chapter v.

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"Suga...?" You called out gently as you stepped out onto the rough, relieved that there seemed to be no one else around before your hand was grabbed and you were hauled away to a secluded part of the roof.

You yelped loudly when your back hit the wall harshly, smacking the back of your head and causing a sharp ache to flood into the back of your head as you clenched your eyes shut on impact. You opened one of your eyes before jumping at the dominant, savage glare that Sugawara was sending you, his nose bumping yours.

"You stood me up?" He growled, slamming one of his hands against the wall next to your head with a sadistic grin on his face, his possessive demeanour making you weak in the knees. "For him?"

"S-Suga, it's more than that-"

"Are you falling for him?" Sugawara growled, his eyes widening in rage as he made assumptions and pressed his body against yours greedily, making you squeak anxiously. "You've known him for one day and you're already having lunch with him?"

"Don't be an idiot!" You shrieked, trying to push him away weakly before averting your nervous gaze, feeling ashamed as you tried to keep yourself from mentioning the picture. Okihara's words repeating over and over in your mind like a repetitive song.

"It'd be a shame for the picture to turn up on the school message board."

"If you've not fallen for him then," Sugawara murmured in thought, making you glance back at him before jumping and feeling your body flood with regret at his predatory grin. You then felt hands tearing at your shirt violently before squeaking when hands traced over your stomach and chest, your eyes widening in horror before you tried to push him off. "I can do this."

"Suga, stop it! We got caught last tim- ah!" You protested before letting out a surprised moan when Sugawara ripped your shirt open, the buttons somehow staying intact, and latched onto your nipple with his teeth. You pushed at his shoulders with all of your might before your boyfriend gripped your wrists and slammed them against the wall. "Suga! Stop!"

"You're mine. No one else's." Sugawara growled intensely, fiddling with your trouser zipper in an attempt to pull them down as he gnashed and nibbled at your neck, dying your skin purple. Suddenly, pain shot through his body like lightning as you punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground and covering yourself up as you glared at him in horror. Groaning as he sat up, Sugawara wiped his throbbing lip and to his shock, saw blood before his gaze focused back on you, feeling regret swarm him.

"Didn't you hear me say stop, you idiot!?" You shrieked, feeling violated as your boyfriend lay shocked on the ground, massaging his injured cheek.

"(Y-Y/N)-" He began before he heard you give a weak gasp of shock, your eyes glazing over with tears.

"Y-You seriously don't trust me?" You whimpered sorrowfully, tears welling up in the corner of your eyes as you clumsily buttoned your shirt up. Sugawara realised how badly his jealousy had hurt you this time around, the envy demon in him shrinking as he stumbled up off the ground, still dazed from your punch.

"Of course I do, it's just-" The setter tried to calm you, resting his hand comfortingly on your shoulder before he gasped when you shrugged his hand off.

"After two years, you still don't trust me!?" You exclaimed, pushing him back as you felt your heart slowly break in your chest. You always thought this jealous part of him wouldn't go far, only far enough to be cute but now you realise, you were wrong.

"(Y/N), I-I'm sorry-" Sugawara apologised, feeling his own heart crumple at your hostile and hurt attitude.

"Maybe Okihara is better company for me." You spat, picking up your bag and storming towards the door to the roof, glaring at him one last time as you opened the door. "You can walk home alone."

Sugawara pathetically reached out to you as the door slammed closed, growling in regret before slamming his hand against the concrete, rolling onto his back. He covered his eyes in anguish.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hey, (Y/N), you left your phone-" Okihara told you as he walked towards you when he spotted you loitering around the school grounds on his way to class. His words faded however when he spotted the distraught expression on your face, his concern becoming him. "(Y/N)?"

"W-What do you want?" You barked, wiping your eyes clear of tears and sniffling and averting your gaze from the source of all your problems.

"Your phone..." The boy murmured, holding out your phone towards you and flinching when you snatched it from him and shoved it in your pocket. "Are you okay?"

"Go away, Okihara. You've done enough damage." You hissed, going to walk away before Okihara grabbed your wrist, making you growl and snatch your hand away.

"I'm sorry if I caused a rift between you and Suga." He apologised, shielding his excitement, that his plan was being executed perfectly, with a sympathetic, apologetic frown. You snapped at his words and how he ignored the severity of the situation.

"Caused a rift!? You-!" You growled, going to scold Okihara before a sudden sob broke from your throat unexpectedly, making you fall silently when you felt tears streaming down your cheeks. Deciding to just give up on the cold facade, you let out a sigh and wiped away your tears like a child, with the back of your hand. Surprised at your tears, Okihara felt a pang of guilt in his chest before he laid a hand on your head and pulled you towards him, allowing you to rest your head on his chest.

"Hey, it's okay..." Okihara cooed, stroking your hair comfortingly as you sobbed silently into his chest, your shoulders shaking. Oh, how you wished it was Sugawara holding you right now but you thought he needed some time to cool off from his jealous streak.

"H-He just doesn't trust me!" You cried into his school shirt, wiping your snot away as tears streamed down your face. For some reason, you crying into his shirt aroused Okihara beyond belief as he imagined this is what you looked like in bed. Snapping out of his lewd thoughts, the black-haired boy let out a sigh.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have-" He began before he jumped when you pulled your head out of his chest with an unamused expression.

"What? Blackmailed me?" You barked with a touch of sass, making Okihara giggle nervously.

"Heh, sorry about that." He apologised, making you roll your eyes.

"Yeah, sure you are." You grunted, making Okihara laugh before he ruffled your hair and laughed even more at your furious reaction. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Sugawara walking around the yard and obviously trying to look for you before his chocolate irises settled on the both of you. Okihara grinned evilly before wrapping his arm around your shoulder and ushering you to class in the opposite direction.

Move over, Sugawara. There's a new man in town.

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