Ch 24: Triggered pt 3

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Miah P.o.v
It was court day for Lhani and Jayceon......I couldn't believe he would pull a stunt like this but were here for far it's been almost 3 hours sitting in this court room and in the beginning it wasn't looking good for Jayceon....but now the tables have turned, and their thinking about giving Jayceon part time custody due to recent incidents that happened to Simone.
Judge: Ms. Ealy how old is your daughter
Lhani: she just turned 3 this passed month on June the 16th
Judge: and Mr. Taylor where were you the day of Simone birth
The Game: truthfully your honor I wasn't present the day of Simone birth
Judge: and you have more kids as well now
The Game: yes ma'am 3 more to be exact two boys and one girl
Judge: ( looks at his records ) and you take care of them
The Game: yes ma'am
Judge: so tell me why try to get custody of this one now
The Game: because my child was put in a very dangerous situation when she was living with her mother
Judge: I see ( looks at the hospital records that were given) Ms.Ealy it says here that your daughter was shot near her lower rib
Lhani: yes ma'am
Judge: she is a strong survivor but I have to ask how did this happen
Chris: ( stands up ) your honor I would like to testify on behalf of Lhani situation
Judge: come on up young man
Then Chris straighten his tie and walks up to the stand and put his hand on the Bible promising he would tell the truth and nothing but the the truth then he sat down and begin to explain his side of the story then the judge looked back n forth between Chris and Lhani as they were telling everything that happened that day of Simone incident.
Judge: so your telling me....that this littl 3 year old girl slipped outta your arms !? Just to see if your fiancé was okay and ended up getting shot !!
Lhani: ( starts to tear up ) your honor please I- ( gco )
Judge: I didn't give you permission to talk Ms. Ealy!!
Lhani: ( starts to cry )
The Game: ( slowly looks away )
Me: ( walks up to her and hands her some tissue and whispers) Hey...don't let this get to you understand me !?! You have to show Simone how strong you are
Lhani: ( daps under her eyes ) okay
Then I walked back to my seat next to the gang hoping that she can get through the rest of this case without any more problems.
Judge: now Ms. Ealy do you know that as hard as this may sound I could give Mr. Taylor full custody of Simone
Lhani: ( silently cries more)
Judge: however-( looks over at him ) Mr. Taylor your record haven't been so sweet either
The Game: I know your honor but I'm a changed man just tryna be a good father to Simone now
Lhani: you didn't even want Simone at first so why now !!!!
The Game: I was young and dumb just rising into fame !!!!
Lhani: that's all you could think about !!! Leaving me to take care of our unborn child !!
Them: ( keeps arguing back n forth)
Me: ( whispers) this is not good
Them: ( grows silent )
Judge: That's what I thought ( slowly sits down ) Now Mr. Taylor you records haven't been so cleanly since your high school days ( looks through his records ) you have been in jail multiple times along with being on probation for your crime cases
The Game: yes ma'am I understand but that is all in my past
Judge: is that all you can say for yourself Mr. Taylor
The Game: no your honor I know I had to learn from my mistakes
Judge: well I understand that Mr. Taylor but it took you this long to realize that you wanted to be in your daughter's life and Ms. Ealy ( looks over at her ) so far from the looks of your records you been doing well for yourself and your daughter so please be more careful do you understand
Lhani: yes ma'am
Judge: in this conclusion the mother will have custody of the child and as of now the father would get one day out of the week until further notice court is adjourned
Bailiff: all rise
Everyone: ( stands up )
Judge: ( exits the room )
After that Lhani comes over to us more upset than ever and the look in her eyes just showed us how much she was ready to have a break down...we all gather our things and went our separate ways for now.
?? P.o.v
So Emaeyah really think that she can run & hide from us....and my baby Ar'mon is right where I neeed him....everything will go into place.
??: ( calls the boss ) hey boss I been keeping a close watch on Emaeyah...what you want me to do now
The Boss: look Ace, you're my best girl out here along with Emaeyah, so don't screw the shit up with bringing her back Alive do you hear me !!
Ace: yeah yeah I'll bring her back alive but what you gone do when I do bring her back
The Boss: Ima give her the good beating of her life just to let her know not to leave me ever again
Ace: yes sir ( hangs up )
Ar'mon P.o.v
It was not long after we left we the court house and me and the bro decided to hit up the studio to clear our minds and get ready to come out with our next album....Trey just left to go get something to eat then he's going to go get Asia so she can add some vocal in the background...that's right my baby got some talent even though she shy about it sometimes. As I was picking and listening to this new beat I created I heard a knock at the door so I turned the music down to a soft tone then I got up to go answer the door.
Me: Damn Trey you was quick ( opens the door ) so whe-(stops)  Hailey?!?!!
Hailey: well I go by Ace but yeah surprise ( smiles then walks in)
Me: what in the hell are you doing here
Hailey: came to handle some business with an old friend and....
Me: and what ?!?
Hailey: and you ( makes an innocent face )
Me: Hailey what we had is in the past
Hailey: oh come onnnn ( starts to rub on his chest ) I know you miss me daddy
Me: ( grabs both of her wrists) you made your decision when you left me for that damn gang leader Romeo
Hailey: he's my boss now baby-( gco )
Me: I'm not your baby !!! You picked the streets over me and that was final of me and you !!!
Hailey: ( stays silent )
Me: get out now !!
Hailey: no Ar'mon I'm not leaving until we clear this up now
Me: it's nothing to clear up at alll I mo-(gco )
Hailey: ( kisses his lips then grips onto his shirt )
Me: ( pulls away )....please go Ace
Hailey: I miss you Ar'mon
Me: ( looks away ) you gotta go
Next thing your know I feel her unbuckling my belt and at first I was fighting her I was trying to push her but next thing you know I felt warm lips on my shaft...........AHH FUCK !!!?!
                ( MEANWHILE  )
Asia P.o.v
It was about 4:30 and I walked out the house when I seen Trey car and I hid something in my purse since It was a surprise for Ar'mon and Trey. When I got in the car I hugged Trey and seen that he had food in bags placed neatly in the back seat.
Trey: well how you been sis
Me: I been okay but I been having morning sickness
Trey: morning sickness??? ( looks over a bit but keeps his eyes on the road ) where that come from
Me: weeellllllll ( smiles ) I figured that my morning sickness been happening for a bit and Mother Nature is late ( pulls out a pregnancy test )
Trey: ( stops at the red light and looks over in shock ).....are you saying what I think your saying
Me: ( laughs a lil ) Trey Taylor your are going to uncle Trey very soon
Trey: LETS GOOOOOOOOOO ( cheering and dancing in his seat )
Cars: ( honks their horns )
Trey: ( pulls off ) soooorrryyyyy !!!!
Us: ( laughs )
Trey: Ar'mon is going to be so excited ( smiles )
Me: you really think so
Trey: of course ( smiles ) how is Miah...I heard that she started dating Quincy Brown
Me: yeah pretty much...they been going out for almost a week
Trey: ( sighs a lil )...does he make her happy
Me: ( looks over at him ) yes...yes he does
Trey: Good ( pulls up to the studio) she deserves the best
Me: hey ( rubs his arm ) she will come around Trey....I'll even talk to her for you if you want me to
Trey: no it's fine ( smiles a lil ) I want her to be ready to talk to me
Me: alright ( smiles a lil ) let's goo
Then we grabbed the food that was being held in bags and headed into the building and went up to the 4th floor and I hid the pregnancy test behind my back as Trey walked ahead of me but we both froze in shock from what we heard next....moaning...both male and female...........before Trey could say anything I opened the door and let it slam into the wall causing both Ar'mon and the girl to cover up.......I can't believe this shit.................
Ar'mon: Asia!!!?! Baby I know what it may look-(gco )
Hailey: ( starts to put her clothes back on ) well hello to you too Trey
Trey: go to hell
Me: ( tears up and starts to laughs a lil ) You...OUTTA ALL PPL.....You really had me fooled
Ar'mon: Baby I-(gco )
Me: Shut up Shut up SHUT UPPPPP !!!! ( starts to cry ) you know what.....( sniffs ) I don't care....I can't even deal with this right now.....this isn't good for uss ( cries more )
Ar'mon: Us !?!? Asia what are you talking about ??!?
Me: what am I talking about ( starts shout ) YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT !! Well HERE ( throws the pregnancy test at him )
Ar'mon: ( catches it then sees positive) you're pregnant....Asia plea-(gco )
Me: You can go to hell along with your ex ( starts to feel funny )...I...I don't feel so gooooodd mmmmmm
    Next thing you know I'm running down the hall and my heart started to pound as I started to black out the yelling then I made it to the quickest elevator down to the first floor....suddenly my vision was going on and out as I started to hyperventilate and that wasn't good so I rushed to nearest bathroom and locked the door and called the first person in my recent calls.
Phone Convo:
??: hello
Me: Tia ( tries to calm down breathing )
Tia: hey Asia...what's going on
Me: I- I- ( cries more ) I can't breathe
Tia: Asia please calm down or you'll have a anxiety attack
Me: I'm trying ( roughly wipes away my tears )
Tia: where are you right now Me and Trey will come to get you and stay on the phone please
Me: Tiiiaaa ( starts to swish back n forth ) he cheated on meeeee ( crying ) he was fucking his ex and I'm pregnant with his baaabbyy ( coughs a lil )
Tia: ( becomes shock and furious) Asia....I'm so sorry that this had to happen to you
Me: I wanna go hommmee ( goes and throws up )
    As I tried to slowly stand up everything started to spin around me and Tia's voice started to go out in blank and suddenly I felt my body falling forward and I blacked out.........
Tia P.o.v
I was panicking after a loud sound coming from Asia side of the line and I'm shouting through the phone hoping she would response was coming so I'm shouting at Trey to drive faster as I tracked Asia location from her phone.
                ( AT THE STUDIO )

   I had Trey to call everyone as I jumped out the car rushing through the double doors looking around and somehow we bumped into Ar'mon, Treezy  and his ex girlfriend and I felt my cheeks starting to burn ready to attack but Trey held me back as I screamed and yell at him.
Me: YOU BROKE HER HEART !!! YOU FILTY PIECE OF SHIT ( tears up in anger )
Trey: baby calm down now this is now helping Asia ( holding her back )
Ar'mon we been searching every level
Hailey: Ar'mon we're not finished yet
Treezy Trey: Tia & Trey meet the hoe Hailey
Hailey: very funny Trey
Me: so you the ex ( walks up to her )
Trey: baby what are you-(stops )
Me: ( punches the shit outta her )
Hailey: ( drops to the ground K.O. )
After I dealt with that nonsense I had tracked Asia phone and it led us right to the women bathroom but when I tried to open the door it was locked from the inside and started to bang on the door shouting for Asia hoping she could hear me but no response came from the other side.
Me: Do something!!! GET HER OUT !!!
Ar'mon: Asia !! ( starts to kick the door ) Asia !! Baby can you hear me
Treezy Trey: aye bro this bench may help
Me: Asia it's Tiaaa I'm heerrreee ( bangs on the door )
   Suddenly I moved out the way as the boy picked up the bench and rammed it into the door. Next thing you know we heard some footsteps coming around the corner and we seen the gang rushing up to us.
Lhani: what's going on !!!
Me: Asia locked herself in the bathroom and I think she's having an anxiety attack
Keith: we gotta get her outta there now !!
Sephora: the ambulance is on there way as well
Then all the boys helped pick up on side of the bench and rammed it into the door about 4 more times before it gave in then me and Miah rushed in and I screamed and cried as I seen Asia on the ground with blood coming from her nose and her eyes were almost rolled to the back of her head then I placed her head in my lap as Miah got some cool paper towels.
Me: Asia !?!? Speak to meeeeee ( rocking and  rubbing her head )
Lhani: ( checks her pulse ) she's barely breathing
Sephora: well we can't move her body that much
Miah: ( places the cool towels on her forehead) how did she get like this
Everyone: ( grows silent )
Me: ( speaks up ) Ar'mon got caught cheating with his ex ( sniffs ) causing Asia to go into her anxiety attack and what's that she's pregnant
Brooklyn: ( punches him in the face ) HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND !!! ( tries to attack him )
Chris: ( holds her back ) baby no not here and definitely not now !!!
Ar'mon: yes I know what I did was wrong I-(gco )
Medical People: MOVE OUT THE WAY !! COMING THROUGH ( helps Asia and takes her to the ambulance)
After they rushed her out the building we all got in our cars and followed the ambulance to the hospital....GOD PLEASE PROTECT ASIA AND THE BABY.....................TBC.

Hope you guys like this chapter ☺️☺️ also I just recently received my diploma from high school and my journey is just beginning and I'm so proud of myself but lemme know what you think guys I'll be back soon with another chapter ❤️🥰💯😁.

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