chapter vii.

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"Koshi, where are you going?" Sugawara's mother asked, looking away from the hotpot she was making to glance at her son as he bounded down the stairs and eagerly slipped his coat on.

"I'm going to meet (Y/N), we're going to get ramen." Sugawara quickly huffed as he swiped his keys off the table and shoved his phone in his pocket.

"Okay, be safe. Oh, and pick up some milk from the convenience store!" She called after him as he opened the door swiftly and stepped out of it.

"Okay!" Sugawara confirmed, slamming the door closed and began walking down the street when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket before pulling it and blushing at the sight of your cute username.

tsuntsun: i'm here

"Shit." He cursed, realising he had to get a move on if he wanted to meet you sooner so his slow pace of walking quickened into a jog before a ray of light caught his eye, halting as he found himself in front of a shop. Sugawara found himself captivated by the items in the front window as a reoccurring idea slithered its way back into his mind. There was something that had been dwelling on his mind for a while, long before Okihara ever came into the picture, but he had always been unsure whether his timing was right. But after your emotional confession, he now knew that perhaps now was the right time.

He bit his lip anxiously before letting out a deep exhale of air, pushing the store door open with his wallet in hand and heart on his sleeve.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Why did he have to meet me at 8 pm when it's 2 degrees..." You grumbled sourly as you shivered, rubbing your arms as you awaited in the freezing train station for your boyfriend, suddenly regretting coming out. Luckily, rush hour was essentially over with the occasional straggler or group of friends as they went to the party part of town so it was unlikely you were going to come across someone. But that didn't take away from the fact it was extremely cold and that you had forgotten your coat, irking you beyond relief. "Suga better get here so-"

"(Y/N)?" A voice called out your name, the familiarity of the voice making your body go cold with dread as all colour drained from your face and you whipped your head around to the source of the voice. And of course, there stood Okihara, wearing casual clothes as he stepped off the train with a few other guys and girls who were obviously not from Karasuno. You mentally slapped yourself in the face before you scanned the train station floor for a possible escape, jumping when you saw him walking towards you. "What are you doing here?"

"Roasting a chicken. What do you think?" You growled, averting your gaze to prevent yourself from hitting Okihara as he laughed at your sarcasm before huffing irately when you felt his hand rest on your shoulder.

"You're so funny, (Y/N)."

"Shouldn't you go catch up with your friends?" You murmured, nodding towards the annoyed group of people waiting for the black-haired boy which caused him to chuckle nervously and wave his friends off.

"They can wait. I'm willing to put everything aside for you." Okihara flirted with a grin as you felt yourself gag at his words. They would've been romantic if they didn't come from his lips. You then noticed him moving in closer, like a predator closing in on its prey before you felt an anxious, cold sweat overcome you. "So what are you doing here?"

"It's none of your business." You grunted, crossing your arms over your chest reluctantly before you noticed his phone in his hand, remembering the incriminating picture he brandished every time he didn't get his way, sighing irritatedly. "I'm waiting for Suga."

"Tch. You're still with him?" Okihara grumbled aggravatedly, his hand clenching into a fist at the mention of your beloved boyfriend, making you glare at him.

"You got a problem with that?" You barked, your arms falling to your side limp as you felt your temper beginning to bubble like lava, finally reaching your wit's end with this lunatic.

"I mean after what he did to you-" Okihara started before yelping when you roughly grasped his collar and brought him down to your level, your height matching your temper.

"Listen, you little shit, you have no right to comment on our relationship." You growled, baring your teeth at the taller male, causing him to flinch at your hostile tone. You let out an infuriated huff before letting go of his collar and crossing your arms over your chest again. "I've known you for one fucking day and you've somehow managed to fuck up my relationship."

"Do you believe in love at first sight, (Y/N)?" He asked innocently, making you snap your glare back at him at his question before hissing in disgust and rolling your eyes.

"You're fucking crazy." You barked, looking around desperately for Sugawara as you felt like you required his presence to protect you from this psychopath.

"Now now, I still have that picture that you don't want getting out." Okihara sneered, waving his phone in your face and chuckling cruelly at your shocked expression. "So I'd suggest being nicer to me."

"You said you deleted it!" You shouted, pushing at his chest and growling when he chuckled as he stumbled back slightly.

"I said I'd give it to you, I never said I'd delete it~." He cooed evilly as he stalked back over to you, making you increasingly more nervous.

"Why are you doing this!?" You shrieked, taking a step back away from the black-haired boy before jumping when he took one step further.

"You see, (Y/N), you're the first guy that's made me feel this way before. And I like how you make me feel." Okihara purred, his maroon eyes shining with a hint of insanity as he lifted his hand to tip your head up towards him, grinning at your face of disgust. You cringed at the feeling of his hot breath hitting your face, knowing you wouldn't be able to do anything if you wanted that private picture to stay private. "And I'll be damned if I'm letting you go-"

Okihara was cut off when a fist slammed into his cheek, his eyes widening before yelling in pain when he hit the floor violently, the sudden movement making you yelp. You heard laboured, furious panting next to you before looking up, feeling your heart squeeze at the sight of your savour. Sugawara's face was twisted with rage as he glared daggers into the boy lying on the ground and groaning loudly, feeling your body stir in a way you've never experienced before.

"S-Suga!" You gasped, taking a step back to take in the glorious sight of Okihara's bloodied nose before turning back to Sugawara. The intensity of his gaze made your knees go weak, the dominance your boyfriend was displaying acting as a pheromone. You then yelped when he grabbed your hand and dragged you away from Okihara as a crowd gathered around him, grinning at his howls of pain. Feeling your feet stop, you looked back over at Sugawara to see him talking to a taxi driver, his destination making you blush.

"Matsushima Park." Sugawara barked, slamming a thousand yen into the driver's hand before opening the back door and ushering you inside. You sat silently in your seat, fidgeting anxiously when your boyfriend slid in the seat next to you.

"Suga-" You tried to reason with him before you squeaked when your chin was grabbed roughly and met Sugawara's fierce gaze.

"Unless you want me to fuck you right now, not another word." He growled into your ear, his hushed tone making your remaining confidence fizzle and your cock twitch before you settled back into your seat silently, rubbing your thighs together. Sugawara grinned at your submissiveness, making sure the driver wasn't looking before pressing a kiss to your ear, revelling in your squeak.

"Good boy~."

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