Ch 27: Life or Death

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Author Note: To make things less confusing with the two Treys that are added in the story I will do Trey S for Trey Songz and Trey T for Trey Taylor if that helps anyone who is confuse 😌💯 ENJOY THE STORY.

Miah P.o.v
It's been a rough few weeks ever since Emaeyah went missing even her and Lhani parents came from Washington D.C. trying to be as much comfort but everyone knows that Lhani is torn up about this whole situation and the police has been taking their precious time. We been gathering at Lhani and Keith house every now and then but this time when we got there and enter the house something was off about Lhani because me and the girls saw her rocking back and forth staring at her phone.
Me: Lhani...what's wrong
Lhani: photos...awful photos...they took of her ( sniffs )
Asia: ( grabs her phone & puts the password in ) ahhh shit
Sephora: what is it ( looks at the phone and gasp ) omg
Then me, Tia, & Brooklyn looked over Asia's shoulders and we seen the pictures that were sent of Emaeyah and she was badly beaten and they even sent a video of how they beat her.
Brooklyn: we need to call the cops
Lhani: read the bottom ( looks straightforward )
Asia: ( looks at the text ) if you call anyone including the cops I will....I will kill your sister
Sephora: what in the hell do they want
Lhani: me....they want me in exchange for Emaeyah's life
Tia: this is crazy...have you told Keith about this
Me: of course she hasn't told him...these people probably have eyes and ears everywhere
Lhani: which is why I'm going to the exact location they told me to meet them at
Brooklyn: wait a minute we have to think this through Lhani
Lhani: I CANT !! I have to meet up with them TODAY at 5:00 ( stands up ).....I have no choice...
We all sat in silence in disbelief of how everything was happening so fast before we could say anything else Lhani goes upstairs leaving up in the living room.
Sephora: this is highly insane ( starts to pace back n forth )
Asia: well we can't let her walk out into the lion's den
Tia: she's right
Lhani: ( puts on jacket while walking downstairs) I have to go it's 4:25
Me: we're going with you
Lhani: I'm not putting all of your lives in danger especially you Asia and Brookie
Tia: but if you go alone.....we might not see you again nor your sister ( tears up )
Lhani: please...just trust me ( sniffs ) I love you guys so much
Me: we love you too
Then she gave us the biggest group hug ever then she walked out....but that wasn't going to stop me nor the girls.
Me: I know that she didn't want us to follow her but I'm going
Tia: me too
Sephora: I'm with you
Brooklyn: I'll go wi-(gco )
Me: no Brooklyn ( looks at her ) you and Asia are needed here please
Asia: ( hugs them ) please be careful
Brooklyn: if your not back within 2 hours we will track you down with the boys
Me: alright
Then me, Tia, and Sephora got in my car and started follow far behind Lhani's car in a distance.
My P.o.v
My heart was racing and my mind was elsewhere as I was driving towards the location....most importantly....will me and my sister will make it out alive....I noticed in my rear view mirror that a car was following me but I started to speed up and ignored it. Eventually I pulled up in a distant to an empty parking lot by an old abandon building and two black cars pulled up and a couple of people got out including two big guys holding up Emaeyah as she had her hands tied behind her back. I was looking among the people and I couldn't recognize any faces until another one of the bigger guys opened the door and slowly but surely a tall chocolate man steps out with a cigar in his mouth and he was wearing shades to cover up his eyes and I slowly but carefully got out my car and I kept my distance between us.
??: well well ( takes off his shades ) it's good to see ya again Lhani
Me: ( stays silent )
??: you don't remember me ( starts to walks towards her )
Me: n-no I don't think I do
??: well let's just say...I'm very fond of beauty like yourself
Me: found of beauty..-( looks up at him ) Romeo
Romeo: in the flesh ( smiles and smokes his cigar )
Me: why are you doing this
Romeo: your sister owes me so much you have no idea ( looks her up and down ) come closer....I won't bite
Before I could say anything else my feet were moving for me as I was coming right face to face with him until I stand frozen in my footsteps as he started to walk around me then he looks up causing me to turn around I seen a car pulling up realizing who it was and I seen Miah, Tia, and Sephora get out of the car and next thing you know I'm being pulled into Romeo's arms as he held a blade to my neck looking at my friends.
Romeo: didn't I tell you to COME ALONE !!!
Me: ( starts to cry ) I kept my word I told them not to follow me !!
Romeo: LIES !!! All fucking lies !!! Why they be here if you told them not to come !!
Sephora: because we are her friends !!
Me: GIRLS leave Romeo will hurt you before he hurts me !!
Miah: spare her and her sister please
Tia: please just let them go !!
Romeo: now why would I do that ( smirks ) that's no fun
Me: please don't hurt us...if it's money that you need we have it
Romeo: I have all the money I need ( grabs her face ) I told you what I are my only cost ( looks at her ) however ( snaps his finger ) you broke the rules
Next thing you know two of his guards pulled out some guns causing me to scream as they pointed the guns towards them and began to fire at them as I'm being pulled away with my sister to one of the cars.
Sephora P.o.v
My life flashed before my eyes as I managed to duck back into the car covering my head hoping the bullets don't hit me nor the girls..after a few minutes they stopped but in return I heard Lhani screaming loud as ever and in the view I seen them pulling her towards the back of the car.
Lhani: (screams loudly ) MIAAAHHHHH !! ( cries ) YOU SON OF A BITTTCCHHHH !! MIAA-( gets thrown into the trunk )
I slowly got up from my hiding spot as they started to drive off in the distant and I rushed over to the driver's side to see Tia holding Miah and I seen that the bullets went straight through the driver's door as well as the passenger door.
Tia: Miaahh ( holding her close crying ) stay with us
Me: come on come we got to get her to a hospital now ( tears up )
So we managed to pick her up and laid her across the back seat then I hopped into the driver's seat while Tia hanged back in the back with Miah as she started to make calls to everyone while I speeded down the highway to the hospital.
Lucas P.o.v
It was a chill day with the bros and the kids and Mr. Ealy and momma Taraji.....we were all hanging out at Ar'mon and Asia crib watching a basketball game while Simone & Zylon we're playing in the backyard with momma T watching and even Trey and Quincy were getting along and becoming good friends now.
Keith: sooo Ar'mon ( looks over at him ) how do you feel about fatherhood
Ar'mon: I'm nervous & excited
Me: well just know that it is a beautiful thing
Chris: definitely ( holding Amoni ) Amoni is the best thing that has ever happened to me and Brooklyn
Me: and stepping into take care of Zylon like Keith did with Simone is also a blessing
Trey T: don't worry about it bro you will be a great father
Ar'mon: and you will be a good uncle
Trey S: ( phone rings ) it's Tia hold on ( gets up and answers it ) hey baby wher-..What !?!? What happ-okay were on our way ( hangs up ) we gotta go to the hospital
Me: what's going on
Trey S: we need to get to the hospital now....Miah got shot
Quincy& Trey T: ( stands up ) WHAT !?!?
Michael E: I'll go get the kids and Taraji
Then we gather our stuff and got into our cars and headed to the hospital.
Keith P.o.v
We rushed inside the building looking for the girls when suddenly we heard some double doors and seen Asia and Brooklyn with Tia and Sephora following in from behind them with blood stains on their clothes and hands but I didn't see Lhani causing me to panick and look back at her parent then back at the girls while holding Simone in my arms.
Chris: baby your alright ( smiles and hugs her with one arm )
Brooklyn: ( hugs him back ) I'm fine I'm fine I'm glad to see you both ( smiles at Amoni )
Lucas: ( hugs Sephora tight ) your alright im here baby
Sephora: ( crying ) it was awful
Zylon: ( starts to cry )
Sephora: ohhh baby ( sniffs then holds zylon ) don't cry ( pats his back and kiss his forehead ) mommy is okay
Trey S: Tia ( grabs her hands ) what happened
Tia: everything was happening so fast ( sniffs ) w-we tried your help but it just made things worse
Me: Tia...where's Lhani
Asia: I'm sorry...they took her
Momma T: who !! Who took my babygirl
Sephora: the same ppl who took Emaeyah their leader is some guy name Romeo
Momma T: oh my good oh my ( starts to cry ) Michael they took our babies ( drops to her knees)

they took her Momma T: who !! Who took my babygirl Sephora: the same ppl who took Emaeyah their leader is some guy name Romeo Momma T: oh my good oh my ( starts to cry ) Michael they took our babies ( drops to her knees)

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Michael E: ( holds her and tears up ) I know baby I know
Me: how did this happen....why did it happen
Tia: earlier today we went by the house to go check on her
Brooklyn: yeah & when we got there she was rocking back n forth on the couch staring at her phone
Asia: then Miah asked her what's wrong
Sephora: then she told us to look through her phone and when we did...we saw pictures
Lucas: of what ?!?!
Brooklyn: pictures & a video of Emaeyah being beaten
Momma T: ( cries more ) no moreee no morreee my heart ( starts to faint )
Michael E: baby baby ( picks her up bridal style ) nurse I need some water now ( walks off with the nurse )
Quincy: where is Miah !?!? How did she get shot
Trey T: how did Lhani even get kidnapped
Asia: well we asked Lhani if she called the cops to report what they sent to her and she said no only because she figured that these people have eyes and ears everywhere at the moment
Brooklyn: and in the text messages they gave her a location to meet up with them for a trade
Me: what kind of trade
Sephora: they wanted trade to spare Emaeyah's life
Me: ( starts to tear up ) not my baby
Simone: Daddy...where's mommy
Me: mommy went away Sisi
Simone: is she going to come back
Me: yes yes she will ( kisses her forehead )
Trey S: so how did Miah get in the mix
Asia: well we didn't want Lhani to go by herself
Tia: but if we didn' might have been the end so me, Sephora, and Miah followed her from a distance and we showed up a few minutes later
Sephora: then Romeo put a knife to Lhani's neck and he ordered his men to fire at us and me and Tia were able to dodge the bullets but...Miah...she couldn' was-(gco )
Tia: 2 bullets wombs through her body ( starts to feel weird ) a-and her eyes were closed when I reached her and the cars pulled off an-( stumbles a lil ) Trey I don't...I don't feel so good ( falls into his arms )
Trey S: Tia ?? Tia !?! What wrong with her
Sephora: it's a bullet it has to be ( cries a lil ) check her body
Then Trey lays her along the chairs outside the waiting room and he started to softly pat her down on her body until he slowly lifted up her shirt and he seen a large open scar near her side of her stomach causing him to cry a little and he called for a nurse as they came right on cue then he started to follow behind them as they took her to an operation room.
My P.o.v.
I felt a bag being snatched off my head and I looked around panicking until I seen Emaeyah across from me squirming in her chair and suddenly we heard footsteps walking towards us and Emaeyah's eyes grew wider as I suddenly felt cold metal hit my face and when I looked up to see Romeo smirking at me and he had some chick standing next to him & I could have sworn I seen her before.
Romeo: welcome to my playground
Me: what do you want with me
Romeo: well your sister ( looks at her ) you think life is that easy and she thought she could leave & hide from me and my gang so I had Hailey or better known as ACE to follow her
Me: so your the one who fucked Ar'mon
Hailey: in the flesh and I will have Ar'mon
Me: ( laughs at her )
Romeo: ( smiles ) I like her
Hailey: what's so damn funny
Me: your face sweetheart
Hailey: ( tries to slap her )
Romeo: ( grabs her hand ) aht aht I wish you wouldn't do that because if you do I will end your life now leave
Hailey: ( breathes in & out then leaves )
Romeo: now down to business ( points the gun towards Emae )
Me: what are you doing !!!
Romeo: I could kill your sister from running away ( slowly points towards his own head and laughs a lil ) she broke my rules and she hid from me for over a year
Me: ( starts to tear up )
Romeo: ssshh sshh ( slowly grabs her face ) don't cry love...for are perfect
Me: why did you want me ( looks at him )
Romeo: I'm going to make you mine sweetheart
Me: ( stares in shock )

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