Ch 20: Damage Control

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Sephora P.o.v
I jumped out of my sleep to feel sharp pain all over my body and I see Quinston laying next to me as his grip tighten around my waist as I squeal in pain then he sits up covering her mouth as he look into my eyes I seen anger and darkness as he pulled my face closer to him.
Me: please don't hurt me ( cries a lil )
Quinston: if u behave ( squeezes her side ) then I won' you understand
Me: ( cries out of pain ) yessss
Quinston: ( looks at her bruises ) I'll be back
Then he suddenly gets up and heads straight to the bathroom as I lay down with my hands still tied behind my back and I felt a certain soak between my legs as they slowly shake with blood along my thighs. I heard bath water running then he comes out & unties me then he picks me up & carries me to the bathroom and sits me on the sink.
Me: why are you being so nice
Quinston: ( stays silent )
Me: please I want to see my baby
Quinston: you will see OUR baby when he's fully awake tomorrow now get in the tub now !!
Me: I can barely move remember
For a moment he hesitated then he picks up and undressed me and I simply got in the tub and washed on all the bruises and blood stains away with pain still flowing through my body but I gave all my strength and finished. Once I managed to dry off then I walked out to the bathroom to the bedroom to find new bed sheets and covers set on the bed with some pjs and I put those on & I tried my best to fall asleep.
Chris P.o.v
We were on the road for about 6 hours and I know that I miss my babies as I held onto the cross around my neck as I looked out out the window. Suddenly Lucas's dad car slowed down in front of our car in an unknown neighborhood and we all grouped once we got out the car.
T.I.: alright Keith has his exact home location
Lucas: so what's the problem
Keith: he has security cameras everywhere and security on the grounds and higher up on the floors surrounding the house
Lucas: ( gets frustrated )
T.I: son ( puts his hand on his shoulder ) we gone get her out with the baby safe
Lucas: ( breathes in & out ) how long Keith
Keith: it would take me 30 minutes top or less depending on how many cameras he has
Ar'mon: I'll make sure to count how many guards are through the cameras before you shut them down
T.I.: alright let's get to work
Sephora P.o.v
I was feeding Zylon in the kitchen as Quinston sits on the counter watching me lustfully which send chills down my spine knowing that he just disgusts me more and more.
Me: it would be nice if you stop staring at me
Quinston: ( continues to stare while biting into his apple )
Me: ( feeds Zylon his baby food )
Quinston: why did u leave me
Me: ( stops ) what ??
Quinston: you heard me I'm not going to repeat myself
Me: you change very badly & became aggressive
Quinston: that still gave you no right to take our son
Me: I had every right as his mother to put his safety first before mines
Quinston: and your letting another man take care of my child !!!
Me: ( jumps ) you weren't yourself & you didn't love me anymore
Quinston: Marie !!
Marie: yes sir
Quinston: you know what to do
Marie: ( picks up Zylon & starts to walk away )
Me: no !! ( starts to cry )
Quinston: shut up !!
Then he got off the counter and start to walk towards me and something in me was telling me to run but at the same time something in my mind was telling me to fight back as I back away I seen a flat pan in the kitchen surface and I used all my strength in me to kick Quinston in his nuts then hit him with a pan & I suddenly run up to the bedroom locking the door thinking about what I just did and I couldn't leave because my son would have been left with this monster.
For a moment it was quiet until I heard footsteps thumping loudly up the stairs and kicking my door causing my heart to beat faster and faster as the rage of the monster began.
Quinston: open the door now !!!
Me: ( runs to the closet door and close it )
Quinston: ( kicks the door ) Open it up !!! I JUST WANNA TALK !!!
Tears flow downs my eyes as rage in his voice grew louder and louder and finally Quinston managed to get the open and suddenly he grew silent & footsteps began to walk across the floor & I covered my mouth to quiet my breathing.......BOOM !! I screamed as I was being dragged causing me to kick more as he began to punch me in my legs, stomach,chest & my face and the pain grew more & more then I felt myself coughing up blood & my body went numb.
Quinston: ( drags her to the closet )
Me: ( starts to shake )
Guard: Boss we got a problem
Quinston: I'm busy !!!
Guard: sir the security cameras are starting to go down
Quinston: what !!! ( grabs a gun from the highest shelf ) lets go
Guard: what about her
Quinston: she can do nothing ( kicks her side )
After they left I did my best to crawl to a corner crying feeling weak as ever as I laid on the ground shaking.
Lucas P.o.v
We were all set and ready to go Ar'mon counted 15 guards & we were ready to go. We drove up to the gate & shot up the security machine and became damaged, we burst through the gates by car then we all split up into was me,my pops,& Keith through the front then it's Ar'mon, Treezy Trey and Trey through the back and took down most of his men & eventually met back up again.
Me: is everything cleared
Treezy: yes
Security: ( comes out of no where and starts to shoot )
T.I.:Get Down Now !! ( pushes Lucas out of the way and shoots him )
Gun fire goes off as I was shocked when I turned to see blood flow from my father side and I rushed to him.
Me: pops why ( sniffs ) why you take that bullet
T.I.: b/c I can't let you die w/o getting your lover back ( coughs a lil )
Me: Get Terrence now !!
Keith: I'm on it !!
Then Ar'mon and Trey helped him up & started to carry him towards the car as Terrence pulled outside and suddenly my blood began to boil as I walked back in the house with Chris & seen Quinston on the steps smirking and deep down I knew this was the man of the hour.
Me: where's Sephora Quinston
Quinston: my woman is right where she needs to be
Me: Sephora was never yours to begin with
Quinston: she's not going anywhere
Me: oh yes she is
Before I could get a chance he pulls out a gun and shots began go off and we both dived out the way but apparently not close enough I look over at Chris as he's sweating looking down at his leg as I see the bullet womb pierced through his skin.
Me: bro your hurt
Chris: I'm okay ( breathes in and out and leans his head back ) it's an adrenaline righht now but you have to stop him
Quinston: your too late ( waves the gun around ) Sephora needs to pay
Me: for a crime that you did
Quinston: ( smirks ) she learned her lesson when she started screaming out loud
All my rage grew inside & I jumped over the counter & attacked him to the floor and begin to punch him with every rage in me suddenly he flipped me over ready to choke me until a gun went off and his eyes grew wider as he is lost for words and falls over then the gun goes off again at him to make sure he was completely dead then I looked up I seen a girl holding Zylon in her hand & she drops the weapon breathing out of relief and I suddenly get up and walked up to her slowly.
Me: who are you
??: my name is Marie
Me: do you know where Sephora is
Marie: no not really....he was angry...last thing I heard was him going upstairs with anger in his voice
Me: call my other friends in so they can help our injured friend Chris he's been shot in his leg
Marie: alright
Suddenly I run upstairs & went through the first 2 bedrooms calling out for Sephora with no response then by the time I got to the third bedroom it was completely trashed and the floor was damped with blood leading to the closet so I rushed to open it and when I did I seen a small figure shaking with bruises all around her body.
Sephora: get away !! Get awaaaayyy !!'
Me: ( rushes to her side ) Sephora Sephora it's me baby
Sephora: ( cries a lil ) Lu-Lucas ( looks up )
Me: I'm here baby ( kisses her forehead and helps her sit up )
Sephora: you found me...I thought I never see you again
Me: ( kisses her lips )
Sephora: ( kisses back )
Me: were going home baby I promise
Then I picked her up carefully and rushed downstairs as we all managed to rush out before the police came and we took Chris and Sephora to the nearest hospital & hopefully we can handle the damage control after today.....if I could turn back the tide..this would have never happened to Sephora or I'll have to protect them more than ever
I hoped you all like this chapter it was literally almost 2,000 words I wrote and more is yet to come with the characters and their past and this is literally the longest chapter I wrote for this book 😂👏🏾🔥🥰💯so I'm very proud of myself because with all the distractions I have to deal with in my life it literally took me 3 days to write this chapter overtime.

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