chapter iv.

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"(Y/N)~." Sugawara cooed, leaning back against the stall wall as he watched you get dressed, still wondering how your clothes remained intact after he fiercely ripped them off your body. You perked up at the sound of your boyfriend's voice, glancing over at him before covering your eyes when you spotted his delicates hanging out of his trousers.

"Jesus, put it away, Suga." You hissed, shaking your head in disappointment at his childishness and finished putting your clothes on as he tucked himself away. You squeaked when Sugawara threw himself onto you, wrapping his arms around your waist and cuddling you endearingly before laying gentle kisses on the dark purple welt he had left on your neck. "Your jealous is going to be the end of you."

"But you love me~." He professed, grinning at your bashful expression before pulling you away and picking up his bag. Sugawara pressed a quick kiss to your cheek before opening the stall door. "I'll see you at lunch."

"See you, Suga." You said as you parted from him, holding your hand to your chest to calm its rapid beating and letting out a pleased whimper when you heard the door close. Finally gathering yourself, you walked out of the bathroom and tried to swiftly make your way to your next class.

Key word being tried.

"(Y/N)!" Okihara's voice called after you, making you turn your head towards the voice before sweatdropping when you saw the boy running towards you, the other students watching judgementally. "What do you have for class now?"

"Um, math with Mits-" You tried to answer his question before you were rudely cut off the overly-enthusiastic boy.

"Matsuo-sensei! I have him too! Shall we walk together?" Okihara perked up and beamed like a puppy at the mention of the ancient math teacher, his enthusiasm unsettling you a bit. You nervously chuckled before nodding reluctantly to be kind.

"Sure..." You murmured, adjusting your bag on your shoulder before resuming your steps towards the class, the overzealous boy following in hot pursuit.

"Do you want to have lunch after class?" Okihara asked, a pink blush dusting his cheeks as he gazed down at you, completely unaware of how intimidated you were by his daunting height. Internally, you sighed in frustration at his insistence before giving him a kind smile.

"Well, I usually eat with Suga and the guys from the club so you can come-" You offered as the both of you reached your class before Oikhara stopped you with a cough as his blush grew redder by the passing second.

"(Y-Y/N), I mean do you want to have lunch with me? Alone?" The black-haired boy queried shyly, his intentions making you deflate and sigh in disbelief before you turned to the blushing and beaming boy. As you both stood in front of the doorway of your classroom, Sugawara watched from the other side of the hallway with envy boiling rich in his hazel-brown irises as Okihara bashfully and badly flirted with you. Asahi watched with puzzlement before rolling his eyes and pushing the silver-haired boy into class, worry and fright overcoming Sugawara as you were left alone with your suitor.

"Oh, Okihara, I'm flattered but I'm seeing someone." You apologised, patting his shoulder reassuringly before turning your back to him and going to walk into the classroom when a hand grasped your shoulder. You felt an irritated growl rumble in your chest, turning around before you flinched at the sight of Okihara's demented and crazed grin.

"Oh, I know." He sneered, holding up his phone and presenting the picture he had shot of you and Sugawara in the bathroom not even an hour ago, the image causing your heart to sink. Your eyebrows scrunched in fury before you snapped your gaze up towards Okihara, glaring at him and hissing in disgust when he leaned in towards your face.

suga daddy. (haikyuu!! fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now