Amoni.......before you know it, the door started to unlock and in came Naomi with Amoni and before I could grab her Naomi held up her hand and looked me up and down.
Me: Naomi give me my baby now
Naomi: kiss me
Me: no ( looks away )
Naomi: ( smacks her ) you so damn stubborn ( smirks ) that's what I love about you
Me: ( tears up a lil ) give me Amoni now !!
Naomi: Or wha-(gco by security alarms )
Guard 1: Naomi !!! ( opens the door ) we got company !! ( guns start to go off )
Before you know I grabbed Amoni and kicked Naomi in her vagina causing her to fall to her knees then I ran to the bathroom in the room and locked it as the guard started to bang on the door trying to get in.
After that I heard the bedroom door shut and guns continuing to go off all around the house causing to back away from door trying to calm down a crying Amoni and soon after 30 minutes things went silent until I heard more footsteps causing my heart to beat faster.
Me: ( whispers )
Chris: ( kicks the bedroom door in ) BABY !!! BABY WHERE ARE YOU !!!
    I suddenly bursted from the door and I saw Chris standing there with a gun in his hand and his clothes covered in certain spots of splattered blood then he gently pulled me into his arms along with Amoni and kissed me passionately as tears fell from my eyes knowing I was safe again.
Me: how did you find me ( looks up at him in tears )
Chris: I didn't ( kisses her forehead) your girls did
Me: Where are they !?!? Are they alright are they hurt !?!?  Where's Naomi !!?!?
Chris: slow down slow down ( holds her face ) she's handcuffed and the cops are on their way now
Me: ( sighs out of relief )
Then we walked down the steps and I saw the girls and I hugged them tightly and we cried and of course we eventually stopped and wiped our tears away and about an hour later the cops came and took away Naomi and what's left of her thugs then they asked us questions and eventually we got in our cars and headed our way back home.
Asia P.o.v
I was doing a little bit of laundry when all of a sudden I started to feel to what I expected to be small contractions until I felt a sharper pain causing me to drop the load I had causing me to scream as Ar'mon came rushing down the steps to me as I laid on the ground.
Ar'mon: what's wrong wrong baby
Me: the baby ( crying ) something's wrong with the baby ( cries out in pain )
Ar'mon: ( stands up and pulls phone out ) I'm calling 911 right now okay baby....... Baby ??
Me: ( starts to have a seizure)
Ar'mon: ASIA !?! ASSIIIIAAAAAA !?!! ( starts crying )

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