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"(Y/N)-senpai?" Nishinoya asked, beaming at the sight of you before dropping the volleyball in his hand and sprinting over to you, engulfing you in a hug. "I missed you!"

"It's been a day, you moron." You grunted, pushing the small boy off you and walking over to the bench up against the wall with Nishinoya following behind like an excited puppy. Sugawara panted heavily as he hunched over, lifting up his shirt and wiping the sweat off his forehead with it before your cold voice caught his attention. His eyebrow quirked up in intrigue at the sight of you batting off the shorter male like he was an annoying wasp.

"What are you doing here?" Nishinoya asked as you sat down on the bench, his question making you panic briefly and try to come up with a story.

"Club activities ended early so I came to watch." You lied, setting your back down next to you and pulling out your phone to scroll through Instagram.

"Finally, my chance to impress (Y/N)-senpai!" Nishinoya cheered before sprinting back onto the gym floor, making you chuckle and shake your head.

"Hey, Kageyama, take my place." Sugawara called over to the other setter, beckoning him over to the court before walking over to you and swiping a bottle of water off the bench. You suppressed a joyful grin at the sight of your boyfriend, playing with the ring on your finger, as he walked over while taking a swig from his water bottle. "So why are you actually here?"

"I'm here to see you, of course~." You cooed playfully, scowling when Sugawara shot you an unconvinced look before huffing and leaning your chin against your hand. "I'm avoiding Okihara."

"Has he been following you around?" Sugawara asked as he sat down next to you on the bench, taking another sip of water and watching you sit up and deflate against the gym wall.

"He turned up to my club..." You sighed exasperatedly, remembering the cold dread that washed over your body at the memory of seeing him at your clubroom. "The girls were all over him so that gave me some time to leave."

"Seriously?" Sugawara growled, his aggression making you pat him on the shoulder comfortingly as you watched the boys play a practice game. "I should kick his ass again..."

"Can I watch?" You perked up, the mention of your annoying pursuer being pummeled exciting you in more ways than you thought. Sugawara's eyebrow quirked up before the corner of his lips curled into a grin.

"I knew you had a weird kink like that." The setter snickered, chuckling when your cheeks burnt red at his statement.

"Shut up." You retorted, kicking him in the leg and grinning when he let out a laugh. "It should be fine. He won't find me here-"

"(Y/N)!" A voice yelled out, making you and the rest of the boys in the gym look towards the source before you deflated in defeat at the sight of Okihara. You suddenly felt the air next to you become tense as Sugawara glared at the boy, standing up defensively when he laid eyes on the taller male.

"Spoke too soon..." You groaned, brushing the hair out of your face before straightening up in your seat. "What do you want, Okihara?"

"I've been looking for..." The black-haired boy began as he walked closer before his words faded at the sight of your boyfriend standing over you protectively, grimacing. "Sugawara."

"Okihara," Sugawara grunted, grinning at the sight of the large bandage stuck on the side of his opposer's cheek before placing his hand on your shoulder and leaning against you. "How's the face?"

"Funny." Okihara seethed, averting his gaze back to you when Daichi walked over, his face stiff with authority.

"Is there a problem here?" Daichi asked the black-haired male, glancing over at Sugawara for confirmation if something was wrong. The others that were playing the practice match ceased their playing to look over at the display.

suga daddy. (haikyuu!! fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now