chapter i.

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You think that Koshi Sugawara is the only person you know that could look attractive while being hit in the face with a volleyball.

Only he could give you one of the most captivating and charismatic grin seen to man and maintain that grin as his face was smushed by the hard surface of the ball, his body hitting the ground with back-breaking speed. You hissed in pain as you watched Sugawara fall to the ground before stifling a laugh when Tanaka rushed to his side like Florence Nightingale.

"Suga-san, are you okay!?" Tanaka fretted, patting the silver-haired boy all over his face like a concerned mother before Sugawara let out a sympathetic laugh and pushed his hands off. You watched this occur with your chest rumbling with amusement, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Haha, I-I'm fine, Tanaka." Sugawara weakly reassured the baldy by patting him on the shoulder and sitting up before groaning in pain and falling back. You couldn't withhold your laughter anymore, letting out a loud cackle at Sugawara's expense.

"(L/N)-senpai!" Tanaka cheered, his cheeks lighting up in a soft pink blush at the sight of you as he stood up, his clear excitement not going unnoticed by Sugawara. The silver-haired setter scowled at Tanaka's behaviour before huffing angrily and stumbling back onto his feet. "What are you doing here?"

"Here to pick up Suga. We have homework to do." You announced, nodding to Sugawara to signify to him that it was time to leave which he understood and went to go change.

"Gah, you two are so close! I wish I had a best friend like that." Tanaka whined, dramatic tears flowing from his eyes comically, making you laugh and pat his shoulder comfortingly. You knew that many people envied your and Sugawara's friendship, being able to share every type of secret and engage in any type of activity without making much compromise or sacrifice. You and Sugawara had been comrades since you were both mere, anxious first years, essentially latching onto each other for dear life in a way to survive the brutal monotony that is high school life. Ever since then, you were never apart.

"You will one day, Tanaka-san." You comforted the bald boy, smiling when Tanaka rejoiced over the thought of a best friend like a child. Sugawara strolled out of the changing room when he spotted you patting the boy on the shoulder, his eyes squinting in jealousy and his frown darkening as he watched the both of you converse amicably. Daichi looked up from his phone to catch Sugawara's sour expression before grinning, glancing back at his phone.

"Don't be jealous, Suga." Daichi teased, causing the silver-haired setter to look over at the captain before recoiling in offense.

"I'm not jealous, Daichi. Just..." Sugawara protested, throwing his jersey over his shoulder as he packed his bags, letting out a defeated sigh before looking back up at you. Daichi followed his gaze and shook his head in disbelief, not believing how in denial Sugawara was. "Tired."

"I get you. Take tomorrow off, you deserve it." Daichi sympathised, rubbing his vice-captain's shoulder before picking up his own bag and walked past the setter. Sugawara let out a huff of relief before noticing that you were looking over at him and waving, swiftly walking over.

"Come on, Suga." You sighed, waving him over as you trudged towards the gym door, your speed causing Sugawara to sweat anxiously before jogging over. Once he had reached your side, you glanced over to him and scoffed at his panting, strained figure. "Aren't you supposed to be the Indomitable Setter?"

"P-Please don't call me that, (Y/N)." Sugawara groaned, a blush staining his cheeks at the mention of his embarrassing alias as he scratched the back of his head, making you laugh. A smile slipped through at the sound of your laughter before nudging you in playful banter. As you were walking towards your house, you noticed that Sugawara's jersey was ripped and torn, making you roll your eyes and snatch the jersey off his shoulder; startling the setter.

"Suga, what the hell do you do to this thing?" You sighed in defeat, examining the worse-for-wear piece of fabric and side-glaring at Sugawara as he chuckled nervously.

"My brother, we wrestled a bit too much." The silver-haired setter weakly admitted, feeling his heart skip a beat at your moody roll-of-the-eyes before you let out a frustrated huff.

"I'll fix it when we get home." You tiredly agreed, feeling your cheeks flush with heat at the excited, childlike sparkle in Sugawara's eyes before deciding to defy the setter and slipping the jersey over your own body. "Ha! I look better in this than you do!"

Sugawara's blush intensified at the sight of you wearing his volleyball jersey before the corner of his lips curled up into a grin and he slowed down his footpace. You didn't notice this as you did a pretty poor impression of Sugawara, and you yelped in surprise when two strong arms coiled around your waist and held you still.

"If only you knew how cute you look in my jersey~." The silver-haired boy cooed in your ear, a shudder running down your spine from his deep voice before you whipped your head to Sugawara, your face burning red.

"S-Suga! We're in public, you idiot!" You shrieked, squirming under his grip and looking around to see if there was anyone around you and thankfully, no one was around. Sugawara stared at you from behind your shoulder, his squinted eyes concentrating on nothing but you as he felt his own cheeks glow red.

"Then in your room~?" Sugawara teased, lifting one of his hands from your waist to tip your face towards him so he could witness your face explode into a dark shade of red. His grin widened when you bashfully nodded before pushing him off you and speed walking to your house.

Sugawara let out a sigh of contentedness, grinning before picking up his speed and chasing after you.

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