chapter ix.

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The lock on your front door groaned as you jammed the key into the hole and twisted your hand, the door unlocking before it was slammed open as you were pushed through it roughly. You tried to gasp but failed when Sugawara slammed his lips against yours and shoved his tongue into your mouth, knocking you down as he pushed the door shut with his foot. You moaned joyfully at the feeling of your lover's tongue ravaging your mouth, not minding the dull ache in your back as you hit the ground with Sugawara on top of you.

"Are you sure your parents aren't home?" Sugawara panted, his cheeks set ablaze with desire as his hands crawled their way under your school shirt, drunk on love. You winced at the feeling of his fingers brushing over your sensitive skin before grinning at his concern.

"They're gone until tomorrow." You explained, your heart swelling as the grin slithering onto his face deviously before you were hauled off the ground and whisked off to your room bridal style. You couldn't but giggle like a schoolgirl as he gazed at you. "Not that you would've waited to find out~."

"No, I wouldn't have~." Sugawara cooed, kicking your bedroom door open and throwing you on the bed, smirking wildly when you yelped meekly as he stalked over you. "I probably would have had them watch."

"S-Suga!" You gasped, scowling at his preposterous statement and whacking him over the head, glancing off to the side stubbornly as he cackled. You groaned lightly when you felt his lips find themselves at your neck and down towards your chest as Sugawara pried your shirt open, tearing the buttons off. His tongue met your nipple, making a delicious shudder roll down your spine and forced a moan from your lips as Sugawara rolled his hips into yours, the friction between the two of you mounting. It didn't take long before your trousers were lying on the ground and your lover had your legs resting on his shoulders, laying feather-like kisses all over your thighs.

"I've been waiting for this all day." Sugawara murmured, closing his eyes in bliss and leaning against your leg comfortably while you were squirming as your entire body was exposed to Sugawara. You rolled your eyes at his romantic statement before looking off to the side bashfully, embarrassed by the position you were in.

"W-We already did it once today..." You grunted defiantly, making him chuckle before you squeaked, feeling his finger prodding at your entrance eagerly and intrusively. Sugawara's finger pushed past the tight ring of muscle, your submissive moans fuelling the fire burning inside as his eyes widened in surprise at the slippery, soft texture of your entrance.

"It's so soft..." Sugawara sighed in awe, his hazel irises drifting up from your ass to your face as a sultry grin slithered onto his lips at a realisation. "(Y/N), you didn't...?"

"U-Um! I-I don't see how that's any of your busi- ah!" You protested to his correct assumption before moaning when his fingers curled and pressed into your prostate firmly. As his fingers rammed in and out of your entrance, you mewled and cried out as the tips of his fingers battered your sweet spot but as it came to be, his fingers weren't enough. "P-Please, Suga, I can't wait any longer..."

"Neither can I..." Sugawara panted, pulling his fingers out and revelling in your whimper before unzipping the front of his trouser's and pulling out his cock. After all this time, you still felt envious of his large dick with yours being meagre in size to his and you still felt nervous every time you felt it press against your ass. The setter couldn't help grin at your anxious gaze before tipping your chin up towards him. "Are you going to be good for me?"

"What will happen... if I'm not?" You teased, stepping out of your submissive persona for a split second to urge on his desires and irresistible want for you. Sugawara let out a dark chuckle at your defiance before grasping your jaw and leaning in dangerously close to your lips, smirking at your gasp.

"Then you'll just have to be punished~." Sugawara declared, grunting loudly as his cock penetrated your tender entrance and grated against your abused walls, letting out a strained chuckle at your astonished expression. You let out a croaky moan, your throat burning from the electric sensation his cock was giving you, torching your insides like a wildfire. Not leaving you anytime to adjust, Sugawara growled as he jutted his hips wildly into you as his hands pinned you down by your forearms, wanting to see all of you. Every time the tip of his cock grazed your prostate, your back arched into his chest and your voice made unimaginable noises that no one, not even Sugawara, thought could come out of your mouth.

"F-Fuck, I'm so close already-!" You cried out, your tongue lolling out of your mouth and hanging out erotically as your body jolted and jiggled in time with his ravenous thrusts. Sugawara couldn't take his eyes off you, completely in trance by your simple beauty. He knew in that very moment, balls deep inside of you, you were the one for him.

"I fucking l-love you, (Y/N)..." Sugawara growled, feeling his own orgasm approaching as you tightened and clamped down on his cock like a vice before he slammed his lips against yours, shoving his tongue into your mouth. This was absolutely mind-blowing to him, he felt connected with you in mind, body and soul. His hands moved from your arms to your hands, intertwining your fingers with his as his thrusts became irregular and sloppy, gazing into your glazed over, lustful eyes. Sugawara felt the cold surface of the silver ring on his hands as he grasped onto you for dear life, his stomach tightening which signified the approaching of his orgasm.

His eyes veered away from your face to your hand before he grinned against your lips, his heart bursting with sheer love at the sight of the ring.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


You glanced over at your phone with tired eyes, picking it up from your bedside table and checking the caller ID before grimacing at the sight of Okihara's name. Peeking back at your sleeping boyfriend, you reluctantly answered the call and held the phone up to your ear.

"Hello...?" You groaned irately.

"(Y/N), where the hell did you go?" Okihara barked, taking a huff of his cigarette as he loitered around the streets of Miyagi, his face bruised and bloodied from Sugawara's punch.

"What's it to you?" You growled, smirking evilly when you remembered how badly he was sucker-punched. "How does your face feel, Okihara?"

"Is that any way to speak to someone your boyfriend assaulted?" Okihara whimpered sorrowfully, casting his cigarette to the cobblestone floor and stamping it out, imagining it as Sugawara's face.

"Leave me alone, you creep." You hissed, cringing at his dark chuckle.

"Come on, (Y/N)~." Okihara cooed, scanning the street he was standing in as a sinister smirk slithered onto his lips. "If you keep up like that, then I'm afraid that picture will find itself on the school's page."

You gasped when the phone was snagged from your hand, whipping your head towards the source and squeaking nervously when you spotted Sugawara with an equally pissed off expression.

"Fuck off." He hissed aggressively, hearing Okihara splutter nervously on the other end of the phone before Sugawara slammed his finger down on the 'end call' button. You couldn't help but smile at his possessiveness, not seeming to mind it as much as you did before, as he threw your phone back onto the nightstand and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Thank you for that." You thanked, letting out a sigh of relief.

"My pleasure." Sugawara chuckled, his cheeks burning red at your delighted giggle before he reached for your left hand. You felt your heart skip a beat when his finger intertwined with yours and he lifted your hand up to his lips, laying a kiss on your ring as he gazed at you. "I love you so much."

"You mentioned." You joked as you leant your head against his shoulder, huffing amusedly when his shoulders shook as he laughed. You smiled at his laughter, squeezing his hand comfortingly.

"I love you too."

suga daddy. (haikyuu!! fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now